NWA USA Results 2/5/22

NWA USA Results 2/5/22
GPB Studios
Atlanta, Georgia

You can follow me on Twitter @JoshLopezMedia

Commentary Team: (Joe Galli, Raven, and Velvet Sky)

Transcription by Josh Lopez

Strictly Business Interview 

May Valentine: Please welcome Tom Latimer and Chris Adonis of Strictly Business. Guys, how are you feeling about your recent loss against The British Invasion?

Thom Latimer: Oh, May, May, May, May, as usual, me and Chris got screwed. The one thing that Nick is really good at is bending the rules, I guess that’s how he managed to keep hold of the ten pounds of gold for that long, bending the rules, sick of it. Excuse me, ask me another question, May.

May Valentine: Okay. And, Chris, when are we finally going to see you defend the National Heavyweight Championship on NWA USA? I mean, you are the representative champion in this show.

Chris Adonis: Finally? Finally? How dare you, May? What are you trying to imply? Are you trying to imply that I’m not the most fighting National Heavyweight Champion in the history of NWA, because I am. And let me tell you this much, May, sure, I will defend the NWA National Title once the NWA finds me some suitable competition.

First Match: Ariya Daivari vs. Darius Lockhart In A Semi-Final Match In The NWA World Junior Heavyweight Championship Tournament 

Collar and Elbow Tie Up. Wrist Lock Exchange. Daivari with a shoulder block. Following a snap mare takeover, Daivari goes for a knee drop, but Lockhart ducks out of the way. Strong lockup. Daivari with a waist lock go-behind. Second Wrist Lock Exchange. Lockhart with a pair of leg sweeps. Lockhart kicks Daivari in the chest. Lockhart applies an arm-bar. Lockhart transitions into a hammerlock. Lockhart bends his back over the right shoulder of Daivari for a two count. Lockhart applies a hammerlock. Daivari backs Lockhart into the turnbuckles. Daivari with a back elbow smash. Lockhart sweeps out the legs of Daivari. Lockhart goes for a Running Knee Strike, but Daivari ducks out of the way. Daivari drives Lockhart throat first into the bottom rope. Daivari sends Lockhart face first into the steel ring post. Daivari rolls Lockhart back into the ring.

Daivari brings Lockhart to the ring apron. Daivari with a chop/haymaker combination. Daivari goes into the lateral press for a two count. Daivari slams Lockhart’s head on the top turnbuckle pad. Daivari with the irish whip. Daivari with a Pop Up Chest Kick for a two count. Daivari fish hooks Lockhart. Daivari applies a rear chin lock. Lockhart with heavy bodyshots. Daivari drops Lockhart with a knife edge chop. Lockhart with a drop toe hold. Daivari kicks Lockhart in the face. Daivari goes for The Magic Carpet Ride, but Lockhart ducks out of the way. Lockhart with two cross chops. Lockhart ducks a clothesline from Daivari. Lockhart with a Running Crossbody Block for a two count. Lockhart whips Daivari across the ring. Daivari holds onto the ropes. Daivari kicks Lockhart in the chest. Lockhart with a Vertical Suplex. Lockhart with The Flying Crossbody Block for a two count.

Lockhart uppercuts Daivari. Daivari with a Running NeckBreaker. Daivari hits The Hammerlock DDT for a two count. Daivari with a knife edge chop. Lockhart reverses out of the irish whip from Daivari. Daivari with a shoulder block. Daivari slams Lockhart’s head on the top turnbuckle pad. Daivari with The Roundhouse Kick. Daivari dives over Lockhart. Lochart goes for The O’Connor Roll, but Daivari holds onto the ropes. Daivari SuperKicks Lockhart. Daivari connects with The Hammerlock Lariat. Daivari lands The Magic Carpet Ride for a two count. Lockhart rolls Daivari over for a two count. Lockhart side steps Daivari into the turnbuckles. Daivari ducks a clothesline from Lockhart. Daivari applies The Sleeper Hold. Lockhart with a snap mare escape. Lockhart applies a Sleeper Hold of his own. Lockhart drives Daivari back first into the turnbuckles. Lockhart plants Daivari with The Running Knee Strike to pickup the victory.

