WWE SmackDown Results 7/26/24
CHI Health Center
Omaha, Nebraska
You can follow me on Twitter @TheHootsPodcast
Commentators: (Corey Graves & Wade Barrett)Â
Ring Announcer: Alicia Taylor
Transcription by Josh Lopez
Nick Aldis & The Bloodline SegmentÂ
Nick Aldis:Â Gentlemen, sorry to inform you, but based on your actions last week to Cody Rhodes and Kevin Owens, you suffered an eye injury. You’re not medically cleared to compete, so I have the unfortunate responsibility to tell you that, it looks like you’re going to have to forfeit your spot in the tag team gauntlet.
Tama Tonga: What? What did you say?
Nick Aldis:Â I think you heard what I said.
Tama Tonga: Forfeit? We’re not forfeiting nothing.
Solo Sikoa:Â Hold on, I appreciate your concern, but The Bloodline, we’re not forfeiting nothing. Do you understand? You see, Tanga Loa here, he’s a part of The Bloodline, so is this man. So, tonight’s gauntlet match, The Bloodline will be represented by Tama Tonga and Jacob Fatu, if that’s okay with you?
Nick Aldis: You know what, Solo, actually, it is. Jacob Fatu, Tama Tonga, you’re in.
Solo Sikoa: Bring the titles back home, do you understand me? Bring them home. I want our tag team titles back in The Bloodline. We’re taking it all.
LA Knight Promo
Let me talk to you. Here we are, making a little pitstop at SmackDown before we go to SummerSlam, and Santos Escobar couldn’t seem to remember how many times he’s been dropped on his head by this guy. Well, tonight, I’ll be the professor, class is in session. We’re going to teach Santos a little bit about history, then we go on to SummerSlam. And well, Logan Paul, I’m not going to teach you, man, I’m not going to teach you statistics, no English, but I will teach you how to get your keester stomped in by the man they call the megastar. YEAH! And no matter what classroom you sit in, the curriculum is always the same, with everybody saying, LA Knight, YEAH! Now, hit that music.
First Match: LA Knight vs. Santos Escobar w/Elektra LopezÂ
Knight side steps The V-Trigger. Knight is throwing haymakers at Escobar. Escobar applies a side headlock. Knight whips Escobar across the ring. Escobar drops Knight with a shoulder tackle. Knight drops down on the canvas. Knight with a Hip Toss. Knight with a deep arm-drag. Knight applies an arm-bar. Escobar backs Knight into the turnbuckles. Knight with a wrist lock takedown. Knight drops his leg on the left shoulder of Escobar. Knight hyperextends the left shoulder of Escobar. Knight whips Escobar across the ring. Knight scores the elbow knockdown. Knight with clubbing shoulder blocks. Knight transitions into a corner mount. Escobar dumps Knight face first on the top turnbuckle. Escobar kicks Knight in the ribs. Escobar repeatedly stomps on Knight’s chest. Escobar unloads two knife edge chops. Escobar with a Snap Vertical Suplex. Escobar with a double leg takedown. Escobar applies The Sharpshooter.
Knight grabs the bottom rope which forces the break. Knight with three haymakers. Knight clotheslines Escobar. Escobar with a drop toe hold into the middle rope. Lopez slaps Knight in the face. Escobar clocks Knight with The 619. Escobar has complete control of the match during the commercial break. Escobar with The Shotgun Meteora for a two count. Escobar applies The Cobra Clutch. Knight with heavy bodyshots. Knight with a Running NeckBreker. Escobar reverses out of the irish whip from Knight. Escobar with The Tilt-A-Whirl BackBreaker for a two count. Escobar talks smack to Knight. Escobar slaps Knight in the face. Escobar is mauling Knight in the corner. Knight decks Escobar with a back elbow smash.
