Highspots Releases Statement Announcing That They’ve Ended Their Working Relationship With Joey Ryan

Highspots issued the following press release announcing that they’ve ended their working relationship with Joey Ryan following the multiple sexual misconduct allegations made against him in what is being referred to the #SpeakingOut movement. Details are below.

We ended the agreement as it relates to any future money being paid to Joey, therefore we removed Bar Wrestling from HSWN since Bar Wrestling would have received money based on the number of viewers it attracted.

We did not pull the Joey Ryan Penis Party since Joey was paid a one time fee (last payment was March 2019) to use his name to promote the show, he never saw a penny for sales after the fact (same deal as Janela has with Gamechanger as it relates to Spring Break). However, we will be rebranding that single show as the Wrestlecon Penis Party and we will not be doing any future shows under that name.

WE did not pull the Bar Wrestling DVDS and video downloads off Highspots.com (yet) because we have already paid for that content and nothing related to its sales would go back to Joey. We may choose to remove those things in the future, but since ZERO money is being paid to Joey for those sales, its something I’m comfortable keeping up at this time as I continue to ponder how to handle these issues.”

(H/T Post Wrestling)

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