Karen Jarrett Recalls Her TNA Storyline With Jeff Jarrett and Kurt Angle

Karen Jarrett recently did an interview with Chris Van Vliet to discuss a wide range of topics. 

During it, she recalled the storyline involving herself, Jeff Jarrett, and Kurt Angle in TNA Wrestling. Karen is the ex-wife of Angle. 

“I don’t know what everyone’s initial reaction was. Even now today if something is pitched, I’m just like whatever Jeff wants us to do. I don’t really know what his first reaction was. I’m sure it was shock and uncomfortable, the way that I was. But at the same time we did the storyline, our kids are backstage. Everyone is happy. Everything was good. Our kids knew that this is not real. This is not what our life is really like. But I’m glad that all of that is over.”

H/T to WrestlingNews.co for the transcription

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