Colt Cabana On What Advice He’d Give To Aspiring Wrestlers

During his appearance on Wrestling Observer Live, Colt Cabana revealed that the advice he’d give aspiring wrestlers is to learn as much as you can about different parts of the business rather than focusing on a smaller subset of the facets. Here’s what he had to say:

You have to have a grasp of all of these things. I know you just want to learn how to be a wrestler, but you need to learn how to video edit, you need to learn how to do Photoshop, learn different languages and this is advice for you’re 16 or 17, I hated school. I really didn’t like school but if Matt Hardy at the time had told me ‘Colt, I know you’re in school right now, learn Spanish because you can then become a megastar in CMLL if you want to’ and then you look at people like Jack Evans and Angelico who are stars in AEW now, but for years were able to just be in Mexico and be bigger stars because they knew the language so yeah, I taught myself the other stuff and I recommend people who want to get into wrestling is just learn everything.

Credit: Wrestling Observer Live. H/T Wrestlezone.

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