Ivelisse Explains Why She Is Misunderstood By The Industry, Talks AEW Release

Pro-wrestling star Ivelisse was the latest guest on Insight With Chris Van Vilet to discuss a wide range of topics, including why she believes she is misunderstood in industry, and her thoughts on being released from AEW. Highlights from the interview can be found below.

Explains why she is misunderstood:

“I am the type of person who has come from nothing, and I have so many components against me. It doesn’t even give me the time to explain myself. My whole life I have been in hustle mode, so I have never had a chance to fix the misunderstandings. Also I am a female, and there is a lot of progress in the world and in general when it comes to sexism. that is one of the issues that is very far behind. Being a female in a male dominated business, I feel there is so much left to go. Also being a minority, there’s a lot of things about who I am and my identity that people won’t understand. That is what helps me to not take it as personally. I just keep pushing to fight for all that I stand for.”

Discusses her release from AEW:

“To me, the blame of who [is at fault] is irrelevant, it’s business. The way I see things is that communication is the solution to anything and everything. I feel like that was the most disappointing part. I know in my mind that it was a misunderstanding between a group of individuals. The only way to move forward from that is to talk. If you don’t talk then nothing get resolved. That was the most disappointing part. There was a lot of reasons why it didn’t happen, but hopefully it gets to happen eventually. To me, it’s a matter of resolving the misunderstandings.”

Dealing with online negativity:

“Honestly I feel like the only way I can handle that, how I always handle it, is to not give them ammunition. No matter what I do or don’t do, they will do it regardless. I can only control me. I will be careful not to give them that ammunition, but at the same time they will not impact my goals and my purpose and who I am in general. I am going to keep fighting for it regardless.”

Check out Ivelisse’s full interview below.

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