WWE NXT Results 5/14/24
The WWE Performance Center
Winter Park, Florida
You can follow me on Twitter @TheHootsPodcast
Commentators: (Vic Joseph & Booker T)Â
Ring Announcer: Mike Rome
Transcription by Josh LopezÂ
– As the show went on the air, we see Noam Dar laid out on the floor receiving medical attention. As Lash Legend arrives, Meta Four starts blaming Trick Williams for the attack. Lash says that Trick didn’t have anything to do with it. Noam had a sly smirk on his face as the bickering was going on.
– We see Kiana James giving Izzi Dame a pep talk in the locker room. She knows that Izzi has star potential written all over her. Kiana will run Raw, now it’s time for Izzi to run NXT. Before Sol Ruca made her entrance, she said that she’s going to ride the wave of momentum coming out of the NXT Women’s Combine and go on to become the first ever WWE NXT Women’s North American Champion.
First Match: Sol Ruca vs. Izzi Dame In A NXT Women’s North American Championship Qualifying MatchÂ
Collar and Elbow Tie Up. Dame applies a side headlock. Ruca whips Dame across the ring. Dame drops Ruca with a shoulder tackle. Dame pie faces Ruca. Ruca drops down on the canvas. Ruca scores the elbow knockdown. Ruca with a waist lock go-behind. Dame transitions into a wrist lock. Dame applies an arm-bar. Ruca with a Wrist Lock Suplex. Dame dodges The Big Boot. Ruca with a Step Up Enzuigiri. Ruca thrust kicks the midsection of Dame. Ruca drops Dame with The SomerSault X-Factor. Ruca blasts Dame with The PK. Ruca with The Triangle MoonSault. Ruca rolls Dame back into the ring. Ruca goes into the lateral press for a two count. Dame reverses out of the irish whip from Ruca. Dame launches Ruca face first into the steel ring steps. Dame drives Ruca back first into the ring apron. Dame launches Ruca over the announce table.
Dame rolls Ruca back into the ring. Dame with a Pendulum BackBreaker for a two count. Dame applies a rear chin lock. Ruca sends Dame across the ring. Dame ducks a clothesline from Ruca. Dame goes for a Bodyslam, but Ruca lands back on her feet. Dame with The Flapjack. Dame with a Running Elbow Drop for a two count. Dame goes back to the rear chin lock. Dame sends Ruca to the corner. Dame goes for a BackBreaker, but Ruca lands back on her feet. Ruca decks Dame with a back elbow smash. Ruca dodges The Big Boot. Ruca with a series of shoulder tackles. Ruca ducks a clothesline from Dame. Ruca with The Fireman’s Carry Toss. Ruca with The Standing MoonSault for a two count. Ruca dives over Dame. Dame goes for a Back Body Drop, but Ruca lands back on her feet. Dame drops Ruca with The Big Boot for a two count. Dame with a Corner Spear. Dame with clubbing shoulder blocks. Ruca connects with The Sol Snatcher out of nowhere to pickup the victory.
Winner: Sol Ruca via PinfallÂ
– We see AVA scolding The D’Angelo Family in her office. She’s not happy with their actions last week during the tag team match where Stacks was showing blatant favoritism. She wants to know where Damon Kemp and Myles Borne are. Tony D says that Stacks just had a bad case of bronchitis. As far as Myles and Damon are concerned, he doesn’t know. He knows that AVA is upset but is she really going to cancel this Heritage Cup Title Match? She was considering it, but it was already advertised. She’s going to fine The Don $20,000. Rizzo gives AVA the money. Tony D knows that AVA is hard, but fair, he just doesn’t want any funny business going on tonight.
– Malik Blade asks Edris Enofe is he’s ready for their match tonight. Edris says that he needs to get his mind right. They need to focus, run circles around OTM, and get this W. Edris knows where Malik is coming from, he’ll be ready to go. Brinley Reece snatches the rabbit’s foot out of Enofe’s hand. The rabbit foot was to symbolize Edris on-going perspective that their tag team is cursed.
