A.J. Styles On Who He’d Consider Moving To NXT To Form A Tag Team With

During a recent Twitch stream, A.J. Styles revealed that he’d be willing to consider a move to NXT in order to team with Finn Balor. Here’s what he had to say:

You know, the only championship I haven’t held in WWE is the tag team championships. If I’m able to find a partner at some point, and win those, I will have won all the belts in WWE. [Finn would make a great partner] but he’s in NXT and I’m on SmackDown, so I don’t know how that would ever work. Listen, whether I have to go down to NXT or he has to come to SmackDown, I’m willing to do that. I mean, shoot, it would be fun, and different is good.

Credit: Twitch. H/T WrestlingInc.

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