Jay Lethal Discusses ROH Taping Shows Again During COVID-19 Pandemic

Jay Lethal made an appearance on the Battleground podcast to talk about a wide range of topics. 

During it, he spoke about ROH restarting and taping shows again months after the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. 

“I really thought, and still do to some degree, that this Covid could end professional wrestling for the foreseeable future.  That’s all I kept thinking.  Shows were getting shut down and then no one was performing.  We were having these Ring of Honor zoom meetings with the whole company.  In these zoom meetings, the owner of Ring of Honor, Joe Koff, said, ‘I don’t want to do the empty arena matches.  I don’t want to put my wrestlers in the hotels and in the airports.  You guys just sit tight at home.’  Right away when you hear that, you think, well, we’re getting paid to sit home.  This is amazing.  This was essentially what he was saying is to sit home and we are still going to pay you.  No one’s check was late.  No one was furloughed.  No one was let go.  Then there was a large part that if we don’t do something soon, this may not be good for us, especially from a company standpoint.  We are sitting all our employees home and they are not producing content.  I really feared for the worst.  Luckily, management realized that a lot of us were happy going back to work.  They put this anonymous poll out there to see if we are ok traveling.  If we had to fly tomorrow, would you be ok?  Of course, amongst the wrestlers, we talk.  I can’t think of a single person who didn’t answer that form with a resounding yes, we will be ok with it.  We just want to get back to work.  I’ll wrestle in front of two people for the rest of my life if I have to.  There are a lot of us who know what that feels like.  There have been so many shows when I first started where the crowd was just my family.  I can remember those days clearly.”

H/T to WrestlingNews.co

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