Bobby Fulton Explains Current Medical Condition, Says He’s Still Cancer Free

Wrestling legend Bobby Fulton of the Fantastics tag team requested that his son take to Facebook to provide an update on his medical condition following a recent hospitalization, and the unfortunate news that his throat cancer may have returned.

In the update Fulton reveals that he was misinformed by doctors, and that he is still cancer free, but that radiation caused bleeding in the spot where his tumor used to be.

MEDICAL UPDATE FROM DAD, he’s still in the hospital:
Please continue to send thoughts and prayers!

Two powerful words IS and WAS.
On Sunday morning I woke up and was spitting a large amount of blood out of my mouth. It really scared me, I called Ed Wilson and Josh Hines and they took me to the James Emergency Room. Upon getting back to the room, they gave me a CT Scan, when we got back to the emergency room, I was laying in the bed, and 5-6 people were surrounding me and they said we found the problem. There is an artery in your throat near your nose that the radiation that kind of messed up, and it is finally blown and that’s what’s bleeding, it IS right by where your tumor IS. I asked one of the people standing there does that mean I have cancer, one shook their head up and down yes. They said the artery IS where the tumor IS. They began discussing a plan to take care of this artery, they were going to destroy it and close it down. So I go, and as we’re going the artery IS where the tumor IS. So finally I asked, do I have cancer to another person, and they said we didn’t see any evidence of it (PRAISE GOD!). So I said to another person that they’ve been telling me the artery was near where the tumor IS. That person told me they should have used the word WAS and not IS. And I said, yes it makes a big difference. I’m thankful that at this time, I can say I’m cancer free. I’m thankful for all the prayers and all the love you all continue to show me. That’s why it is always important to choose your words wisely. There’s a big difference between IS and WAS.

We’ll continue to provide updates on Fulton’s condition as they come. Check out his FB post below.

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