Chris Jericho On The Secret To His Longevity

During his appearance on Sippin’ The Tea, Chris Jericho revealed that he considers his character work to be the key to his longevity in the wrestling business. Here’s what he had to say:

I think that people have to understand that even in this day, that wrestling is so much more about the character, and personalities, and the charisma. To really make it in anything, especially show-business wise, is just so much attached to building a fan base. You have to connect with that fan base. You have to make them want to see you.

Whether they want to see you win, or they want to see you lose, or want to see you play a concert, or do stand-up comedy or whatever, you have to have a connection with somebody that really draws them into what it is you’re doing. So, it’s never been about moves. Even though now, moves are so important, and everybody is so athletic. It’s incredible, but it still doesn’t mean as much as a great story.

You can listen HERE.

Credit: Sippin’ The Tea. H/T WrestlingInc.

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