Knight whips Escobar chest first into the turnbuckles. Knight repeatedly stomps on Escobar’s chest. Knight with a Running Knee Strike. Knight ducks a clothesline from Escobar. Knight kicks Escobar in the gut. Knight drops Escobar with The DDT for a two count. Knight goes for The Torture Rack, but Lopez gets in the way. Escobar denies The BFT. Knight with The Pop Up Powerslam. The referee gets distracted by Lopez. Knight avoids The Titanium Punch from Logan Paul. Knight clotheslines Paul off the ring apron. Escobar SuperKicks Knight. Escobar goes for The Phantom Driver, but Knight lands back on his feet. Knight connects with The BFT to pickup the victory. After the match, Paul attacks Knight. Paul is putting the boots to Knight. Knight drives Paul back first into the turnbuckles. Knight is stomping a mudhole and walking it dry. Knight goes for a Running Knee Strike, but Escobar with The V-Trigger. Paul and Escobar gangs up on Knight. Paul plants Knight with The Frog Splash.
Winner: LA Knight via PinfallÂ
– Byron Saxton had a backstage interview with Naomi. Why did Blair Davenport initially show her a sign of respect, and then a few seconds later, attack her from behind? She doesn’t know what Blair’s really issue is with her. She’s done nothing to that newbie. Blair is clearly trying to play mind games with Naomi, but it’s not going to work. Naomi says that she’s not only going to make Blair feel the glow but respect it as well. Bianca BelAir and Jade Cargill joins the conversation. Jade thinks that Blair is lame, and she’ll be getting her comeuppance soon. Bianca BelAir is focused on heading to the ring to address the WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions, The Unholy Union. Naomi tells Bianca and Jade to handle their business.
– Logan Paul tells Byron Saxton that the beatdown LA Knight just received was a little appetizer of what’s ahead for their United States Championship match at SummerSlam. It’s the first course of a three-course meal. He’s going to whoop LA Knight. Cleveland, Ohio is Logan’s hometown, his friends and family will be there. Logan teases that another big star from Cleveland will be attending the show. Logan says that LA Knight is not just fighting a social media superstar at SummerSlam, no, he’s fighting the pride of Cleveland, the ultimate underdog turn top dog. He’s not ready. YEAH!
– Corey Graves recaps the latest live event tour the WWE had in Japan.
Bianca BelAir, Jade Cargill, The Unholy Union SegmentÂ
Bianca BelAir: Now, I love y’all, and I would love to stay out here all night, but I’m just going to cut to the chase. Now, Alba and Isla have been ghosting us ever since they got titles at Clash. Now, they said they were going to be here at SmackDown, right? They said they were going to bring those titles, so where they at?
Jade Cargill: Where they at? So, they need to stop ducking and dodging, and come with our belts and catch these hands.
The Unholy Union attacks BelAir and Cargill from behind. Fyre is choking Cargill with her boot. BelAir kicks Fyre in the face. BelAir decks Dawn with a back elbow smash. BelAir ducks a clothesline from Dawn. BelAir goes for The KOD, but Dawn retreats to the outside. Cargill throws Fyre into Dawn to close this segment.
– Tiffany Stratton is still dejected about Bayley destroying her Money In The Bank Briefcase last week. Nia Jax tells Tiffany that everything will be alright, and she’ll get her a brand-new briefcase that’s perfect for her. She could cash in on Bayley, but it wouldn’t be a good strategy to immediately lose the title at SummerSlam. Besides, all Tiffany wants to do tonight is get revenge on Bayley.
Second Match: The Bloodline vs. Legado Del Fantasma vs. The Street Profits vs. The Good Brothers vs. Pretty Deadly vs. Apollo Crews & Baron Corbin In A Number One Contenders Gauntlet MatchÂ
LDF attacks Corbin and Crews before the bell rings. LDF gangs up on Corbin. Garza is choking Corbin with his boot. Carrillo throws Crews into the steel ring steps. Garza with a Running Boot. Corbin side steps Garza into the turnbuckles. Corbin with a corner clothesline. Corbin with a short-arm clothesline. Corbin scores the elbow knockdown. Corbin with a Belly to Back Slam for a two count. Garza slaps Corbin in the chest. Garza tags in Carrillo. Garza with a waist lock go-behind. Carrillo with The Apron Enzuigiri. Garza SuperKicks Corbin to the floor. Carrillo lands The Suicide Dive. LDF has complete control of the match during the commercial break. Corbin fights out of the fireman’s carry position. Carrillo with a Spinning Enzuigiri.
