WWE Raw Results 1/27/25
State Farm Arena
Atlanta, Georgia
You can follow me on Twitter @TheHootsPodcast
Commentators: (Michael Cole & Pat McAfee)
Ring Announcer: Alicia Taylor
Transcription by Josh Lopez
Seth Rollins, GUNTHER, Logan Paul SegmentÂ
Seth Rollins:Â Atlanta, Georgia. Welcome to Monday Night Rollins. I am your host for this evening. I am a visionary. I am a revolutionary. I am Seth Freakin’ Rollins. Woah, they call it Hot-Lanta for a reason. It’s cooking in here, tonight. This is my favorite time of the year, because it’s almost WrestleMania season. That kicks off, this Saturday, when I win the Royal Rumble. I got to be honest with you, though, Atlanta. 2025, got off to a real bad start for me. Let me take you back to the debut, Raw on Netflix, I’m laying right here in this ring, against these ropes, suffering the most embarrassing lost of my career. I got a black eye the size of Georgia. I got blood coming out of my head. And in that moment, I thought to myself, who are you? Yeah, he was sitting right over there. He didn’t look that much better than I did. And I thought to myself, who am I? Who do I want to be? I’ll tell you who I am. I’m Seth Freakin’ Rollins. I don’t stay down for nothing. I stand up, and when I know who I am, when I’m the most focused version of myself, there is nobody on this planet better than me. And I decided to start my path to redemption. It started, last week when I beat Drew McIntyre, it continues this Saturday at the Rumble, when I toss everybody else out.
The most star-studded Rumble of all-time, and I don’t give a damn, I’m tossing them all out. John Cena, tossing him out. Jey Uso, tossing him out. Drew McIntyre, tossing him out. Sami Zayn, tossing him out. Roman Reigns, I’m especially tossing Roman Reigns out. And in my hopes, my dreams, the way I see it, CM Punk is the last dude in this ring with me, so I could toss him out, over the top rope, and crush his main event WrestleMania dreams to dust. I’m a man on a mission. The real question is, after I win the Rumble, which championship am I going after? I’ll tell you, The Ring General GUNTHER, the World Heavyweight Championship, that sounds good. GUNTHER, one of the best to do it in the ring, but you know, we all know, he’s just holding it until I decided to go after it, again. And that’s the obvious one. But then there’s the WWE Championship. There’s “The American Nightmare” Cody Rhodes. I’ve been thinking, and I’ve been wondering, wouldn’t it be poetic if I took the same title off of Cody at WrestleMania this year, that I helped him win last year. Decisions, decisions. Atlanta, it’s tough. I say, let’s put it to you, alright? When I win the Royal Rumble, should I pick The American Nightmare Cody Rhodes or should I face GUNTHER? How’s she doing? Are you keeping her warm for me?
GUNTHER:Â Seth, if you really think that I’m just keeping this warm for you, then I have a question for you. Where have you been the last couple of months? Well, I know where I’ve been. Last Saturday, I was in San Antonio, Texas, defending the World Heavyweight Championship against the clown, Jey Uso. Don’t get too excited, because I beat his ass. But, Seth, I know exactly where you’ve been. Whining, crying, complaining about the soap opera drama that you’ve been involved in. You have forgotten what really matters in this company. So, if I were you, I would cancel out all of that noise, and focus on winning the Royal Rumble, even though I’m unsure if you still got it in you.
Seth Rollins: Oh, Gunther, Gunther, Gunther. You see this title, right here, that title that you’re wearing around your waist, that World Heavyweight Championship, that wouldn’t exist without me. And that title, that’s not synonymous with The Ring General, Gunther, no, the World Heavyweight Championship is the title that I made, it’s synonymous with Seth Freakin’ Rollins. And all due respect to the people that you’ve beat, I’m not Jey Uso, I’m not Damian Priest, I’m not Finn Balor.
GUNTHER: I agree. Seth, I know who you are. You’re Seth Freakin’ Rollins. You are one of the best wrestlers that ever step foot into this company. You’ve achieved all the accolades. You created so many memorable moments for those fans. But let me tell you this, it’s 2025, and you’re not the best wrestler in this company anymore. I am, and this around my waist proves it. You know what, Seth? Please, go and win the Royal Rumble, and please challenge me, and please square off me at WrestleMania, and I’m going to make you feel just how everybody else feels when they’ve been in the ring with me. You will be lying on your back, looking up at the lights, and you’re going to realize, the only name synonymous with the World Heavyweight Championship is mine, The Ring General, Gunther.