– Sarah Schreiber had a backstage interview with Shayna Baszler and Lola Vice. Shayna was not surprised by her victory over Karmen Petrovic, after all, she held the NXT Women’s Title for the most combine days in history. She stood around to watch the Roxanne Perez/Chelsea Green match, and she’s curious to see who Roxanne’s opponent will be at NXT Battleground. Lola says that she needs to get revenge on Roxanne for what happened at Vengeance Day. When she becomes the NXT Women’s Champion, she’s going to break every record in the book. Shayna and Lola get into a massive brawl with Natalya and Karmen Petrovic.
Second Match: Edris Enofe & Malik Blade w/Brinley Reece vs. OTM w/Jaida ParkerÂ
Malik Blade and Bronco Nima will start things off. Collar and Elbow Tie Up. Nima backs Blade into the ropes. Blade ducks a clothesline from Nima. Blade grabs the left leg of Nima. Nima with a knee lift. Blade kicks Nima in the face. Nima answers with a gut punch. Nima decks Blade with a back elbow smash. Nima sends Blade to the corner. Nima catches Blade in mid-air. Nima goes for a Bodyslam, but Blade lands back on his feet. Enofe tags himself in. Blade ducks a clothesline from Nima. Drop Toe Hold/Twisting FaceBuster Combination. Enofe hammers down on the back of Nima’s neck. Enofe poses for the crowd. Enofe with three elbow drops for a one count. Enofe applies a front face lock. Nima drives Enofe back first into the turnbuckles. Price tags himself in. Nima whips Enofe across the ring. Kitchen Sink/Running Foot Stomp Combination for a two count. Price launches Enofe to the corner. Enofe ducks a clothesline from Price. Enofe slaps Price in the chest. Price with windmill sledges in the corner. Price tags in Nima.
OTM goes for a Double Vertical Suplex, but Blade gets in the way. A pier six brawl ensues in the center of the ring. Dosey Do Routine. Blade and Enofe with Stereo Forearm Smashes. Stereo Corner Mounts. Stereo Hurricanrana’s that makes OTM have a meeting of the minds. Blade and Enofe dropkicks OTM to the floor. Stereo SomerSault Planchas. Enofe rolls Nima back into the ring. Nima reverses out of the irish whip from Enofe. Parker trips Enofe from the outside. Nima drops Enofe with The Discus Back Elbow. Reece tees off on Parker. All hell is breaking loose in Winter Park. OTM has complete control of the match during the commercial break. Nima dumps Enofe face first on the canvas. Parker and Reece are still brawling all over the ringside area.
The referees are trying to separate both women. Enofe with heavy bodyshots. Nima drives his knee into the midsection of Enofe. Nima tags in Price. Nima rocks Enofe with a forearm smash. Double Running Forearm for a two count. Enofe is displaying his fighting spirit. Price punches Enofe in the ribs. Price whips Enofe across the ring. Price with a Big Side Slam. Price with a corner clothesline. Price applies a rear chin lock. Enofe with a series of back elbow smashes. Prince drives Enofe back first into the turnbuckles. Nima tags himself in. OTM continues to cut the ring in half. Nima with repeated back elbow smashes in the corner. Nima tags in Price. Nima whips Enofe across the ring. Enofe holds onto the ropes. Enofe kicks Nima in the face. Enofe rolls under a clothesline from Price. Enofe tags in Blade. Blade with a chop/forearm combination. Blade drops Price with The Standing BlockBuster. Blade follows that with a Flying Crossbody Block. Blade tags in Enofe. Nima with a Running Boot that sends Blade tumbling to the floor. Price fights out of the fireman’s carry position. Enofe dropkicks Price to the floor. Enofe forgot that his left boot is falling off. Price SuperKicks Enofe. Price tags in Nima. OTM connects with The Assisted SpineBuster to pickup the victory.
Winner: OTM via PinfallÂ
– Noam Dar is obviously not medically cleared tonight, so Oro Mensah will be taking his place in the match against Je’Von Evans. Jakara asks Lash why she’s so certain that Trick didn’t attack Noam backstage. Lash says that she doesn’t have time for this because her match is next.
