Serena Deeb Says She Is Coaching Less So She Can Wrestle More, How Cody Rhodes Always Believed In Her

(Photo Credit: AEW)

AEW star and former NWA women’s champion Serena Deeb recently joined The Flagship for an in-depth conversation about all things pro-wrestling, which included The Professor discussing her role as a coach and how she’s stepped back from doing that so she can compete more inside the squared circle. Deeb also touches on her relationship with Cody Rhodes, stating that The American Nightmare always had confidence in her skills. Highlights from the interview can be found below.

Says she has been coaching much less because she herself has been wrestling much more:

I’ve been coaching a little less because I’ve been wrestling more. It’s honestly hard to do both on the same day because if you’re wrestling, you have to focus on the whole process of getting ready and on what you’re doing in the match. In the past when I had my knee injury, I was still traveling every week and I was coaching 2-3 matches a night.

Gives a shout out to Cody Rhodes:

I want to give a shout out to Cody Rhodes because Cody always believed in me and would say to me, ‘You’re my coach, I want you as my coach.’ He always put me in that role for him and showed me that respect. That was really, really huge for me and I really appreciated that. When I’m not wrestling, I do want to be coaching but I’ve been doing more wrestling. When they have me on AEW Elevation or AEW Dark, they don’t give me producing roles because everyone on there has been a wrestler and they understand that if you have a match, it’s too much to also be coaching or producing. I did that on AEW Rampage about a month ago where I coached and wrestled the same night.

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