Logan Paul:Â Well, well, well. Look what we got here. You two, you think you’re special. You guys think they’re unique. Yes, both of you command attention like this, because you’re great at wrestling. Sick, I command attention because I’m great at everything. Ladies and gentlemen, this is the Netflix Era, and this company needs a new face. A face oozing with charisma, a face oozing with confidence. These two nimrods don’t got it. Hey, let’s be honest, you’re both great at wrestling, we all know it, but both of you have hit your ceiling. Meanwhile, I’m on the first floor, and I’m still climbing the stairs. Atlanta, I can’t hear you, what was that? Take notes, boys, that’s attention. So, if there’s anything that you two need to be worried about, it’s the guy who created a WWE career faster than you both. This Saturday, your boy is entering the Royal Rumble. And I don’t have to worry about throwing 29 other guys over the top rope, that’s grunt work, that’s for twiddle dee and twiddle dumb, over there. I got to work smarter not harder, as I always do. Hey, Atlanta, if you’re capable of doing math, that just means I got to be the last one in there. And when I am, and when I win the Royal Rumble, I’m going to main event WrestleMania, and that means I can choose anyone. I can choose Cody Rhodes. Or I can choose you, Gunther.
GUNTHER:Â You know what, Seth? I change my mind. I want you to win the Royal Rumble, so I can go to WrestleMania, and embarrass you, when I slap that stupid smirk out of your face.
Seth Rollins: Gunther, I’m with you on that one, except there’s only one problem. The only person that’s going to be embarrassed is you, if I decide to take back my title.
– Cathy Kelley had backstage interview with CM Punk. He’s no stranger when it comes to the Royal Rumble, but with this year’s field being so stacked, and Logan Paul just declaring for the match, how will he fare in the Royal Rumble? Punk says that Logan will fare just as much as anyone else will in the Rumble not named CM Punk. Punk would even throw Cathy over the top rope. He’s planning to win the Royal Rumble and main event WrestleMania. Sami Zayn joins the conversation. Sami didn’t forget about what Punk said last week. He’s right, they’re not on the same level, because one is a WrestleMania eventer, and the other is not. Sami tells Punk that he’ll see him at the Rumble. Sami runs into Karrion Kross. Kross says that Sami doesn’t need to worry about his reputation. Sami tells Kross to stop his mind games, he doesn’t have time for it. Kross reminds Sami that this year is his best opportunity to win the Royal Rumble. Don’t forget about what Kevin Owens said. Start thinking with your head, and not with your heart. The world of opportunity is right in front of him. Cody Rhodes appears right as Kross was walking away. Sami nervously says that it’s good to see Cody, pats him on the chest, and walks away before Cody could say anything.
– A-Town Down Under, The Creed Brothers, Killer Mike, Lil Yachty, 2 Chainz, Lil Baby, and Quavo are in the house.
First Match: The War Raiders (c) vs. The Judgment Day For The World Tag Team ChampionshipÂ
Judgment Day attacks War Raiders before the bell rings. Judgment Day dumps Ivar out of the ring. Double Irish Whip. Double Drop Toe Hold. McDonagh with a Running Leg Drop. Mysterio lands The Suicide Dive. McDonagh tags in Mysterio. Erik with a flurry of haymakers. McDonagh decks Erik with a SitOut JawBreaker. Mysterio with a Running NeckBreaker. McDonagh wipes out Ivar with The Quebrada. Mysterio drives Erik shoulder first into the steel ring post. Mysterio rolls Erik over for a two count. Mysterio stomps on Erik’s chest. Mysterio with clubbing blows to Erik’s chest. Mysterio with a forearm smash Mysterio tags in McDonagh. McDonagh repeatedly stomps on Erik’s chest. McDonagh with a Rising Knee Strike. Erik with an overhand chop. McDonagh slaps Erik in the face. McDonagh backs Erik into the turnbuckles. Mysterio tags himself in. Mysterio with clubbing shoulder blocks. Mysterio rams Erik’s face across the top strand. Mysterio sends Erik to the corner. Erik dives over Mysterio. Ivar and McDonagh are tagged in.
