Ricky Starks On When He Actually Got Cleared To Wrestle

During an interview with Instinct Culture, Ricky Starks confirmed that he was cleared to wrestle in July following his neck injury. Here’s what he had to say:

No, the situation is that I’ve been cleared since July, I had a match in Austin, and that was my first match after the neck injury, and I’ve been cleared there after. For whatever reason people just put together ‘Well he isn’t on TV because of that.’ That was never stated, that was never confirmed or anything like that.

I do appreciate having the time off though, to further heal up my neck. When you have a broken neck, when you have a fractured neck, whatever type of bone that is broken, you have 3/4 months that it’s healed, but to fully heal it takes like 2 years. That’s just from a doctor’s point, a bone doesn’t fully heal until 2 years after. So I am always gonna have that, but to have the time off, and to have the time where I am still on TV and commentating and things like that, I am very appreciative of it, especially AEW giving me that time to slow it down and take my time with it. Anyone else could have rushed me back into the ring.

You can listen HERE.

Credit: Instinct Culture. H/T 411Mania.

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