Corbin with a Hip Toss into the turnbuckles. Crews and Garza are tagged in. Crews clotheslines Garza. Crews knocks Carrillo off the ring apron. Crews thrust kicks the midsection of Garza. Crews with a Running Pump Kick. Crews ducks a clothesline from Garza. Crews with a leaping clothesline. Crews pops back on his feet. Crews with Three German Suplex’s. Crews with The Stinger Splash. Crews goes for a flying clothesline, but Garza counters with a Pump Knee Strike. Garza with The Double Underhook BackBreaker for a two count. Carrillo clotheslines Corbin over the top rope. Corbin drags Carrillo out of the ring. Corbin throws Carrillo into the ring steps. Garza with a Running Knee Strike. Garza goes for The Wing Clipper, but Crews lands back on his feet. Corbin made the blind tag. Crews with another Pump Kick. Corbin connects with The End Of Days. Legado Del Fantasma has been eliminated.
Apollo Crews and Montez Ford will start things off. Crews kicks Ford in the gut. Crews sends Ford to the corner. Ford showcases his athleticism. Ford leapfrogs over Crews. Crews somersaults over Ford. That leads us to a quick standoff in the center of the ring. Crews leapfrogs over Ford. Crews drops down on the canvas. Crews dropkicks Ford. Crews goes for The Delayed Vertical Suplex, but Ford lands back on his feet. Ford with a Belly to Back Suplex. Ford tags in Dawkins. Dawkins goes into the lateral press for a two count. Dawkins sends Crews to the corner. Crews dives over Dawkins. Crews lunges over Dawkins. Crews reverses out of the irish whip from Dawkins. Dawkins cartwheels around Crews. Both guys are knocked down after a double clothesline. Ford and Corbin are tagged in. Ford is throwing haymakers at Corbin. Corbin with a straight right hand.
Ford with a shoulder block from the apron. Corbin responds with a leaping haymaker. Assisted SomerSault Plancha. Corbin is fired up. Corbin goes for The SuperPlex, but Ford blocks it. Ford HeadButts Corbin. Ford dives over Corbin. Corbin kicks Ford in the face. Corbin ascends to the top turnbuckle. Corbin with a diving clothesline off the middle rope. Corbin PowerBombs Ford. Ford with a Step Up Enzuigiri. Crews and Dawkins are tagged in. Dawkins clotheslines Crews. Crews dodges The 360 Stinger Splash. Crews with a Stinger Splash of his own. Dawkins ducks a clothesline from Crews. Enzuigiri Exchange. Dawkins with a Leg Capture Suplex. Ford sends Corbin shoulder first into the steel ring post. Crews sends Dawkins tumbling to the floor. Stereo SomerSault Planchas. Crews rolls Dawkins back into the ring. Dawkins avoids The Frog Splash. Dawkins scores a right jab. Dawkins tags in Ford. The Street Profits delivers The Revelation. Apollo Crews & Baron Corbin have been eliminated.
Dawkins gets distracted by Elton Prince. Wilson rolls Dawkins over for a two count. Wilson with an inside cradle for a two count. Wilson with another quick rollup for a two count. Dawkins drops Wilson with The Flapjack. Dawkins tags in Ford. Dawkins whips Wilson across the ring. Dawkins drops down on the canvas. Ford with a shoulder tackle. Assisted MoonSault. Double Flapjack into Wilson for a two count. Wilson shoves Ford. Ford ducks a clothesline from Wilson. Wilson tags out to Prince. Wilson escapes The Atomic Drop. Ford kicks Wilson in the gut. Ford goes for a Vertical Suplex, but Prince counters with a chop block. Prince repeatedly stomps on the left hamstring of Ford. Prince hooks the outside leg for a two count. Prince tags in Wilson. Wilson is putting the boots to the left knee of Ford. Wilson wraps the left knee of Ford around the middle rope. Pretty Deadly are cutting the ring in half. Pretty Deadly Pose. Ford is displaying his fighting spirit. Prince continues to attack the left knee of Ford. Prince tags in Wilson.