Ivar with a Back Body Drop. Ivar with a Spinning Sidewalk Slam to Mysterio. Ivar follows that with a Running Crossbody Splash. Ivar sends McDonagh to the corner. McDonagh dives over Ivar. Ivar with a Leaping Seated Senton. McDonagh heads to the outside. McDonagh dumps Ivar into the timekeeper’s area. Erik catches Mysterio in mid-air. Erik PowerBombs Mysterio into McDonagh. Ivar with a Cannonball Senton off the ringside barricade. Judgment Day regains control of the match during the commercial break. Following a snap mare takeover, McDonagh tags in Mysterio. Mysterio with The Slingshot Senton for a two count. Mysterio tags in McDonagh. Double Irish Whip. Ivar runs through the double clothesline. Ivar with a Handspring Double Back Elbow Smash. Erik and Mysterio are tagged in. Erik ducks a clothesline from Mysterio. Erik with The Northern Lights Suplex. Erik rocks Mysterio with a forearm smash. Erik dumps Mysterio back first into the canvas. Erik with a Full Nelson/GTS Combination. Erik drives his knee into the midsection of Mysterio.
Mysterio blocks The PowerBomb. Mysterio ducks a clothesline from Erik. Erik with The Uranage Slam. Erik drops Mysterio with a Running Knee Strike for a two count. Erik dumps McDonagh out of the ring. Erik tags in Ivar. War Raiders goes for The Pop Up Powerslam, but Mysterio lands back on his feet. Mysterio tags in McDonagh. Stereo Knee Lifts. Simultaneous tags to Ivar. War Raiders goes for The War Machine, but McDonagh ducks out of the way. McDonagh HeadButts Erik. Ivar kicks McDonagh in the face. Ivar ascends to the top turnbuckle. McDonagh with a Step Up Enzuigiri. McDonagh hits The Devil Inside for a two count. McDonagh tags in Mysterio. Ivar avoids The Frog Splash. Ivar with The Spinning Heel Kick. Carlito pulls Erik off the apron. Carlito spits the apple at Ivar. Mysterio dropkicks Ivar into the middle rope. Mysterio delivers The 619. Mysterio tags in McDonagh. McDonagh with The MoonSault. McDonagh tags in Mysterio. Mysterio connects with The Frog Splash for a two count. Erik sends McDonagh crashing to the outside. Ivar blasts Carlito off the apron. Mysterio dropkicks Ivar into the middle rope. Erik made the blind tag. Ivar ducks a clothesline from Mysterio. Ivar plants Mysterio with The War Machine to pickup the victory.
Winner: Still World Tag Team Champions, The War Raiders via PinfallÂ
– Ludwig Kaiser tries to curry favor with Pete Dunne. Somebody should show PENTA how things are run here. The New Day agrees with Kaiser. Kaiser and Dunne completely ignore New Day and walk away. Cathy Kelley asks Xavier Woods about his upcoming match with Rey Mysterio. Kofi cuts Cathy off and starts complaining about biased officiating. Atlanta’s favorite son has come. Cathy mentions Bron Breakker, Austin Theory, and Cody Rhodes. Xavier says that he’s going to beat the breaks off of Rey, not only in front of his city, but in front of his family. He spent a lot of money for these front row seats, so they better show up.
– Breaking News: Zelina Vega will be heading over to SmackDown as part of WWE’s Transfer Window which concludes this weekend.
Second Match: Rey Mysterio w/The LWO vs. Xavier Woods w/Kofi KingstonÂ
Kofi Kingston tells Pat McAfee to do his job. Collar and Elbow Tie Up. Woods applies a side headlock. Woods with a side headlock takeover. Mysterio answers with the headscissors escape. Woods grapevines the legs of Mysterio. Following a snap mare takeover, Woods talks smack to Mysterio. Mysterio kicks Woods in the face. Mysterio ducks under two clotheslines from Woods. Mysterio with a Springboard Crossbody Block. Mysterio applies a wrist lock. Mysterio grabs a side headlock. Woods whips Mysterio across the ring. Woods drops Mysterio with a shoulder tackle. Woods with a knife edge chop. Woods uppercuts Mysterio. Woods whips Mysterio back first into the turnbuckles. Mysterio with a running clothesline. Woods rocks Mysterio with a forearm smash. Woods punches Mysterio in the back. Woods with a blistering chop. Woods is mauling Mysterio in the corner.
Woods rakes the eyes of Mysterio. Woods whips Mysterio across the ring. Mysterio kicks Woods in the chest. Mysterio with a Hurricanrana. Woods launches Mysterio over the top rope. Mysterio with The Apron Enzuigiri. Woods blocks The Sunset Flip. Woods with clubbing blows to Mysterio’s back. Woods has Mysterio draped across the middle rope. Woods with The Flying Double Foot Stomp. Woods has complete control of the match during the commercial break. Mysterio is displaying his fighting spirit. Mysterio and Woods are trading back and forth shots. Woods applies a front face lock. Woods with The Delayed Vertical Suplex for a two count. Woods delivers his combination offense. Woods drives Mysterio back first into the turnbuckles.
