Eric Bischoff On The Thought Process Behind “The Crow” Gimmick For Sting

During a recent episode of 83 Weeks, Eric Bischoff revealed his thought process behind The Crow storyline for Sting during WCW days. Here’s what he had to say:

Going back to the Sting character, the reason that the Sting character had gone dark, became the Crow, became that moody and mysterious character, is because things had been said about Sting to question his loyalty in the weeks previous to him emerging as this Crow character. That was the catalyst, that was what launched the Sting character. People who were friends of his, who were his peers in WCW, were beginning to question Sting’s loyalty. We wanted to build on that, and we wanted Sting to be this autonomous character where you were really sure whether he was a good guy or a bad guy. The mystery is what drove the Sting story for a long time until it became clear, and it took a while to get there – I don’t know how many months it took before Sting revealed that he really was anti-nWo. But for a period of time, he was the prototype tweener if there ever was one. He may have created the tweener concept at that point because you weren’t sure. That’s what I wanted, that’s what Sting wanted, and that’s what we needed. We needed a mystery within WCW.

You can listen HERE.

Credit: 83 Weeks. H/T 411Mania.

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