Eric Bischoff Says Stephanie McMahon Wanted Him To Dye His Hair Black Again When He Joined WWE

Photo Credit: WWE

Eric Bischoff discussed a wide range of topics during a recent edition of his 83 Weeks podcast. Here are some of the highlights: 

His hair going grey and hair vs. hair match with Ric Flair in WCW: 

“Back in ‘96, my hair would grow about a quarter of an inch every two days.  It was really thick and heavy and I had to dye my hair.  I would dye my hair, and two or three days later, because my hair was so heavy and thick, it would start to part on it’s own.  There would be this white streak up the middle of my head.  I would look like Pepe Le Pew, the cartoon skunk.  I hated it because I would always have to fix it.  Then I’m on television.  I would push my hair back and it was like a white wine two days after I just had it dyed.  It drove me crazy which is why I did the hair match with Ric Flair.  I wanted to shave my head.  I wanted to just get it over with and I’ve never looked back.  

Stephanie McMahon wanting him to dye his hair black when he joined WWE: 

“When I went to WWE, I’ll never forget it as a talent back in 2001 or 2002 whatever it was, I don’t even remember.  I remember after I made the deal and everything was signed, sealed, and delivered, we knew where we were going creatively.  I understood what the plan was.  I put a call in to Stephanie, who was head of creative at the time.  I said, ‘Do you guys want me to come back with black hair, or is it cool if I come back with my natural color?’  I was so hoping she was going to say, ‘Don’t worry about dyeing your hair.  That’s so phony.  Everybody knows it’s phony.  If your hair’s gray, your hair’s gray.  Come back as you.  Don’t come back as you used to be.’  That’s what I was hoping for, but that’s not the answer I got.  Stephanie without missing a beat said, ‘Oh no.  Dye your hair black’, and I was back at it again.  I was so glad when we eventually weaved our way into a story where I was going to get my head shaved again, so I had to quit dying my hair.  It was a happy day for me.”

H/T to for the transcription

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