– Nathan Frazer and Axiom are enlightened to see that Ridge Holland is in good spirits. Ridge says that Chase U has been there for him, and they’re really good guys all around. Axiom says that if Chase U comes after their tag team titles, friendship goes out the window. The Good Brothers joins the conversation. Karl Anderson says that Frazer and Axiom continue to duck them. Luke Gallows describes Ridge as a loner with an anger problem, a main roster talent that needs to leave NXT. Ridge reminds The Good Brothers that he got his start in NXT unlike the two of them, so they should take their crusade somewhere else. Picking a fight with The OC, now, that’s the anger talking for Ridge. Gallows tells Ridge to find a tag team partner and they’ll kick him out of NXT, tonight. There’s only one problem with that, Anderson says that Ridge has no friends.
Third Match: Lash Legend w/Jakara Jackson vs. Ivy Nile In A NXT Women’s North American Championship Qualifying MatchÂ
Legend starts things off with a Running Uppercut for a one count. Legend talks smack to Nile. Legend with two shoulder tackles. Legend maintains wrist control. Legend drives Nile shoulder first into the middle turnbuckle pad. Legend applies a hammer lock. Legend dumps Nile shoulder first on the ring apron. Legend bodyslams Nile on the floor. Nile sends Legend crashing into the steel ring steps. Nile with a flying forearm smash off the apron. Nile rolls Legend back into the ring. Nile gets distracted by Jackson. Nile ascends to the top turnbuckle. Nile with a Flying Crossbody Block. Legend blocks a boot from Nile. Legend dodges The Windmill Kick.
Nile with The Roundhouse Kick. Nile with a Tilt-A-Whirl Headscissors Takeover. Nile follows that with a Running Side Kick. Legend dumps Nile shoulder first on the top turnbuckle pad. Legend levels Nile with The Body Avalanche. Legend transitions into a corner mount. Nile drives Legend face first into the top turnbuckle pad. Nile with a Step Up Enzuigiri. Nile with forearm shivers. Legend goes for The Avalanche Chokeslam, but Nile counters with The Avalanche Bulldog for a two count. Legend sends Nile across the ring. Legend goes for The Tilt-A-Whirl BackBreaker, but Nile lands back on her feet. Nile applies The Dragon Sleeper. Jackson trips Nile from the outside. Nile kicks Jackson in the chest. Legend dumps Nile face first on the canvas. Legend connects with The Pump Kick to pickup the victory.
Winner: Lash Legend via PinfallÂ
– Je’Von Evans tells Sarah Schrieber that he didn’t attack Noam Dar, and that’s something Trick Williams wouldn’t do, either. He doesn’t know who attacked Noam Dar, but what he does know is that he’s going to fight Oro Mensah tonight, and it’s about to get really wicked and really bouncy.
– We see AVA having a conversation with Carlee Bright. Carlee just missed the cut in NXT Women’s Combine. She would’ve made the top 12 if she had a quicker time in the sled pull competition. She placed 13th. AVA says that Carlee deserves an opportunity, so she’ll have a match with Lola Vice later on tonight. AVA doesn’t notice that Tatum Paxley is in her office.
Fourth Match: Oro Mensah w/Meta Four vs. Je’Von EvansÂ
Mensah attacks Evans before the bell rings. Mensah with clubbing blows to Evan’s back. Evans is throwing haymakers at Mensah. Short-Arm Reversal by Mensah. Evans blocks The Pump Kick. Evans avoids The Rolling Capo Kick. Evans with a basement dropkick. Evans ducks a clothesline from Mensah. Mensah hammers down on the back of Evan’s neck. Mensah rams Evans face across the top strand. Mensah with The SpringBoard MoonSault Press for a two count. Mensah tugs on Evan’s hair. Mensah goes for a Vertical Suplex, but Evans lands back on his feet. Evans side steps Mensah into the turnbuckles. Evans showcases his speed and agility. Evans with a Hurricanrana. Evans dropkicks Mensah for a two count. Mensah blocks The Slingshot Hurricanrana. Mensah throws Evans out of the ring. Mensah kicks Evans in the face. Mensah punches Evans in the back. Mensah rolls Evans back into the ring. Mensah with The Exploder Suplex. Mensah poses for the crowd. Mensah with a knee drop. Mensah with a knife edge chop. Mensah with a Snap Vertical Suplex for a two count.
