Cesaro On What He Thinks Has Held Him Back In WWE

During his interview with The New York Post, Cesaro spoke on why he thinks he hasn’t reached main event status. Here’s what he had to say:

I think there have been a lot of different variables that go into it. Sometimes I feel like the squeaky wheel gets the grease kind of thing. Sometimes something that’s always there and reliable you kind of start to overlook it because you take it for granted. I always try to create as much momentum as I could and do the best with what I was given and am given and I think that’s the important part. Just keep working hard and make the best every single time with the opportunities that you’re given. If you look at some of the past greats, it all took them a while to come into their own and get to the world champion level. Yes, there are a few people that did it fast. But look at Edge, look at Bret Hart, look at all those guys. They are all with WWE for almost 10 years before they hit their big break.

You can read the interview HERE.

Credit: New York Post.

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