Eric Bischoff Shares The Two Things That Are Sacrificed In Wrestling Today

Photo Credit: WWE

Eric Bischoff spoke with Fightful to discuss a wide range of topics. 

During it, he explained the two elements of professional wrestling he thinks are being sacrificed in this day and age.

“What’s changed? I think the emphasis on physical performance is much greater than it was in the past. Which I think is great. However, character and story have suffered. So there’s so much emphasis put on high flying, super athletic, ‘Holy sh*t’ or ‘This is awesome,’ trying to get the chant and that’s cool, and I get it and it’s fun.”

“But when you sacrifice story and characters in order to achieve that, I think it hurts the product in the long run. I think that’s one of the things it’s suffering from now. Now, do I get mad about it? I don’t really care. I just notice it. I’m not in the business any more. So I don’t, as we say in the sticks, have a dog in that hunt. But it’s obvious to me.”

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