Mensah applies a rear chin lock. Evans with heavy bodyshots. Mensah drives his knee into the midsection of Evans. Mensah goes for an european uppercut, but Evans counters with the backslide cover for a two count. Evans ducks a clothesline from Mensah. Mensah kicks Evans off the ropes. Mensah applies a hammerlock. Mensah drops Evans with The Ripcord Rolling Capo Kick for a two count. Mensah drives Evans face first into the middle rope. Mensah sends Evans to the corner. Evans decks Mensah with a back elbow smash. Evans launches Mensah over the top rope. Mensah slams Evans head on the top rope. Mensah is choking Evans with his boot. Mensah with The Springboard Sidekick for a two count. Mensah tees off on Evans. Evans attacks the midsection of Mensah. Evans with a chop/forearm combination. Mensah kicks the left knee of Evans. Mensah with a blistering chop. Evans runs around Mensah. Mensah with another Rolling Capo Kick.
Mensah with The Reverse PowerBomb for a two count. Mensah continues to target the back of Evans. Evans clotheslines Mensah from the ring apron. Mensah has Evans perched on the top turnbuckle. Mensah and Evans are trading back and forth shots. Evans with The Apron Enzuigiri. Evans with The Springboard Clothesline. Forearm Exchange. Chop Exchange. Evans with The Superman Forearm. Evans dodges The Rolling Elbow. Mensah with a back elbow smash. Evans avoids The Quebrada. Evans hits The Springboard Cutter. Mensah wisely heads to the outside. Evans lands The Stage Dive. Evans rolls Mensah back into the ring. Mensah drops Evans with a Falling Lariat. The referee gets distracted by Jakara Jackson. Lash Legend grabs a steel chair from under the ring. Trick Williams tells Lash to put the chair down. Mensah transitions into a ground and pound attack. Mensah with The Rolling Elbow. Mensah goes for a PowerBomb, but Evans lands back on his feet. Evans with The Spinning Heel Kick. Mensah responds with The Superman Punch. Mensah blocks a boot from Evans. Evans SuperKicks Mensah. Evans connects with Hold It In The Road to pickup the victory. After the match, Evans celebrates with Trick Williams.
Winner: Je’Von Evans via PinfallÂ
– Kelly Kincaid had a backstage interview with Charlie Dempsey. What will be his strategy now that the catch clause is out the window? Charlie says that he’s been in contact with Damon and Myles, they’ll be on their way to the arena despite being in really rough shape. Charlie can cry about it or just fight. Charlie says that he’s never cried a day in his life. This Cup will remain with The No Quarter Catch Crew, and he will beat Tony D’Angelo within an inch of his life for everything he did to Damon and Myles.
– Chase U tells Ridge Holland that he doesn’t need to take this fight alone. Ridge is very appreciative of the support and is glad that Andre Chase will be his tag team partner. Chase says that Ridge should give Riley Osborne a shot against The Good Brother. Ridge is fine with that because he wants to earn Riley’s respect. Thea Hail says that this is a teachable moment. Riley tells Ridge that he’ll see him out there.
– Jazmyn Nyx wants the entire locker room to sign a get well soon card for Jacy Jayne after Thea Hail broke her nose at Spring Breakin’. Lexis King was the only one to sign the card.
