Eric Bischoff Says If ROH Were A Horse, He’d Put It Out Of Its’ Misery And Move On

(Photo Credit: Impact)

Eric Bischoff doesn’t have a high opinion of Ring Of Honor.

During a recent installment of his 83 Weeks podcast, the WWE Hall of Fame legend and former WCW Executive Vice President was asked if he had an opinion on how to build more interest in the ROH brand.

Bischoff made it clear that not only did he not have an opinion on how to grow the company, but that if it were up to him, he’d end the company and move on.

“No. It was a bad decision to buy it in the first place, and there’s nothing anybody’s going to do to make it interesting or important, outside of the hardest of hardcore Internet wrestling community fans,” he said. “That’s it. There is no solution.”

Bischoff continued, “If it was a horse, I’d put it out of its misery and move on. I would take the resources that are going into Ring of Honor, which is never going to be viable, ever, I would take the resources that are being dumped into that, and put it into my core product, Dynamite. By putting Bryan Danielson and the rest of the people that they put into this thing, you’re diluting their characters. You’re making them look like independent wrestlers. You’re not elevating their characters in any way, shape, or form. In fact, you’re doing exactly the opposite. It’s really unbelievable to me, and I don’t know what the drive is. Is it ego? Is Tony [saying], ‘I did this and I’m gonna prove I can make it work’? It’s certainly not because it’s a great revenue opportunity. It dilutes the core product. It’s being shoved down the audience’s throat, and they’re gagging on it.”

Check out the complete episode of the “83 Weeks” podcast where Eric Bischoff touches more on this topic at H/T to for transcribing the above quotes.

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