Lance Archer Recalls Being Angry He Wasn’t Included In TNA Impact Game

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Lance Archer spoke about not being included in the TNA Impact game from years ago in an interview for Ad Free Shows

He made his video game debut in WWE Smackdown vs. Raw 2011. Here is what he had to say: 

“The first wrestling game I ever played was Raw vs. SmackDown, the one that I was in. It was like, ‘Oh, I have to play this as myself.’ It was really cool and surreal. I have 21 years in the business and I have an action figure coming out soon, which is cool, but I’ve only had one other action figure and that was in TNA. All my time in the business — when TNA came out with the video game, they didn’t include me. I had been with the company just about as long as the company had been in existence and I wasn’t one of the people they decided to include, which kind of pissed me off. It is what it is, it’s the business. To be part of Raw vs. SmackDown, I think at the time was the biggest roster they ever had included in a video game. There were some wrestlers that made interesting comments that I was in it. I was like, ‘You know what, kiss my ass.’ It was fun to see myself in the video game and to play as myself. It was cool to see the whole aspect of it.“

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