Wes Lee, Oba Femi, Ivar, Josh Briggs SegmentÂ
Wes Lee:Â Look, the last time I was in this ring, with a mic, things were a bit different to say the least, yeah? Now, I was in one of the darkest times of my life. And I honestly didn’t know if I would ever come back. Everybody knows how much I love NXT. But you all especially know how much that NXT North American Championship means to me, right? Now, when I lost it, it’s like it sent off a chain reaction of events that maybe we really question whether or not my career was over, completely. But this, all of this, I missed this. Look, I miss this so much that, two days after my major surgery, I was up and walking again. And a few weeks after that, I was back in the gym busting my ass. And yes, I struggled. Yes, it was hard, but I was focus on one goal, to get back here. I was supposed to miss nearly a year, but I fought, and in six months, I am standing back here in this ring, feeling this amazing energy. I honestly don’t know what to say.
Oba Femi:Â Wes, Wes, I’m not out here to cut you down. I’m rather impressed. I’m very, very impressed with you, and I’ve always been. The heights you took this title during your historic championship reign is nothing short of an accomplishment. But you’ve taken it as far as you can, now you get to sit back and watch me take this title to heights that you were never capable of. I will say that the trials and tribulations that you’ve overcome, they prove to show that you have a heart of a lion, the spirit of a warrior, but I am an actual warrior. I’m the ruler, the destroyer, the bringer of war. I am the mountain that you can’t climb, and you cannot conquer. Well, I’m guessing that you want a title opportunity, right?
Wes Lee: After everything that I just said, you’re damn right.
Oba Femi: Then do what you do best. Prove that you deserve an opportunity for this title, that was once yours.
Wes Lee: Oba, it’s clear to see that you check every single box of what a champion is supposed to look like. You have the size, you have the speed, you have the brute strength matched by your freakish athleticism. Now, I may not check just as much boxes as you do, but I can tell you that, when that title was in my hands. Come on.
Ivar:Â Wes Lee. Wes, everyone is excited to have you back, including me. Because I know exactly what it’s likes to come back from a career ending injury. I went through all of the same things you did. In fact, we have the same spinal surgeon. But Wes, when I came back, I had to fight for everything that I got, and I know that you’re not afraid to fight for everything you get, too. So, you want a shot at Oba? I want a shot at Oba.
Josh Briggs: Well, boys, it looks like we’re in a little bit of a pickle. You guys are all just so emotional. Wes, with your comeback story of the year. Ivar, showing the whole world who you are behind the paint and the Viking calls. But, boys, this is a man’s game, so let me throw some facts out to you. Stand & Deliver, the biggest event in NXT’s history, and Oba, you and I tore the damn house down. We stole the show. But we both know how close I was to taking that title, with broken ribs. Well, my ribs are healed, and I think we need to run that back, dog. And once I’m champion, Wes, Ivar, I’ll throw you guys a bone, I promise.
Oba Femi: See, all of you have compelling arguments.
Wes Lee: Well, Oba, if you’re the ruler that you say you are, why don’t you make this a Fatal Four Way?
Josh Briggs: That’s a good idea.
Oba Femi: Hey, that’s why I’m the champion, and you are not. Fight amongst yourselves. The winner gets an opportunity against me.
Fifth Match: The Good Brothers vs. Ridge Holland & Riley Osborne w/Chase UniversityÂ
Luke Gallows and Ridge Holland will start things off. Collar and Elbow Tie Up. Holland applies a side headlock. Gallows whips Holland across the ring. Holland runs into Gallows. Shoulder Block Exchange. Gallows with a big right hand. Holland fights out of the fireman’s carry position. Holland with a running shoulder block. Gallows hammers down on the back of Holland’s neck. Gallows drives his knee into the midsection of Holland. Gallows whips Holland across the ring. Holland ducks a clothesline from Gallows. Holland drops Gallows with a leaping shoulder tackle. Holland applies an arm-bar. Holland tags in Osborne. Osborne with a Flying Double Foot Stomp. Wrist Lock Exchange. Gallows tags in Anderson. Anderson kicks the left shoulder of Osborne. Anderson works on the left shoulder of Osborne. Osborne backs Anderson into the turnbuckles. Anderson reverses out of the irish whip from Osborne. Osborne dives over Anderson. Osborne slips over Anderson’s back. Osborne dropkicks Anderson. Osborne dropkicks Gallows off the ring apron. Osborne with The Standing Shooting Star Press for a two count. Osborne applies a front face lock. Anderson drops Osborne with The SpineBuster for a two count.
