Edge On Who Was The First Wrestler He Learned A Lesson From

During an appearance on Busted Open Radio, Edge spoke on learning his first real professional wrestling lesson from wrestling Luther. Here’s what he had to say:

One lesson I learned so early on was with a guy, Dr. Luther, he’s now in AEW, and he was like the first experienced guy that I’d worked [with]. He’s been to Japan, he’d been in FMW and all these places. We were working, and it was probably like my fiftieth match or something and we’re having a Street Fight. So he calls the spot and I immediately want to do it. He went, ‘whoa, hold on. Pump the breaks. You got it?’ I was like, ‘Oh, I don’t have to go right away. I can actually stop and and and register what he said instead of just instantly go.’ I’ve never forgotten that lesson. He doesn’t even know it was a lesson for me, I’m sure. But that really, really — you know, the light bulb went off. There [were] a lot more light bulbs that needed to go off, but that was the first one that I distinctly remember going, ‘oh my God, he just cracked open my brain.’ This is different than I thought.

Credit: Busted Open Radio. H/T Wrestlezone.

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