Jim Ross On John Laurinaitis Returning

During a recent episode of Grilling JR, Jim Ross spoke on the WWE hiring back John Laurinaitis. Here’s what he had to say:

Good for him. Everybody deserves the right to feed their family. I was a little surprised, to be honest with you. I was surprised that he came back in that role. I don’t understand what their exact management chart looks like…..I don’t know if Laurinaitis has the autonomy to hire talent or fire talent, more likely probably not, but I don’t know that. I did talent relations differently than Laurinaitis is gonna do it because I’m a different person, and I was doing it in a different time. I was just reminded I got replaced in 2004 – 17 years ago – and I’m kind of over it. I was surprised, and I hope he does well.

You can listen HERE.

Credit: Grilling JR. H/T 411Mania.

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