Woods with clubbing shoulder blocks. Mysterio with a leaping boot. Mysterio decks Woods with a back elbow smash. Mysterio catches Woods with another Apron Enzuigiri. Mysterio with The Flying Seated Senton. Mysterio with a Tilt-A-Whirl Headscissors Takeover. Mysterio transitions into a corner mount. Woods dumps Mysterio face first on the top turnbuckle pad. Woods with a straight right hand. Mysterio blocks The SuperPlex. Mysterio with clubbing blows to Woods back. Mysterio with The Sunset Flip PowerBomb. Mysterio hits The CodeRed for a two count. Mysterio dropkicks Woods into the middle rope. Woods avoids The 619. Woods drives Mysterio back first into the announce table. Woods is shocked that his family showed up late. Woods’ parents are rocking New Day Sucks T-Shirts. Mysterio with a Cazadora Takeover into the middle rope. Mysterio delivers The 619. Mysterio drops the dime to pickup the victory.
Winner: Rey Mysterio via PinfallÂ
– Sami Zayn wants Seth Rollins to know that last week’s Helluva Kick was not intentional. It was a mistake. Seth knows Sami very well; they go way back. But Sami needs to understand why maybe Seth feels like it wasn’t a mistake. Whatever this relationship Sami has with Roman Reigns, it doesn’t resonate well with other people. It doesn’t resonate with Seth. Seth says that, if it happens again, he’ll know that wasn’t a mistake. Sami asks Seth if they’re good. Seth gives Sami a hug and tells him to take care of business with Drew McIntyre.
– The Royal Rumble Kickoff Event will take place this Friday at 5/4pm CT! on Peacock.
– Jey Uso came down to the ring with Quavo to get the ATL crowd hyped up doing his signature entrance.
– Jackie Redmond had a backstage interview with Lyra Valkyria. Lyra mentioned that she would be a fighting champion, and she has some news for us regarding that. She’s taking the next big fight that’s in front of her. Lyra is officially declaring for the Women’s Royal Rumble Match. American Made joins the conversation. Gable says that Lyra shouldn’t get too comfortable with the Women’s IC Title, because Ivy Nile is going to take it away from her. Lyra says that American Made should enjoy this moment, because this will be as close as Ivy or Gable will ever get to the Intercontinental Championship. Ivy is looking forward to clipping Lyra’s bird wings in the Royal Rumble. Gable pokes fun of Alpha Academy who were making a dancing TikTok video on the side. Gable calls Otis an idiot. Gable says that every member of Alpha Academy should be embarrassed of themselves, it’s pathetic. Ivy boops Maxxine as she walks away.
Jey Uso PromoÂ
Hey, I needed that. ATL, I needed that. I appreciate y’all. Thank y’all. I rock with y’all. Quavo love y’all. Hey, YEET! Y’all saw what happened on Saturday night, right? I lost. Dust it off, Quavo. But The Ring General was that good. But I’m telling y’all, ATL, man, I can beat him. I can beat him. Seth Rollins got my name in his mouth. GUNTHER got my name in his mouth. On Saturday, I know what I need to do. I need throw all of their asses over the top rope, and I’m going to win the Royal Rumble, uce. And then I’m going to main event WrestleMania and become the brand-new World Heavyweight Champion. And his name is “Main Event” Jey Uso. YEET!
Third Match: Bianca BelAir & Naomi vs. Liv Morgan & Raquel RodriguezÂ
Bianca BelAir and Liv Morgan will start things off. BelAir ducks a clothesline from Morgan. BelAir immediately goes for The KOD, but Morgan lands back on her feet. BelAir with a Corner Spear. BelAir transitions into a corner mount. Morgan yanks on BelAir’s braid. BelAir goes for a Bodyslam, but Morgan lands back on her feet. Morgan pulls BelAir down to the mat. BelAir pops back on her feet. Morgan tags in Rodriguez. Collar and Elbow Tie Up. Rodriguez drives her knee into the midsection of BelAir. BelAir blocks The Vertical Suplex. BelAir ducks a clothesline from Rodriguez. BelAir decks Rodriguez with a back elbow smash. BelAir takes a swipe at Morgan. Rodriguez levels BelAir with The Body Avalanche. Rodriguez sends BelAir to the corner. BelAir with another back elbow smash. BelAir dives over Rodriguez. BelAir tags in Naomi. Double Wrist Lock. Double Side Russian Leg Sweep. Double Elbow Drop for a one count. Rodriguez with a short-arm clothesline. Rodriguez tags in Morgan. Morgan with a Running Hip Attack. Rodriguez with another Body Avalanche. Morgan hooks both legs for a two count. Naomi with a Step Up Enzuigiri. Naomi tags in BelAir.
