Ric Flair On Why He Went To TNA After His Retirement Match Against HBK

During an appearance on WINCLY, Ric Flair revealed that he went to TNA after his retirement match with Shawn Michaels because he needed the money. Here’s what he had to say:

I needed the money. Very simple. I was paying alimony to three women at one time and lawyers. I got bombed as everyone hit me and then the IRS. It’s very simple – like Jim [Ross] said, I needed the money.

I would have never have gone there. Even though I got to hang around Kurt [Angle] and Sting, it was a disaster. Everything I did with Bischoff and Russo… You know what people say to me now: where would you have been if WCW hadn’t treated you like that? I get that from people that are my friends who wanna know where I would have been if they treated me with any respect whatsoever.

You can listen to the podcast below:

Credit: WINCLY.

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