A.J. Styles On His Favorite Ladder Match Of All Time

During a recent Twitch stream, A.J. Styles revealed that he considers the match between Edge & Christian and The Hardy Boys to be the best ladder match of all time. Here’s what he had to say:

I think we can all agree that the first one between Matt and Jeff Hardy against Edge and Christian changed it all.
That has to be the favorite. That was so incredibly done that you’ll never forget it. These guys changed it; they changed the way ladder matches were done. You want to know what the hardest thing about a ladder match is? It’s to not disappoint.

Those ladders really hurt. There’s a lot of pain involved with those ladders. You’ve seen some accidents. People get hurt – A lot of people get hurt. Hopefully I’ll come out safe on Sunday. I really just believe that first tag team ladder match was the best. The standing ovation those guys got the next night was incredible. It still gives me cold chills.

Credit: Twitch. H/T WrestlingInc.

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