Gail Kim Says She Was Supposed To Be On Season 4 Of GLOW, Who She Would Pick To Induct Her Into The WWE Hall of Fame

Photo Credit: IMPACT

IMPACT legend Gail Kim recently participated in a virtual meet-and-greet with The Asylum Wrestling Store to discuss a number of different topics, including how she was supposed to be on GLOW Season 4 prior to it shutting down, and how she would want Molly Holly or Christy Hemme to induct her into the WWE Hall of Fame if she were ever inducted. Highlights are below.

Says she was supposed to film for Season 4 of the Netflix series GLOW but the show would be canceled due to COVID-19:

And so what happened was, actually, because Chavo [Guerrero] was one of the — he was the stunt coordinator and the wrestling coordinator on that show. Before COVID hit, me and Lisa [Marie Varon], Victoria, I don’t know what you wanna call her. We were on our way the next week to go shoot for GLOW and then it got cancelled and then they cancelled the whole show.

Who she would pick to induct her into the WWE Hall of Fame if she were ever inducted:

I don’t know if that’s gonna happen [WWE Hall Of Fame induction]. If I was gonna pick someone, I mean Molly [Holly] is the one that inspired me and she was the one that gave me my opportunity. She’d probably be at the top of my list. But then some parts of me — and not that we’re not good friends, we are. We just don’t talk — we talk a couple times a year. It would probably have to be one of my closest friends and someone who’s my best friend is Christy Hemme because she knows me really well and knows my passion and has kind of been there through a lot of my journey and we’re still kind of continuing our journey together, working on outside projects and everything so, just like I did in my TNA [Hall Of Fame induction], I asked three people to do it. It was [Awesome] Kong, Taryn [Terrell] and Christy and they both are all special to me throughout my wrestling career, so it would be one of the two. I actually wouldn’t know who.

(H/T and transcribed by Post Wrestling)

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