Ted Dibiase On Curt Henning: The Mr. Perfect Gimmick Suited Him, He Was A Really Good Worker

Ted Dibiase recently talked about a wide range of topics on his Everybody’s Got a Pod

During it, the WWE Hall of Famer talked about Curt and Larry Henning. Here are the highlights: 

On his history with Curt Henning: 

“No, the first time I met Curt was on a trip to Japan. I knew all about it, and again, something common for us was that he was the son of a wrestler like me. He was handy, and I tell you what, that gimmick, Mr. Perfect not only suited him but what’s really remarkable is he could do all that shit. He was really good at a lot of things. He was a real good guy. He was a really good worker, too. And it’s just sad that he went so soon.”

On whether he knew Larry Henning: 

“No, I didn’t, but I always knew who his dad was because his dad and my father, I’m sure, wrestled each other. Again, my dad was from Nebraska and Larry Henning was from Minnesota. And one of the guys, the owner of what would be called Minnesota. Territory was Vergogna, now Verne. Verne Gagne was the world champion.He always gets on TV and promotes his vitamin pills. Verne is gone. My father and I also wrestled each other in college. My dad and Nebraska and Verne is in Minnesota, and so on. But no, Larry the Axe was a great guy, to my knowledge, and I know my dad. I probably either worked with him or was a partner with him because I don’t know. I don’t know if he was always a heel.”

If you use any portion of the quotes from this article, please credit  Everybody’s Got a Pod with an h/t to Wrestling Headlines for the transcription.

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