Baron Corbin Talks His Relationship With Vince McMahon, Says Vince Came Up With Happy Corbin Character

(Photo Credit: WWE)

The latest guest on Ryan Satin’s Out Of Character podcast was WWE star Baron Corbin, who spoke in detail about his relationship with company chairman Vince McMahon, as well as his thoughts on the creation of his Happy Corbin character. Highlights are below.

On his relationship with Vince McMahon:

“It’s funny because they come up with these ideas. I think it’s just being around Vince [McMahon] for years or Triple H — they kind of start to learn your personality, so they tailor characters I think. They get this idea and tailor that character based on their interactions with you over the years. It could’ve been something with Vince where I’m making him laugh or just having fun being one of the guys with him and he’s like, ‘Ah man, I got this idea where you’re just over the top happy’ and he always tells me, he’s like, ‘People don’t like you. They’re really not gonna like you when you’re really happy all the time’ and so, it works. And like I said, it’s just fun, man.”

Says Vince 100% came up with the Happy Corbin character:

“That was 100 percent Vince. I heard it actually on Twitter. They were like, ‘WWE just copy wrote Happy Corbin.’ I was like, ‘What? That’s where we’re — what?’ And so like I was confused and I came and I asked and [they were] like, ‘Ah, we don’t really know what you’re talking about’ and then sure enough, a couple of weeks later, they’re like, ‘Hey, your name’s Happy Corbin now.’ I was like, ‘Huh, so Twitter knew before I knew?’ And that’s how you find out about a lot of stuff. It’s so funny. So I had no idea, same with my music. I showed up to work and they’re like, ‘Hey, we’re gonna rehearse your entrance.’ I’m like, ‘It’s no different.’ They’re like, ‘No, you got new music’ and I was like, ‘Huh? Since when?’ Like, I had no idea, so it was just pretty funny. You got to be able to work on the fly a little bit.”

On Sad Corbin:

“I honestly believe that the ‘Sad Corbin’ wasn’t supposed to last as long as it did. I think it was supposed to be, from what I understand, it was kind of supposed to be a two-week thing of like, ‘You’re gonna lose the crown, you’re gonna get a little bit depressed’ but it became very entertaining. I had a lot of fun because it was like polar opposite of anything I’ve done, and I think that’s what’s fun about this job for me is it doesn’t become monotonous when you continually evolve. That was just like a hard left from anything I’ve ever done, and it was just this miserable guy with a dirty shirt and the worst part was not being able to cut the hair or the beard. I get a text message at like 2 AM from Vince. It’s like, ‘Don’t shave or cut your hair’ and I’m going, ‘Okay, where’s this going?’ After like three weeks, I’m going like [scratching his beard]. I got like the [George] Costanza hair going, and the best part is, I’m visiting schools for my daughter. They’re like private schools so my daughter’s two-and-a-half, and I’m going in and my beard and hair. You can’t wear a hat into these places, so I look ridiculous. I’m going, ‘I have to apologize for how I look. It’s my job’ and they’re just like, because it’s private schools, They’re judging me the second I walk in. Yeah, it was just really funny. So, I think it became organically interesting.”

(H/T and transcribed by 411 Mania)

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