You can check out this week’s edition of AEW Dark below. As a reminder, here’s the card:
Vipress vs. Diamante
Adam Priest and KC Navarro vs. Jurassic Express
Michael Nakazawa vs. Mike Magnum
Sonny Kiss vs. Angelico
Chaos Project vs. Dean Alexander and Justin Law
Max Caster vs. Alex Reynolds
Baron Black and John Skyler vs. Miro and Kip Sabian
The Butcher and The Blade vs. Milk Chocolate
Jazmin Allure vs. Madi Wrenkowski
Jake St. Patrick, Sage Scott, and Chandler Hopskins vs. Team Taz
Evil Uno, Stu Grayson, and Colt Cabana vs. Vary Morales, Bill Collier, and D3
Big Swole, Red Velvet, and Kilynn King vs. Ashley Vox, Delmi Exo, and Vertvixen