Cary Silkin Discusses Chris Jericho Becoming ROH World Champion

(Photo Credit: ROH)

A title change that saw Chris Jericho defeat Claudio Castagnoli and win the ROH World Championship for the first time in his career opened the AEW Dynamite: Grand Slam this past Wednesday. 

Cary Silkin, the former owner of Ring of Honor, was attacked by Jericho outside the ring while watching the match. Silkin made an appearance on Busted Open Radio, where he talked about Jericho becoming champion. 

“Absolutely, Chris Jericho brings more attention to the ROH letters, but he’s got Claudio [Castagnoli] there, he’s got Bryan Danielson there, Jay Lethal who I feel has not been used to his best ability at all, far from it. But I’m not the guy with the pencil. But there’s enough guys with the true Ring of Honor lineage. Dalton was there… I was happy to see that. So, hopefully if this comes together, there will be a little more of the old school Ring of Honor vibe.

It was a great experience. Jericho will get his [for putting his hands on me] and it’s gonna be interesting to see what they do with him, but as Tommy pointed out, the Ring of Honor Title will get a lot more attention and hopefully lead to this pie in the sky TV deal that Tony Khan’s been working on and I think he is.”

Quotes via POST Wrestling

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