Kevin Ku On The Strengths Of The MLW Roster

During an interview with 411, Kevin Ku spoke on why it’s a benefit for MLW to have so many wrestlers on their roster with a combat sports background. Here’s what he had to say:

I think it’s awesome. Now is such an era of pro wrestling where every fan thinks that they know everything about wrestling, and it’s just kind of like, ‘Oh. We know what’s going on.’ But with actual combat athletes, or people who are shoot style, it takes them out of it. They’re like, ‘Oh, wait. Maybe I don’t know what’s going on. Maybe this is real.’ And I think that’s the coolest thing because it used to, there wasn’t the internet with dirt sheets back in the 80s and stuff. So, people just assumed that everything was real, like what was happening in front of their eyes was a real, factual thing. So, I think that’s something that MLW is kind of cornering again.

Credit: 411Mania.

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