Mark Henry On His World Title Run

During an appearance on The Bump, Mark Henry spoke on noticing the imperfections in his World Title win over Randy Orton but really appreciating the work he put into his title run. Here’s what he had to say:

Watching it, great athletes point out the mistakes. They see everything that went right and go, ‘That was supposed to go right.’ But they were a couple of little things that I would have changed. I’m not going to get into them. I saw the imperfection. When you get to the point where you have greatness, and all you see are the imperfections, you know you’re on the right route.

I knew I had to present myself like a World Champion. I planned on doing that, and I think I did do that. I was a good champion. I was a fighting champion. In my departure, I left the business better than when I came into it.

Credit: The Bump. H/T 411Mania.

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