Al Snow Says Post Show Media Scrums Break The Illusion That Pro-Wrestling Creates

Photo Credit: WWE

Steve Fall from NBC Sports Boston recently conducted an interview with the great Al Snow, who spoke on a number of hot-button topics in the wrestling industry, including his thoughts on AEW holding post-show media scrums, which he believes ruins the illusion the sport is attempting to create. Highlights from the interview are below.

Talks pro-wrestling being an illusion:

“We all know a magician is not up there defying the laws of physics or altering reality. We know that, but they don’t disclose to us while we’re watching it to ruin it for us … I want to keep that mystery, because that’s part of the fun.”

Why he believes post-show media scrums break the illusion of the product:

“That’s like if you’re going to watch The Avengers or Spider-Man and during the movie they literally look at you in the camera and go, ‘Yeah, you know, this is all B.S., we’re not really doing this — I mean, it’s no big deal.’ You don’t want that. You want to be able to believe, you want to be able to care, and you want to be able to enjoy it and suspend that disbelief. The hardest thing to achieve these days is to get and capture someone’s attention, and then it’s even more of a challenge to hold it, keep it and then to be able to monetize it. Why in the world would you conduct these media scrums and then basically up the incline to the point where it’s near impossible to gather the general audience’s attention and then keep it and then monetize? … You don’t think that you’re capable of getting and garnering and building an audience that is not already built in as a wrestling audience.”

(H/T and transcribed by Wrestling Inc.)

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