MLW Fusion TV Report 8/17/19

The first match was between Mance Warner and Ricky Martinez. Warner gets the win in quick fashion. It lasted a little over 2 minutes. Martinez as of late has become a punching bag.

The next match was the Austin battle if you will. It was between Ace Austin and Austin Aries. This was a fun back and forth match between the two. Aries gets the win after hitting the brain buster. He calls out Teddy Hart after the match.

The main event was a New York street fight between LA Park and Jimmy Havoc. I mean this with all the respect in the world, but it is hard for me to watch a match with Jimmy Havoc in it. He is not a bad wrestler but I cringe in all his matches. This match was as wild as most of you can imagine. LA Park spears Havoc through a chair structure and gets the win. Salina gets on the mic saying that no one can take her down. Warner comes out with a chainsaw and runs all three out of the ring to end the show.

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