Wilson applies the cravate on the top rope. Prince with a straight right hand. Wilson with a Sliding Dropkick to the left knee of Ford. Wilson applies the single leg crab. Ford grabs the bottom rope which forces the break. Wilson DDT’s the left knee of Ford. Wilson knocks Dawkins off the apron. Wilson with repeated foot stomps. Wilson applies a standing leg lock. Ford kicks Wilson out of the ring. Dawkins and Prince are tagged in. Dawkins with two clotheslines. Prince reverses out of the irish whip from Dawkins. Dawkins leapfrogs Prince. Dawkins with The Corkscrew Elbow. Dawkins with The 360 Stinger Splash. Dawkins follows that with a Spinning Enzuigiri for a two count. Dawkins whips Prince across the ring. Prince holds onto the top rope. Prince kicks Dawkins in the face. Prince tags in Wilson. Dawkins with a straight right hand. Prince reverses out of the irish whip from Dawkins. Prince leapfrogs over Dawkins. Wilson drops Dawkins with The DDT for a two count. Wilson tags in Prince. Running Uppercut Party. Assisted Double Knee GutBuster for a two count. Ford dumps Wilson out of the ring. Prince launches Ford over the top rope. Dawkins rocks Prince with another haymaker. Dawkins tags in Ford. The Street Profits hits The Doomsday Blockbuster. Pretty Deadly has been eliminated.
This portion of the match started during the commercial break. Anderson with The Hiyah Kick. Gallows levels Ford with The Body Avalanche. Anderson hooks the outside leg for a two count. Anderson rakes the eyes of Ford. Following a snap mare takeover, Anderson applies a rear chin lock. Ford gets back to a vertical base. Anderson kicks Ford in the gut. Anderson scores the elbow knockdown for a two count. Anderson whips Ford back first into the turnbuckles. Anderson tags in Gallows. Gallows with a toe kick. Gallows with a Running Lariat for a two count. Gallows bodyslams Ford. Gallows tags in Anderson. Anderson hooks both legs for a two count. Anderson bodyslams Ford for a two count. Anderson cranks on Ford’s neck. Anderson tags in Gallows.
Gallows kicks Ford in the ribs. Gallows with a Vertical Suplex for a two count. Gallows with hammer elbows. Gallows applies a rear chin lock. Ford with elbows into the midsection of Gallows. Gallows punches Ford in the back. Gallows goes for a Bodyslam, but Ford counters with The DDT. Gallows tags in Anderson. Anderson stops Ford in his tracks. Anderson sends Ford to the corner. Ford launches Anderson to the outside. Ford sends Gallows tumbling to the floor. Ford tags in Dawkins. Dawkins lands The SomerSault Plancha. Dawkins rolls Anderson back into the ring. Dawkins ducks a clothesline from Anderson. Anderson with The SpineBuster for a two count. Anderson tags in Gallows. Good Brothers go for their Running Boot/Flapjack Combination, but Ford pulls Anderson out of the ring. Dawkins rolls Gallows over to score the next pinfall. The Good Brothers has been eliminated.
Tonga is raining down forearm shivers in the corner. Tonga repeatedly stomps on Dawkins chest. Tonga applies a side headlock. Tonga tags in Fatu. Double HeadButt. Fatu slams Dawkins head on the top turnbuckle pad. Fatu with The Body Avalanche. Fatu tags in Tonga. Assisted Hip Toss. Tonga puts his leg on the back of Dawkins neck. Solo attacks Dawkins behind the referee’s back. Tonga with The Elbow Drop. Tonga tags in Fatu. Tonga applies a front face lock. Fatu kicks Dawkins in the gut. Fatu HeadButts Dawkins. Fatu uses the middle rope to choke Dawkins. Solo delivers another cheap shot behind the referee’s back. Fatu continues to dish out repeated headbutts. Dawkins side steps Fatu into the turnbuckles. Ford and Tonga are tagged in. Ford with two clotheslines. Ford ducks a clothesline from Tonga. Ford with The SpineBuster. Ford SuperKicks Fatu.
