Seth Rollins: Life Is Not Black and White and Same Thing Goes With Wrestling

(Photo Credit: WWE)

A preview clip of WWE World Heavyweight Champion Seth Rollins was released ahead of his appearance on ‘Last Meals’ that premieres this Tuesday at 6am ET. 

During it, Rollins discussed how life is not black and white, something he thinks happens in WWE. 

“Life is not black and white,” said Rollins. “And so good and evil aren’t always so black and white. There’s a lot of gray area. And the other thing is that it always changes. The same thing goes with wrestling, right? So to figure out how that applies to a large crowd, what they want or what they want to cheer, the difference between a good guy and a bad buy–a heel and a babyface–I think figuring that out and being able to put it into practice teaches you a lot about people.”

(H/T to for the quotes)

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