AEW Rampage Results 6/28/24

Forbidden Door weekend is here and we’re kicking things off with a big episode of Rampage!
  • Queen Aminata vs. Skye Blue
  • Orange Cassidy vs. The Outrunners
  • Shingo Takagi vs. Dalton Castle
  • Gabe Kidd & Roderick Strong vs. The Infantry
  • AEW TNT Championship Forbidden Door Qualifier: AR Fox vs. El Phantasmo

Make sure to keep refreshing the page as the most recent results are below!

AEW Rampage 6/28/24

From the PPL Center in Allentown, Pennsylvania! Tony Schiavone, Ian Riccaboni, and Nigel McGuinness are on commentary tonight.

Match #1. Orange Cassidy vs. The OutRunners

Arm ringer by Cassidy but Floyd responds with a shoulder block. OutRunners miss a pair of elbow drops and Cassidy goes hands in pockets. Floyd accidentally gets chopped by Truth Magnum. Twice. A third time! The OutRunners fight amongst themselves but connect with a double back suplex instead. Fist rop by Magnum for two. Floyd misses a splash in the corner but Cassidy sends both guys into each other. Tope suicida to Magnum on the outside and a crossbody to Floyd. Satellite DDT to Magnum. Orange Punch to Floyd. Orange Punch to Magnum. Finito.

Winner: Orange Cassidy

Rating: *. Weird, weird choice here.

Match #2. Gabe Kidd & Roderick Strong vs. The Infantry

Strong lays in some chops to Bravo in the corner and Kidd follows suit. Quick tag to Dean and a double dropkick to Kidd & Strong. DDT by Dean gets two. Running elbow drop gets a one count this time. Dean hits the ropes but Kidd knees him in the back, allowing Strong to hit the Uranage backbreaker for two. Kidd in now and looks for a suplex but Dean floats over and connects with an enziguiri. Strong runs around the ring and pulls Bravo off the apron, preventing Dean from making the tag. Gutbuster by Strong and Kidd id back in. Double suplex but Bravo makes the save and makes the hot tag. Bravo clears the ring with big right hands and a neckbreaker to Strong. Crossover to Strong. Outside-in cutter to Kidd gets two. Scissor kick by Bravo to Kidd as Dean comes off the top with a frog splash for two. Strong trips Bravo up from the outside, which allows Kidd to hit a back drop driver for two. Rising knee by Strong into a piledriver by Kidd and this one is over.

Winners: Gabe Kidd & Roderick Strong

Rating: **1/4. Fine match here, and important to expose Kidd to the American audience.

Match #3. AEW TNT Championship Ladder Match Qualifier: El Phantasmo vs. AR Fox

Both guys using their speed early and a pair of head scissors by ELP. Hard chop by ELP, make that two. Double jump arm drag by ELP. Fox sends ELP to the apron and he misses a senton, allowing Fox to hit a big plancha to the floor. Swanton by Fox gets two. ELP hits the ropes and delivers a flying forearm as both guys are down. Kip up by ELP and a Manhattan drop. Atomic drop by ELP and a Russian Leg Sweep. Bret Hart elbow drop off the middle rope, now. ELP tunes up the band but misses Sweet Chin Music. Fox ducks and kicks him in the knee, but ELP with a springboard crossbody and a Lionsault for two. ELP wants a powerbomb but Fox rolls through for two. Kip up enziguiri by Fox. Twisting suplex by Fox and a 450 splash! Two count. Fox sets ELP up on the top rope and charges, but ELP dives off the top with a big Destroyer! Superkick by ELP and a double underhook Styles Clash finishes this one.

Winner: El Phantasmo

Rating: **3/4. This one started slow but picked up some steam towards the end. ELP is a nice addition to the ladder match, too.

Deonna Purrazzo is with Lexi Nair. Purrazzo says Shida doesn’t deserve to be in the Owen Hart Tournament as it’s not for part timers.

Match #4 Shingo Takagi vs. Dalton Castle

Castle ducks a chop and here we go. Both men trade shoulder blocks but Shingo wins that battle. Elbow drops by Shingo but he misses a senton and rolls to the outside. Castle follows but gets run into the apron. Rebound hurricanrana by Castle on the outside and he grounds Shingo back inside the ring. Fight spills to the outside one more time, this time Shingo maintains control and suplexes Castle on the hard floor. Back from commercial break and Shingo delivers some hammer and anvil elbows. Castle plays possum and tosses Shingo with a big Greco throw. Back elbow by Castle. Back elbow by Shingo and a left hook. Clothesline by Castle and a running knee strike in the corner. Bulldog by Castle gets two. Castle looks for the BangARang but Shingo lands on his feet and hits the Noshigami. Pumping Bomber in the corner by Shingo and a DDT. Big boot by Castle. Another Pumping Bomber by Shingo! Made in Japan and this one’s over.

Winner: Shingo Takagi

Rating: **3/4. Man, I love Shingo. The match was fine, but similar to the last match, it was done to introduce the fans to Shingo ahead of the PPV.

Saraya and Harley Cameron are here. Saraya has a country that’s waiting for her to come home as champion and both women have a toast to the “Smitten of Britain.”

Match #5. Skye Blue vs. Queen Aminata

Blue wants a mat return but Aminata counters with a victory roll for two. Snap suplex by Aminata gets two. Blue counters a second suplex with a roll up for two. Palm strikes by Blue and a superkick to a seated Aminata. Running step-up knee by Blue forces Aminata to the floor. Blue dives off the top with a big crossbody to the floor and Aminata lands hard. Blue beats on Aminata around the outside area, throwing her into the LED board, ring apron, etc. Back in the ring, Aminata catches a charging Blue with a big backbreaker. Two count. Blue goes to the eyes and locks in a full nelson as we wait for the PIP to be over. Big elbows by both women with Aminata getting the better of the battle. Snap mare by Amianta and a running PK gets two. German suplex by Aminata to Blue on the apron as both women then fall to the floor. Amianta charges with a running hip attack but Blue moves and Amianta hits the steel steps. Blue suplexes Aminata from the steel steps to the floor! Back inside the ring and Blue gets a two count. Skye Fall by Blue gets two. Aminata escapes a Code Blue and headbutts Blue… for the win!

Winner: Queen Aminata

Rating: **1/2. I did not.. and I mean, not, see that one coming. Decent match here and Aminata is getting better each showing.

After the match, Aminata picks Blue up but Blue superkicks her.

Final Thoughts: Not the pre-PPV Rampage we’re used to, more of just a filler show. None of the matches were bad, they were just… there. 6.5/10. 

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