Double Irish Whip. Double Hip Toss. Standing MoonSault/Leg Drop Combination for a two count. BelAir tags in Naomi. Rodriguez blocks The Double Vertical Suplex. All hell starts breaking loose in Atlanta. BelAir kicks Rodriguez in the face. Naomi with The Flying Crossbody Block to Morgan. BelAir does the same thing to Rodriguez. Judgment Day regains control of the match during the commercial break. Naomi with a Rising Knee Strike. Rodriguez responds with The Western Lariat for a two count. Rodriguez with The Swinging Front Face Lock. Rodriguez toys around with Naomi. Rodriguez lawn darts Naomi face first into the steel ring post. Rodriguez uses the top rope to choke Naomi. Naomi kicks Rodriguez in the face. Naomi drops Rodriguez with The Heat Seeker. Rodriguez stops Naomi in her tracks. Naomi with a Step Up Enzuigiri. BelAir and Morgan are tagged in. BelAir with two shoulder tackles. BelAir dropkicks Morgan. BelAir ducks a clothesline from Morgan. BelAir with a Running Vertical Suplex. BelAir with a Corner Spear. BelAir transitions into another corner mount. BelAir dives over Rodriguez. BelAir with a Double Corner Spear. BelAir with a double corner mount.
Rodriguez tugs on BelAir’s braid. BelAir dumps Rodriguez out of the ring. BelAir drops Morgan with The SpineBuster. BelAir with The Handspring MoonSault for a two count. BelAir dives over Morgan. Morgan with a Shotgun Dropkick. Morgan tags in Rodriguez. Rodriguez with The ChokeBomb. Rodriguez PowerBombs Morgan into BelAir for a two count. Rodriguez is displaying her frustration. Rodriguez goes for The Tejana Bomb, but BelAir lands back on her feet. Naomi tags herself in. Naomi with The Roundhouse Kick. Naomi with The Slingshot X-Factor for a two count. Naomi tags in BelAir. Double Irish Whip. Rodriguez catches Naomi in mid-air. Rodriguez with The Big Boot. Rodriguez with The Fallaway Slam. Rodriguez tags in Morgan. Morgan dives over BelAir. Morgan hits The CodeBreaker. BelAir denies The CodeBreaker. BelAir connects with The KOD. BelAir goes for the cover, but the referee is distracted by Dominik Mysterio. BelAir takes a swipe at Mysterio. BelAir tags in Naomi. BelAir wipes out Mysterio with The Slingshot Pescado. Naomi hits The Split Legged MoonSault for a two count. Rodriguez pulls Naomi out of the ring. Rodriguez plants Naomi with The Tejana Bomb into the apron. That allowed Morgan to steal the victory.
Winner: Liv Morgan & Raquel Rodriguez via PinfallÂ
– Cathy Kelley had a backstage interview with Rhea Ripley. How is her body feeling after her match with Nia Jax at Saturday Night’s Main Event? Honestly, the body is banged up. Nia is a dominant force, but just like she did in Australia, Rhea reminded Nia why Mami is always on top. Rhea doesn’t care who wins the Royal Rumble, because if they decide to face her, they’re going to get brutalized at WrestleMania. Bayley joins the conversation. As the defending the Royal Rumble Winner, and was successful at WrestleMania, maybe it will be Bayley who Rhea sees at this year’s WrestleMania. Rhea wishes Bayley luck. Iyo Sky tells Bayley that she’ll her on Saturday.
– “The Tribal Chief” Roman Reigns will be gracing the cover of this year’s WWE 2K25 Video Game.
– Pat McAfee rips Michael Cole’s performance at WrestleMania 27.
– YouTuber Kai Cenat will be coming to the Royal Rumble and calls out iShowSpeed.
The Penta Era is here. Thank you for the warm welcome, but this is only the beginning. This is just the beginning to become the best in the world, there is only one way to achieve it, and that is by facing the best in the world. I’m going to face the best in WWE. Two against one. 29 against one. Penta will be in the Royal Rumble, this Saturday, with Cero Miedo, because after the Royal Rumble, listen, I will get my WrestleMania moment, because Penta has zero fear.
