Darby Allin Came Up With Idea For Sting’s Career End AEW Vignette, Personally Directed It Himself

Darby Allin is a multi-talented individual.

He’s a wrestler, skateboarder, an aspiring mountain climber and apparently, he’s not too bad at directing, either.

The charismatic AEW pillar spoke with Sean Ross Sapp of Fightful recently, during which he spoke about being the one who personally directed Sting’s career-end vignette in AEW.

The AEW vignette that featured Sting in an empty theater watching highlights of his iconic career from the AEW Revolution 2024 pay-per-view was not only his idea, but was an example of another vignette that he personally directed.

“I directed them,” he said. “I did everything. It was literally me and my friend Max Yoder. He doesn’t work for AEW, he’s a freelance guy that films skate videos.”

Allin continued, “I was the one that came up with the concept of the movie theater and watching his career. I was there directing it. Me and Max directed it. I’m behind all of that. It’s cool that AEW is like, ‘Darby, do whatever you want.’ ‘Cool.’ It goes beyond what you see in the ring. Just overall presentation, the promos, everything.”

Check out the complete interview via the YouTube player embedded below.

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