Anderson transitions into a ground and pound attack. Anderson tags in Gallows. Gallows kicks Osborne in the gut. Gallows is throwing haymakers at Osborne. Gallows stomps on Osborne’s chest. Gallows bodyslams Osborne. Gallows hammers down on Osborne’s chest. Gallows applies a rear chin lock. Gallows pulls Osborne down to the mat. Gallows tags in Anderson. Anderson repeatedly whips Osborne back first into the turnbuckles. Anderson slams Osborne’s head on the top turnbuckle pad. Anderson tags in Gallows. Gallows uppercuts Osborne. Gallows tags in Anderson. Double Irish Whip. Osborne with a Corkscrew Senton Splash. Osborne tags in Holland. Holland with a running shoulder tackle. Holland takes a swipe at Gallows. Holland delivers The Pounce. Holland HeadButts Anderson. Holland with The Double Overhook Suplex. Holland hits The Northern Grit for a two count. Gallows punches Osborne. Gallows sends Osborne to the apron. Osborne buries his shoulder into the midsection of Gallows. Gallows uppercuts Osborne in mid-air. Holland with two corner clotheslines. Holland goes for The Alabama Slam, but Osborne counters with The Springboard Missile Dropkick that was originally intended for Gallows. Anderson rolls Holland over to pickup the victory.
Winner: The Good Brothers via PinfallÂ
Sixth Match: Lola Vice w/Shayna Baszler vs. Carlee BrightÂ
Vice kicks the left hamstring of Bright. Vice starts shaking her hips. Vice with a single leg takedown. Vice goes for a single leg crab, but Bright rolls her over for a two count. Bright with The Rolling Crucifix for a one count. Bright with The La Magistral for a one count. Bright applies a side headlock. Vice whips Bright across the ring. Bright blocks The Hip Toss. Bright punches Vice in the ribs. Bright showcases her athleticism. Bright ducks a clothesline from Vice. Bright with a Running Crossbody Block for a two count. Bright drops Vice with a shoulder tackle. Vice launches Bright over the top rope. Bright rocks Vice with a forearm smash. Vice kicks Bright in the ribs.
Vice with The Axe Kick. Vice with two uppercuts. Bright with the backslide cover for a two count. Vice delivers a gut punch. Vice talks smack to Bright. Vice with Muay Thai Knee Strikes. Vice poses for the crowd. Vice steps on Bright’s ribs. Vice continues to be very braggadocious during this match. Bright with a quick rollup for a two count. Bright ducks a clothesline from Vice. Bright dodges The Pump Kick. Bright with two diving clotheslines. Bright dropkicks Vice. Bright with a Cartwheel Mule Kick. Bright with The Standing MoonSault for a two count. Vice SuperKicks Bright in mid-air. Vice connects with The Spinning Back Fist to pickup the victory. After the match, Vice and Baszler gets into another brawl with Natalya and Karmen Petrovic. Petrovic wants this to be over and challenges Vice and Baszler to a tag team match for next week.
Winner: Lola Vice via SubmissionÂ
– Ridge Holland knows that Riley Osborne made a mistake. That accidental dropkick was not intentional. Ridge just wants to earn Riley’s respect. Thea gives Ridge a big hug. Riley shakes hands with Ridge.
– Next week on NXT, Fallon Henley will battle Thea Hail. Jaida Parker collides with Brinley Reece. Plus, Wes Lee faces Ivar and Josh Briggs, the winner faces Oba Femi for the WWE NXT North American Championship at NXT Battleground.