Tonga ducks a clothesline from Ford. Tonga goes for a Belly to Back Suplex, but Ford lands back on his feet. Ford thrust kicks the midsection of Tonga. Ford kicks Tonga in the chest. Ford with a Step Up Enzuigiri. Ford reverses out of the irish whip from Tonga. Tonga launches Ford over the top rope. Ford with a straight right hand. Ford with The Flying Crossbody Block for a two count. Tonga has Ford perched on the top turnbuckle. Tonga with The SuperPlex for a two count. Dawkins dumps Fatu out of the ring. Tonga sweeps out the legs of Dawkins. The Bloodline gangs up on Dawkins. Ford delivers The SomerSault Plancha over the steel ring post. Ford rolls Tonga back into the ring. Ford goes for From The Heavens, but Tonga ducks out of the way. Ford starts favoring his left knee. Tonga tags in Fatu. Fatu with an Inside Out Lariat. Fatu lands The Suicide Dive. Ford ducks a clothesline from Fatu. Fatu goes for The Pop Up Samoan Drop, but Ford counters with The DDT. Fatu rises back on his feet. Fatu SuperKicks Ford. Fatu with The Pop Up Samoan Drop. Fatu plants Ford with The MoonSault to pickup the victory.
Winner: The Bloodline via PinfallÂ
Grayson Waller, Austin Theory, Terence Crawford SegmentÂ
Grayson Waller: Austin, this is a huge moment. This is the number one pound-for-pound boxer in the world, Terence Crawford, in the ring with us. Well, you know, last week, Terence, you disrespected us. You handed Cody Rhodes a chair, and we think it’s only fair that you apologize to the both of us, right now. The people want to hear you apologize. No, no, no, I don’t think you understand, not only for handing Cody the chair, you need to apologize for thinking you belong in the same ring with A-Town Down Under, lad. You might be the best boxer in the world, but this is our ring, right. Hey, look at me when I’m talking to you. Hey, I just want to let you know, if you take one more step towards me, my boy Austin Theory is about to knock you out. No, you can knock him out.
Austin Theory: Wait. Hey, I ain’t trying.
Crawford KO’s Theory to close this segment.
Cody Rhodes Promo
I’m here in Japan on our live event tour, doing what I told everybody I was going to do, bringing the WWE Championship all across the globe. It’s a little moment of solitude, reflection, a thing a wrestler shouldn’t do, and that’s looking back. Looking back at the Royal Rumble, knowing that I had the main event of WrestleMania ripped out of my hands, only for the people to take it back. I reflect on the greatest fight of my life, defeating Roman Reigns to do what I had set out to do upon my return to WWE, Finish The Story. Surrounded by friends, family, fans, a conquering hero, and The Bloodline was no more or so I thought. This new doppelganger version of The Bloodline, a pack wild cats with nothing to lose, running around and feasting on anybody that stand in their way. Chaos ensues without a true lion leading the pack. And because of that chaos, I now sit here alone.
My friends, my allies, my partners, Randy Orton and Kevin Owens, destroyed trying to fight by my side, while I watch. I head into SummerSlam a man on an island, a man who has the decks stack against me, a man who will have to fight with every ounce of pride, energy that I have. But I also head into SummerSlam, the champion, and I know that I have to bring all my fire and passion to this fight, because I owe it to the people to defend this championship and not let it slip back into the hands of The Bloodline. Solo Sikoa is a dangerous man. He stepped up. Declared himself the new tribal chief. He is proven that he is ready to take on that mantle of responsibility, to do whatever it takes to get what he wants. I used to think that Solo wasn’t ready, now, not so sure. I need to look into his eyes, and see what kind of man he really is before we battle it out in the main event of SummerSlam. I challenge you to meet me in this ring next week, face-to-face, one-on-one, so I can look into your eyes and see if you are indeed ready. Because in this moment of solitude, I know that I am.
– Next week on SmackDown, The Unholy Union will put their WWE Women’s Tag Team Titles on the line against Bianca BelAir & Jade Cargill. Plus, DIY versus Jacob Fatu & Tama Tonga For The WWE Tag Team Championship. Logan Paul will have a special homecoming segment.
– Carmelo Hayes interrupted Andrade El Idolo’s interview with Carmelo Hayes. Melo tells Andrade that this isn’t over until he wins. Andrade says that Melo missed in their match last week. Melo responds by saying the crowd didn’t miss him when he left the company a few years ago. Melo compares himself to LeBron James. Andrade says that Melo is not LeBron, more like Bronny Jr. Melo feels that this is his time and Andrade needs to step aside. Andrade is down to have one more match with Melo.