Paul Heyman Segment
Paul Heyman: Ladies and gentlemen, my name is Paul Heyman. I’m the one behind the one. The one goat, greatest of all time. The one and only, Tribal Chief. And the one who represents WWE, and the entire Island Of Relevancy, on the cover WWE 2K25. There’s a great responsibility that comes with being on the cover art of a WWE video game of this magnitude. Your Tribal Chief can live up to that responsibility, because I’m the one behind the one in 29 versus one. Your Tribal Chief, Roman Reigns, is going back to the mindset of One Versus All, because that’s what this year’s Royal Rumble is all about. Roman Reigns told you, he’s going to take back his Ula Fala. Roman Reigns took back his Ula Fala from Solo Sikoa. And now I’m telling you, Roman Reigns is coming back for his championship. And it all starts, this Saturday, at the Royal Rumble, because all 29 of them are coming after Roman Reigns. Because Roman Reigns is not just the biggest star here on Netflix, Roman Reigns is not just the biggest star in WWE, he’s the biggest star in this entire industry, he’s the biggest star on the face of this planet.
When Elon Musk colonizes Mars, Roman Reigns will be the biggest star on that planet, too. There are two types of men that are qualified, this Saturday, to enter the Royal Rumble. One is the one, Roman Reigns. And the other is just someone else in that locker room. I don’t care who it is. John Cena, Rey Mysterio, PENTA, Seth Freakin’ Rollins, I’m not even going to talk about him, it’s too personal to Roman Reigns. There’s 29 Roman Reigns wannabes in that locker room. They all want to be The Tribal Chief. They all want to be the biggest star in the industry. They go to their bed at night, on their knees, and they look up at the heavens above, and please, dear god, let me be, please, dear god, I want to be Roman Reigns.
Drew McIntyre:Â You look kind of nervous, Paul. Relax. The only person that should be nervous around here is Sami Zayn. I just want to talk to you. You and I, we never get to talk. You don’t like me very much, do you? Don’t open your mouth, just listen for once. You should love me, because I am responsible for all of this success you’re having, right now. Confused? You better care about this, because I got something I have to admit. It pains me, and it wasn’t intentional, but I’m the daddy of The Bloodline. Yeah, I hate it, but I’m the catalyst of it all. Let me take you through the chain of reaction of it all, Paul. I won the Royal Rumble in 2020. I eliminated Roman Reigns.
I went on to the main event of WrestleMania, where I slayed “The Beast” and won the title. Your client, he sent you out to the sea. You like to tell everybody that Roman rescued you from the Ocean Of Obscurity, but no, you’re a smart man. You’re the smartest man in the industry. You swam back to chore, maybe metaphorically of course. Found Roman in a low time, got in his ear, hardness all of his talent for evil, and you went on a great run, the greatest run of your entire life. The Bloodline took over more moments than you ever had. Made you more money than you ever made. Look, Paul, you’re on the damn video game now. So, I guess I’m looking for, look at me when I’m talking to you, all I’m looking for is a very simple, thank you, Drew.
Paul Heyman: Thank you, Drew, but you’re crowding me, right now.
Drew McIntyre: Okay. I’m sorry, Wiseman, I’ll give you your space, I apologize that I was crowding you. Just as I did you a favor, why don’t you do me a favor, please? Pretty please?
Paul Heyman: Sure, what’s the favor?
Drew McIntyre:Â Can you please tell your boy, from Drew McIntyre, that this Saturday, I’m going to target him, I’m going to beat him within an inch of his life, and I’m going throw his lifeless carcass over the top rope. Can you do that for me?
Paul Heyman: I give you my word. I will pass your message on to my Tribal Chief, Roman Reigns.
Drew McIntyre: I wasn’t talking about Roman, he knows I’m coming for him. I was talking about your boy, CM Punk. Run.