Seventh Match: Charlie Dempsey (c) w/The No Quarter Catch Crew vs. Tony D’Angelo w/The Family For The WWE NXT Heritage Cup Championship
Collar and Elbow Tie Up. Angelo brings Dempsey down to the mat. Angelo goes into the lateral press for a one count. Strong lockup. Dempsey applies an arm-bar. Angelo scores the ankle pick. Angelo blocks the double leg takedown. Angelo rolls Dempsey over for a two count. Dempsey is starting to get flustered. Angelo with a double leg takedown. Angelo with a waist lock go-behind. Dempsey puts his foot on the bottom rope which forces the break. Back to the collar and elbow tie up. Angelo applies a side headlock. Dempsey transitions into the cravate. Angelo with heavy bodyshots. Angelo whips Dempsey across the ring. Angelo with a Hip Toss for a one count. Dempsey reapplies the cravate. Angelo sends Dempsey across the ring. Dempsey runs into Angelo. Dempsey drops Angelo with a shoulder tackle. Angelo drops down on the canvas. Angelo leapfrogs over Dempsey. Counter Fest. Angelo scores the first pinfall of this match with a Victory Roll out of nowhere. Angelo is up 1-0.
Collar and Elbow Tie Up. Dempsey with a single leg takedown. Dempsey goes into the full mount. Test Of Strength. Dempsey with The Monkey Flip. Dempsey applies a straight jacket hold. Angelo reverses the hold. Angelo launches Dempsey over the top rope. Dempsey buries his shoulder into the midsection of Angelo. Angelo with a downward punch. Angelo repeatedly whips Dempsey back first into the turnbuckles. Angelo talks smack to Dempsey. Dempsey headbutts the midsection of Angelo. Uppercut/Haymaker Exchange. Angelo with a Pump Kick. Dempsey with The Kitchen Sink. Dempsey turns a Butterfly Suplex into The Cross-Arm-Breaker. Angelo was saved by the bell.
Angelo with a fireman’s carry pickup. Dempsey applies a double wrist lock. Dempsey sends Angelo shoulder first into the top turnbuckle pad. Dempsey repeatedly uppercuts the left shoulder of Angelo. Angelo is throwing haymakers at Dempsey. Angelo with a double leg takedown. Dempsey reapplies The Cross-Arm-Breaker. Dempsey transitions into The Triangle Choke. Angelo goes for a PowerBomb, but Dempsey counters with The Fujiwara Arm-Bar. Angelo rolls Dempsey over for a two count. Dempsey hammers down on the left shoulder of Angelo. Rollup Exchange. Angelo with two fireman’s carry takeovers. Dempsey drives Angelo shoulder first into the steel ring post. Dempsey ties things up with The Bridging German Suplex.
Dempsey starts things off with a Running Uppercut. Dempsey unloads a flurry of strikes. Dempsey with The Swinging Arm-Ringer. Dempsey stomps on Angelo’s chest for a two count. Dempsey with hammer elbows. Dempsey works on his joint manipulation game. Dempsey stomps on the left elbow of Angelo. Dempsey uppercuts Angelo. Dempsey is putting the boots to Angelo. Angelo fires back with a barrage of haymakers. Dempsey with a throat thrust. Dempsey with a unique takedown. Dempsey applies the short-arm scissors. Angelo with a desperation rollup for a two count. Dempsey applies The Triangle Choke. Angelo with The Deadlift PowerBomb. Angelo clotheslines Dempsey. Angelo with two haymakers. Angelo with Two Side Belly to Belly Suplex’s. Angelo is fired up. Dempsey with heavy bodyshots. Angelo whips Dempsey across the ring. Angelo hits The SpineBuster as time expires.
Angelo with a flying forearm smash for a two count. Angelo with a Release German Suplex for a one count. The No Quarter Catch Crew gets into a massive brawl with The Family on the outside. All hell is breaking loose. Angelo punches Dempsey. Angelo sends Myles Borne crashing to the outside. Dempsey with The European Clutch for a two count. Dempsey with a knee lift. Angelo denies The Butterfly Suplex. Angelo connects with The Forget About It to pickup the victory. After the match, we see Gallus demolishing Wes Lee, Ivar and Josh Briggs as the show goes off the air.
Winner: New WWE NXT Heritage Cup Champion, Tony D’Angelo (2-1) via PinfallÂ
Checkout Episode 412 of The Hoots Podcast