Third Match: Bayley & Michin vs. Nia Jax & Tiffany StrattonÂ
Jax and Stratton attacks Michin before the bell rings. Jax HeadButts Michin. Jax throws Michin into the steel ring steps. Bayley arrives with a kendo stick in her hand. The referee is trying to calm down Bayley. Bayley checks on Michin. Bayley will start things off with Stratton. Bayley with The Lou Thez Press. Bayley transitions into a ground and pound attack. Bayley applies a side headlock. Stratton sends Bayley chest first into the turnbuckles. Stratton grabs a side headlock. Bayley whips Stratton across the ring. Stratton drops Bayley with a shoulder tackle. Bayley drops down on the canvas. Stratton rolls under a clothesline from Bayley. Bayley kicks out the legs of Stratton. Bayley is raining down haymaker. Bayley with a running elbow drop across the back of Stratton’s neck. Bayley with The Sliding Lariat for a two count. Bayley punches Stratton in the back. Bayley stomps on Stratton’s chest. Bayley talks smack to Jax. Stratton drives Bayley back first into the turnbuckles. Stratton repeatedly stomps on Bayley’s chest. Stratton kicks Bayley in the back. Running Forearm Exchange.
Stratton calls Bayley pathetic. Bayley rocks Stratton with a forearm smash. Bayley kicks Jax off the ring apron. Bayley with The Middle Rope Stunner to Stratton for a two count. Michin finally gets back on her feet. Jax wisely pulls Michin off the apron. Jax hits The Samoan Drop on the floor. Stratton with a Running Hip Attack. Stratton with a Running Double Foot Stomp for a two count. Jax and Stratton have complete control of the match during the commercial break. Stinkface Party. Stratton goes into the cover for a two count. Stratton puts her knee on the back of Bayley’s neck. Stratton whips Bayley back first into the turnbuckles. Stratton tags in Jax. Double Hammer Throw. Jax levels Bayley with The Double Avalanche. Stratton with a Double Back Handspring Elbow Strike. Jax hooks the outside leg for a two count. Bayley with heavy bodyshots. Bayley is throwing haymakers at Jax. Jax drives Bayley back first into the turnbuckles. Jax stands on Bayley’s back. Jax poses for the crowd. Jax tags in Stratton. Stratton with a Body Avalanche of her own. Stratton punches Bayley in the back. Stratton applies a rear chin lock. Bayley attacks the midsection of Stratton. Stratton with The SpineBuster for a two count.
Stratton applies a front face lock. Stratton tags in Jax. Jax bodyslams Bayley. Jax with a Running Elbow Drop for a two count. Jax applies The Cobra Clutch. Stratton tags herself in. Stratton is putting the boots to Bayley. Stratton sends Bayley to the corner. Bayley catches Stratton in mid-air. Bayley with a Release German Suplex. Stratton tags in Jax. Jax stops Bayley in her tracks. Bayley sends Jax shoulder first into the steel ring post. Stratton tags herself in. Bayley uses her feet to create separation. Bayley finally tags in Michin. Michin clotheslines Stratton. Michin with a Running NeckBreaker. Michin with The Flapjack. Michin pops back on her feet. Michin with a Dropkick/Tornado DDT Combination for a two count. Michin lands The Suicide Dive. Stratton avoids The Missile Dropkick. Stratton tags in Jax. Michin avoids The Body Avalanche. Michin tags in Bayley. Michin with a Step Up Enzuigiri. Bayley with a Running Knee Strike. Bayley follows that with The Flying Elbow Drop for a two count. Bayley and Michin gangs up on Stratton. Jax goes for The Samoan Drop, but Bayley gets in the way. The referee is trying to get Michin out of the ring. Stratton clocks Bayley with The MITB Briefcase. Jax blasts Michin off the apron. Jax connects with The Annihilator to pickup the victory.
Winner: Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton via PinfallÂ
Solo Sikoa PromoÂ
Cody Rhodes, I will see you face-to-face next week. The same night my Tongans will bring back the tag team titles to The Bloodline, the night before I bring back the Undisputed WWE Title to The Bloodline at your expense. In one weekend, The Bloodline will handle family business. And if Roman Reigns got a problem with that, you know where you can find me. You can end up like Randy Orton, Kevin Owens, Cody Rhodes, and acknowledge me.
Checkout Episode 423 of The Hoots Podcast