Natalya Originally Wasn’t Supposed To Be Part Of Total Divas

(Photo Credit: WWE)

TJ Wilson was a guest on the Going Postl podcast where he discussed a wide range of topics. 

During it, he looked back on the E! Network reality show, Total Divas, and how Natalya, his wife, wasn’t originally supposed to be part of the cast. However, Vince McMahon wanted her on the show. 

“And what’s funny is originally, Nattie — and Nattie’s talked about this in a lot of interviews. She wasn’t supposed to be on it. It was gonna be The Bellas, Eva (Marie), JoJo (Offerman) but it was like, they weren’t gonna do — I think some people thought Nattie was too wrestler-y and Vince (McMahon) was the one who said, ‘No. Actually, Nattie will be the glue of this thing because she comes from a wrestling background and this will be the thing that ties it together to our audience…’”

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