Mick Foley Looks Back On WCW Match Where He Was Hit In The Face With A Shovel

(Photo Credit: WWE)

On the latest edition of his Foley Is Pod podcast WWE Hall of Famer Mick Foley reflected on his days in WCW, and how he was once hit in the face with a shovel during a tag team matchup against Jerry Sags and Brian Knobbs, better known as The Nasty Boys. Highlights can be found below.

How he hurt his shoulder in the match on a separate spot:

“There’s not enough room for me to take this bump, the Nestea Plunge, properly. So I end up doing great damage to my shoulder because I gotta rotate mid-air.”

How he was later his in the face with a shovel during the match:

“I personally thought the Nestea Plunge was enough for the fall, but Sags had other ideas … None of that was [planned], because the only thing we knew was the finish. And again, maybe I’m looking back at this through this with rose-colored glasses, but my recollection — and I think that’s consistent with what I wrote in 1999 — is that I didn’t have anything planned. Maybe Maxx and those guys did, but I was already, in my head, out of the company and getting surgery.”

(H/T and transcribed by Wrestling Inc.)

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