Chelsea Green Discusses Matt Cardona’s Deathmatch With Nick Gage

Chelsea Green discussed a wide range of topics during a recent edition of her Envy With Green podcast.

During it, Green talked about Matt Cardona’s deathmatch with Nick Gage:

“I’m very proud of him.  He got through the deathmatch.  He won the death match.  Him and I had a trip planned to California after this deathmatch.  We flew to L.A.  We were going to go to Universal and Disney.  Well, we did do Universal and Disney, but let me just say, I had to do a little nursing before Universal and Disney, and it was not the sexy kind.  I did not throw on a cute, little outfit or whatever.  This kind of nursing was like a f*cking horror scene.  I walked into the hotel at Universal.  Matt had flown straight from his deathmatch to the Universal hotel.  He had showered, and then had taken a nap.  Holy sh*t. 

When he woke up from this nap, the bed in the hotel room was soaked.  It was terrifying.  When I walked in, I mean, I brought, I came prepared with band-aids, gauze, neosporin, newskin, and things like that, but I didn’t know how bad it was.  I thought I was just doing a little patch up work because I knew that after this deathmatch, he got a couple stitches.  I thought he was taken care of.  I walked into a f*cking crime scene.  It was not just a little patch work.  It was not enough to take him to the emergency room and get more stitches, but there were a lot of little cuts, and a lot of blood.  Unfortunately, even the blood was coming from the stitched wounds.  I took care of that.  I have taken care of his back every day since.  It is so much better.  Even four day later, it was not even comparable to what I dealt with in that Universal Studios hotel room.”

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