NWA Road To EmPowerrr Released (Video)

NWA presents its EmPowerrr show in a couple of weeks the day before its 73rd PPV event.  

The Road To preview is now online, which hypes the event. The video is described as follows:

“Fans, we’re just under two weeks away from our star-studded weekend in St. Louis. Amongst all the work that comes along with putting on an event of this magnitude, Mickie James, the executive producer of NWA EmPowerrr was kind enough to sit down with NWA president William Patrick Corgan to discuss her beginnings as a standout female in a male-dominated industry, the challenges of becoming the best in her field, and how all of this culminated in the birth of NWA Empowerrr. Also featured are NWA Worlds Heavyweight Champion Nick Aldis and NWA Women’s World Champion Kamille.”

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