Fourth Match: Sami Zayn vs. Drew McIntyreÂ
Collar and Elbow Tie Up. McIntyre outpowers Zayn. Strong lockup. McIntyre throws Zayn into the canvas. McIntyre poses for the crowd. Zayn is throwing haymakers at McIntyre. McIntyre launches Zayn to the corner. Zayn ducks a clothesline from McIntyre. Zayn with a knife edge chop. Zayn with forearm shivers. McIntyre answers with a throat thrust. McIntyre with a blistering chop. McIntyre whips Zayn across the ring. Zayn kicks McIntyre in the chest. Zayn launches McIntyre over the top rope. Zayn kicks McIntyre in the face. Zayn with The Arabian MoonSault Press to the outside. Zayn rolls McIntyre back into the ring. Zayn is lighting up McIntyre’s chest. Zayn transitions into a corner mount. Zayn fires off another chop. McIntyre reverses out of the irish whip from Zayn. McIntyre with a Mid-Air Boot for a two count. McIntyre stomps on Zayn’s face. McIntyre unloads two knife edge chops. Zayn decks McIntyre with a back elbow smash. Zayn kicks McIntyre in the face. Zayn with two flying elbow strikes. Zayn with a short-arm clothesline. Zayn ducks a clothesline from McIntyre. Zayn drops McIntyre with The Spinning DDT for a two count.
Zayn is busted open. Zayn slaps McIntyre in the chest. Zayn gets crotched on the top rope. McIntyre slithers out of the ring. McIntyre goes for The Claymore, but Zayn ducks out of the way. McIntyre has complete control of the match during the commercial break. McIntyre with a chop/haymaker combination. Zayn fires back with a flurry of haymakers. McIntyre reverses out of the irish whip from Zayn. Zayn springboards off the ropes. Zayn clotheslines McIntyre. Zayn goes for The Helluva Kick, but McIntyre counters with The SpineBuster for a two count. McIntyre with The SitOut PowerBomb for a two count. McIntyre puts Zayn on his shoulders. McIntyre goes for The Avalanche White Noise, but Zayn counters with The Sunset Flip PowerBomb for a two count. McIntyre blocks The Blue Thunder Bomb. Zayn goes for The Exploder Suplex, but McIntyre counters with The Northern Lights Suplex.
McIntyre pops back on his feet. Zayn kicks McIntyre in the face. Zayn hits The Blue Thunder Bomb for a two count. Zayn ascends to the top turnbuckle. McIntyre chops Zayn. Zayn with repeated headbutts. Zayn gets McIntyre tied up in the tree of woe. McIntyre with The Desperation Belly to Belly Suplex. Zayn avoids The Claymore. Zayn with The Rolling Crucifix for a two count. Zayn sends McIntyre shoulder first into the steel ring post. Zayn with The Exploder Suplex into the turnbuckles. Zayn goes for The Helluva Kick, but McIntyre ducks out of the way. McIntyre uses the middle rope for leverage to pickup the victory. McIntyre attacks Zayn from behind. McIntyre transitions into a ground and pound attack. McIntyre fish hooks Zayn. Cody Rhodes storms into the ring to make the save. Rhodes with rapid fire haymakers. Rhodes ducks a clothesline from McIntyre. Rhodes drops McIntyre with The Cody Cutter. Kevin Owens ambushes Rhodes. All hell is breaking loose in Atlanta. McIntyre comes to the aid of Owens. Zayn inadvertently clocks Rhodes with The Helluva Kick. McIntyre and Owens starts laughing.
Winner: Drew McIntyre via PinfallÂ
Cody Rhodes & CM Punk SegmentÂ
Cody Rhodes:Â I’ve got a great view, don’t I? Hanging above, that championship, gosh, I don’t know, I spent 39 years, I spent my whole life, that’s all I ever wanted to get my hands on. And you know what I found out in the last seven months? I found out, it’s not about the belt, it’s not about the physical belt, the belt Kevin Owens is convinced makes him a champion. Here’s what makes you a champion. It’s the mindset. It’s the work. Nobody in WWE has worked more matches than me, nobody. I show up, first. I leave, last. I continue to do so, and I’m so looking forward to the Royal Rumble, where I can get past Kevin Owens and find out.
CM Punk:Â Hey, man, are you alright? I realize, it’s kind of funny on the delivery, but I’m asking legitimately because I’m your friend, and I worry about you. It looks to me like, all of this is starting to get to you, a little bit. I know what that belt means, not the Kevin Owens replica, I know what that title can do to a man. I was champion for 434 historic days, way back when. Somewhere around the 300-day mark, it started to weigh on me, I started to get burnt out. And frankly, it turned me into somebody that I don’t enjoy being most days. I lost friends because of that title. And I see you losing friends, left and right, and I get it. You want to be Bruno Sammartino. You want to come out here, and you want to put on your face, for your hometown. You want to be John Cena. You want to do it all. But Cody, none of us is superman.
Cody Rhodes: I don’t have a lot of friends, but CM Punk, you’re my friend, right?
