Jim Ross On Why He Considers Summerslam 2000 To Be One Of The Best Summerslam Events

During a recent episode of Grilling JR, Jim Ross credits the TLC ladder match between The Hardy Boys, The Dudley Boys and Edge & Christian for helping to make Summerslam 2000 one of the best editions of the event. Here’s what he had to say:

Thumbs up without a doubt. And again, because of the ladder match being so spectacular, being fresh and new, you could see the hunger on the face and the sparkle in the eye of these three teams finally getting a chance to prove what they always believed they had, and that was main event level abilities. They could create a match of their own – it wasn’t a Texas Death Match, it wasn’t a Tornado Match, anything that had already been done. It was brand new and they had a blank canvas in which to do their painting. That match alone will always rank this SummerSlam – I can’t think one off the top of my head that has impressed me more. I thought it was a good card, good show, the storytelling leading up to the main event was good. I thought it was a hell of a show, and the crowd was amazing. It’s so important to have that big crowd there, so emotionally invested. I just thought that match alone made this show extraordinary special to me.

You can listen HERE.

Credit: Grilling JR. H/T 411Mania.

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