Cody and Brandi Rhodes Discuss The Inspiration For Rhodes To The Top Series, Name Their Wrestling Mount Rushmore

AEW power couple Cody and Brandi Rhodes recently participated in a Q&A with Bleacher Report to discuss a number of pro-wrestling related topics, most notably the inspiration behind their new Rhodes to the Top series on TNT, and who stands on their Mount Rushmore of wrestling. Highlights are below.

On what the inspiration was behind Rhodes To The Top:

CODY: “The inspiration is the expansion of the AEW footprint. Dynamite was so good. We moved from Wednesday – Friday nights. With that in mind, the idea that we could put mics on members of management, turn the cameras on and get this unprecedented look behind the scenes in the craziness, most tumultuous season just felt like it just happened. I’m proud we were able to keep it authentic, it’s not a framed reality show and just a reality show. That excites me.”

BRANDI: “What happens on the show falls on a very interesting period of time. When we were filming everyone was scared that we’d wrap before the baby was born. Then the baby came early which is why we shifted courses. You get pregnant Brandi at the end of her road and then this beautiful baby is here and there’s this adjustment. That’s where we end off and whatever’s next is up to TNT. I’m hopeful we’re able to see what’s next, it’s really a fun and amazing time. I’ve changed a lot in a good way. This is a process everyone goes through and I want to share that with people.”

Their Mount Rushmore of wrestling:

CODY: “Vince (McMahon), Dusty (Rhodes), The Rock, Tony (Khan).”

BRANDI: “Sherri Martel, Ms. Elizabeth, Mae Young, Madusa.”

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