CM Punk: Yes. It’s why I’m out here, it’s why I’m talking to you, right now. I’m not here to rain on your parade, I’m here to be your friend. And unlike everybody else you’ve surrounded yourself with, I promise you that I will always be your friend. And partly because of a promise I made to your father, but Cody, I love you. And I see the road that you’re on; it’s a road that I’ve traveled. And part me feels like I’ve let you down, because I didn’t prepare you for this. But the truth is, not even your father could have prepared you for this. You are the man, unequivocally, on top of the mountain. There are no friends. When you’re a champion in WWE, you got a target on your back. And when you’re the champion, it turns into a heaviest is the head that wears the crown sort of situation.
Cody Rhodes: Punk, please, let’s just cut through it. Last year before the Royal Rumble, we stood in the ring, just like we’re standing, right now. And you had a prediction, a prediction that had a lot of truth to it. So, tell me, friend, tell me, what’s next for me?
CM Punk:Â Okay, I’ll tell you what’s next for you, in the short term. You’re in your hometown. You get to sleep in your own bed, tonight. And that’s rare in this business, especially when you’re running as hard as you are. But I bet, you’re not going to sleep at all, because chances are, you got an early call time, and you’re going to be doing media and promotion for what is the biggest match of your entire career at the Royal Rumble against Kevin Owens. Maybe you don’t have an early call time, maybe you get to enjoy some time with your wife and your daughter. But chances are, you’re not going to be sleeping much anyway, because you’re going to be thinking about the biggest match of your career. And look at the title, Cody, that means something to a guy like me and you. And then you’re going to crisscross the country, because if you make it past Kevin Owens, one of the toughest SOB’s in that locker room, little bit deranged, somebody who used to be a friend, so you’re going to be too emotional.
If you make it past him, well, then there’s the next show. There’s Raw, and there’s SmackDown, and we’re on Netflix, and it’s biggest than ever. You’re the poster boy. This is what you asked for. And no matter how thin your spread, and no matter how early the mornings are, and no matter how late the night’s get, you sacrifice. That’s what’s in stored for you. Less time at home with your daughter, less time with your wife. Empty nights, ironically in front of sold-out stadiums, chanting your name, because that means something to guys like me and you. Look at all of these little kids out here wearing your merchandise. When you’re crisscrossing through the entire country in your bus, draped in the red, and the white, and the blue, somebody is going to be busting their ass chasing after you. Somebody is going to be getting in the best shape of their lives. Somebody is going to win the Royal Rumble, and they’re going to see you in the main event of WrestleMania. And while you’re on the way down, they’re on the way up, and they’re going to take that belt from you. And that’s the good news, Cody.
Cody Rhodes: Oh, that’s the good news? Please, tell me the bad news.
CM Punk: The bad news is, that somebody is me. Unlike all these other people, your so-called friends stabbing you in the back, I’m going to win the Royal Rumble, and I’ll see you in the main event of WrestleMania. And because I’m your one true friend, I’m going to stab you in the front.
Cody Rhodes: I respect you telling me that, for sure. Allow me to share something with you. When I first came into the whole wrestling echo-sphere, 4400 Shepherdsville Road at OVW, I met you, right? We were the only ones who wanted to learn arm-drags and headscissors from Greg Gagne. You were the man, Chick Magnet, CM Punk. Everybody wanted to be you. We were chasing you. And then you got called up, the big call up. Cashed in, became World Heavyweight Champion, and I followed soon after on the roster there with you, and I was chasing you. And then there’s a whole ten-year period, a ten-year period where you sat at home, you sat on your couch, we were in this ring, some of your peers in that locker room, and they were chanting your name. You were still the man, and we were chasing you. But that dynamic has shifted, because your prediction last year, one thing you were certainly wrong about, that dynamic, this relationship, you and I, it completely changed. And do you know why? I’m not chasing you; you’re chasing me. And friend, I want you to know, I hope you win the Royal Rumble, I do. I hope it’s you, because I want you to catch up.
CM Punk: Get back here, I wasn’t finished. A lot of men have said that they hope it’s me that catches them, but there’s a graveyard full of careers that wanted me to catch them right up until I did.
Cody Rhodes:Â I wasn’t done. Oh, I wasn’t done. I want you to catch up, I want you to win the Royal Rumble, and I hope it’s you, because I want to see the look on your face when you find out that, the best in the world is not the best in the world anymore.
Total Runtime for WWE Raw 1/27/25 Results: 2 Hours, 36 Minutes, 17 Seconds.Â
Checkout Episode 449 of The Hoots Podcast