Winner: Darius Lockhart via Pinfall 

– You can get your replica NWA Belts at fandubelts.com/NWA 

Second Match: Marshe Rockett w/BLK Jeez vs. Miguel Robles 

Rockett kicks Robles in the gut. Rockett with a forearm smash. Rockett unloads two knife edge chops. Rockett whips Robles across the ring. Rockett dropkicks Robles for a two count. Rockett punches Robles. Rockett sends Robles to the corner. Rockett with The Stinger Splash. Robles side steps Rockett into the turnbuckles. Robles is throwing haymakers at Rockett. Robles with a Corner Dropkick. Rockett connects with The Rockett Kick to pickup the victory.

Winner: Marshe Rockett via Pinfall 

NWA Powerrr Trip Match Card 

– Kylie Rae vs. Chelsea Green 

– Rhett Titus vs. Colby Corino In A Two Out Of Three Falls Match 

– The OGK vs. The Fixers In A Falls Count Anywhere Kentucky Sweetheart’s Brawl 

– Idol Mania Sports Management vs. Cyon, Matthew Mims and The Ill Begotten In A 8-Man Tag Team Match 

– Chris Adonis (c) vs. Anthony Mayweather For The NWA National Heavyweight Championship 

– Nick Aldis vs. Thomas Latimer In A I Quit Match 

– Kamille (c) vs. Taryn Terrell For The NWA World Women’s Championship 

– The Pope vs. Mike Knox 

– Trevor Murdoch (c) vs. Matt Cardona For The NWA Worlds Heavyweight Championship

Third Match: Austin Aries vs. Luke Hawx In A Semi-Final Match In The NWA World Junior Heavyweight Championship Tournament 

Collar and Elbow Tie Up. Luke backs Aries into the turnbuckles. The referee calls for a clean break. Strong lockup. Aries applies a top wrist lock. Luke transitions into a side headlock. Aries whips Luke across the ring. Luke drops Aries with a shoulder tackle. Luke taunts Aries. Aries signals for the test of strength. Aries with a waist lock go-behind. Aries grabs a side headlock. Luke sends Aries to the corner. Aries dives over Luke. Aries with two arm-drags. Aries applies an arm-bar. Aries repeatedly drives his knee into Luke’s left shoulder. Luke whips Aries across the ring. Luke with another shoulder tackle. Luke tees off on Aries. Luke with the irish whip. Luke with The Running Powerslam for a one count.

Luke rocks Aries with a forearm smash. Luke slams Aries head on the top turnbuckle pad. Aries kicks Luke in the gut. Luke buries his elbow into the midsection of Aries. Luke drives Aries face first into the middle turnbuckle pad. Following a snap mare takeover, Luke applies a rear chin lock. Aries decks Luke with a JawBreaker. Luke with The Spinning Heel Kick for a two count. Luke punches Aries in the back. Luke kicks Aries in the gut. Luke with a straight right hand. Luke with a Scoop Slam. Luke goes for The SpringBoard MoonSault, but Aries gets his knees up in the air. Aries with forearm shivers. Aries with a blistering chop. Luke answers with a toe kick.

Luke goes for The Pumphandle Slam, but Aries lands back on his feet. Aries rolls Luke over for a two count. Aries applies The Last Chancery. Luke grabs the bottom rope which forces the break. Luke denies The Vertical Suplex. Luke punches Aries in the back. Luke hits The Pumphandle Powerslam for a two count. Luke with clubbing blows to Aries back. We have a brief stalemate in the ropes. Aries with a shoulder block. Aries drops Luke with The Draping NeckBreaker. Luke is throwing haymakers at Aries. Aries with clubbing elbow smashes. Aries nails Luke with The Bell Clap. Aries delivers The Missile Dropkick. Luke denies The Corner Dropkick. Luke goes for The Running Powerslam, but Aries lands back on his feet. Aries with The Rolling Elbow. Aries drills Luke with The Corner Dropkick. Aries connects with The BrianBuster to pickup the victory.

Winner: Austin Aries via Pinfall 

Checkout Episode 295 of The Hoots Podcast

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