Tony Schiavone spoke about Cody Rhodes leaving AEW during the latest episode of What Happened When podcast.
Rhodes’ AEW contract expired in December, but he continued to appear on Dynamite as a free agent. Last week, it was announced the two sides couldn’t reach a new agreement. The belief is Rhodes will be returning to WWE.
“Cody Rhodes to me was one of the faces of AEW. Cody was the one who got me in touch with Tony Khan, and that’s why I signed. Of course, I’m very close to the family. We took many bus rides together to Jacksonville. I consider him and Brandi friends. I think we’re a better organization today because of them. I would like to wish them both the best and thank them for what they did for me. They played a major role in what AEW is. But, after you get over the shock of it, you kind of think, ‘You know what? It’s wrestling. It happens.’ This is the first one that’s left our company, but it’s one of our biggest names that left the company, so that’s why it’s the biggest shock. I’m very surprised and I hope he does well.”
H/T to for the transcription