AEW Rampage Results 6/21/24

Photo Credit: AEW

Five matches lined up for tonight’s show with some stakes heading into Forbidden Door, so let’s get going!
  • Private Party vs. Komander & Metalik
  • Shingo Takagi vs. AR Fox
  • Rey Fenix vs. Turbo Floyd
  • AEW TNT Championship Qualifier: Lio Rush vs. Action Andretti
  • Women’s Owen Hart Quarterfinals: Serena Deeb vs. Willow Nightingale

Make sure to keep refreshing the page as the most recent results are below!

AEW Rampage 6/21/24

From the EagleBank Arena in Fairfax, Virginia!

Match #1. Private Party vs. Komander & Metalik

Double dropkick to the back of Kassidy and here we go. Quen makes the tag and it’s the Silly String to Metalik out of nowhere! Tag to Komander and a springboard crossbody to Private Party. Double arm drag by Komander and a tieres to Quen. Rebond tieres into a head scissors by Komander. Diving plancha by Metalik and a springboard twisting Asai moonsault! Two count on Kassidy back inside the ring. Kassidy is in trouble now as we go to PIP. Spinebuster out of the corner by Kassidy and a hot tag to Quen. Pump kick to the face of Komander. Moonsault by Quen to Komander and a superplex to Metalik. 450 splash by Quen to Metalik but Komander breaks it up. Inverted Slingblade by Metalkik and a rope walk missile dropkick. Superkick by Kassidy and a Poisonrana by Quen. Gin and Juice to Metalik and this one is over.

Winners: Private Party

Rating: **3/4. They did some really cool stuff in this match, but it just felt like cool stuff for the sake of cool stuff, to be honest. Private Party getting a win ahead of their match with Big Bill and Chris Jericho, tomorrow, is good, however.

The Learning Tree is here and Private Party jumps them on the ramp as we get a pull-apart brawl.

Match #2. Rey Fenix vs. Turbo Floyd

Chops by Fenix and a reverse elbow by Floyd. Elbow drop by Floyd only gets a one count. Double jump spinning back kick and a frog splash by Fenix… and this one is over.

Winner: Rey Fenix

Rating: NR

Match #3. AEW TNT Championship Qualifier: Lio Rush vs. Action Andretti

Speed to start with about a million reversals in the first thirty seconds. Both guys rush to the outside, meet at the steels steps, back flip off, and we restart. Double cross body block and everyone is down as we go to commercial. Vertical suplex by Rush and a sleeper hold as we head to a full commercial. Running elbows by Andretti as Rush heads to the apron, only to get booted off and to the floor. Arabian Press by Andretti. Springboard 450 but Rush moves, however Andretti counters with a Falcon Arrow for two. Rush fights back with a kick and elbow combo as he charges Andretti, but runs into a Spanish Fly! Two count. Split-Legged Moonsault by Andretti misses and Rush catches him with a roundhouse kick. Bottom rope assisted Stunner by Rush. Rush Hour! One, two, three!

Winner: Lio Rush

Rating: **1/2. Very similar to what we got in our opener, but a nice win for Lio Rush, who seems like he’s sticking around for a bit here.

Top Flight hits the ring after the match and Lio walks right past them, picking up Andretti and shaking his hand.

Match #4. Shingo Takagi vs. AR Fox

Fox charges Shingo before the bell and here we go. Running leg lariat by Fox and Shingo retreats to the outside. Fox follows with a moonsault off of the ring post. Back inside the ring, Fox comes off the top with a flying Swanton. Two count! Shingo is up and he’s mad, firing off right hands and a big clothesline. Spinning neckbreaker by Shingo. Two count. Cutter by Fox out of nowhere! Fox heads up top and nails Shingo with the 450 splash. Two count! Fox sets Shingo up on the top rope and looks for the Spanish Fly, but Shingo holds on and Fox lands hard. Pumping Bomber by Shingo! Fox blocks Made in Japan but Shingo is back with Another Pumping Bomber! Made in Japan! One, two, three!

Winner: Shingo Takagi

Rating: **1/2. This didn’t go long and both guys threw everything at each other, but it ruled. DID I MENTION I F’ING LOVE SHINGO?

Bryan Danielson is here! Danielson extends the hand and Shingo slaps it away. Shingo walks right through Danielson as he heads to the back.

Match #5. Women’s Owen Hart Cup Quarterfinal: Serena Deeb vs. Willow Nightingale

Deeb wrestles her way out of a wrist lock and Willow brings her down with a mat return. Shoulder block by Willow and a big body slam. Low crossbody by Willow gets two. Stalling vertical suplex by Willow but she proceeds to miss a dropkick off the middle rope, allowing Deeb to grab a quick single-leg crab in the ropes. Dragon screw leg whip between the ropes and a big boot to the floor. Snapping neckbreaker by Deeb on the floor and we’re headed to PIP. Octopus by Deeb in the middle of the ring and Willow looks to be in trouble. Neckbreaker between the ropes by Deeb, who looks for the DeebTox but gets back body dropped. Willow cartwheels out of an Irish whip and clotheslines Deeb, as both women are down. Willow in control now with a big spinebuster on Deeb that gets two. Deeb tries another Octopus hold but transitions into a Samoan drop. Deeb fights out of a Babe with the Powerbomb and locks in the single-leg crab in the middle of the ring. Willow finally gets to the ropes but Deeb is here with a rebound German suplex. Pepsi Twist by Deeb! Two count. Deeb heads to the top but Willow catches here and superplexes her back in the ring. Both women make it to their feet and exchange hard chops and elbows. Clothesline by Deeb but Willow stumbles backwards, hits the ropes, and drills Deeb with a big lariat. Cannonball by Willow but Deeb moves out of the corner. Deeb looks for DeebTox again and nails it! Two count. Deeb attacks the knee now but gets pushed off. Willow looks for a Death Valley Driver but Willow’s knee buckles. Deeb hits the ropes but Willow is here with the POUNCEEEE. Babe with the Powerbomb and this one is over!

Winner: Willow Nightingale

Rating: ***1/2. The smart money was on Willow here the whole time, but Deeb looked great in a loss and there two had a heck of a main event. Really good stuff.

Final Thoughts: This was a weird one, because everything we got was good… we just needed more of it. We didn’t need five matches, as I would have loved to see another ten minutes out of Shingo and Danielson. That said, we had some stakes in the matches, and they all felt like they meant something. Strong wrestling in the main event, too. 8/10.

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