Ted Dibiase Talks Seeing Potential In A Young Magnum TA, First Impression Of The Road Warriors

Ted Dibiase recently talked about a wide range of topics on his Everybody’s Got a Pod

During it, the WWE Hall of Famer talked about Magnum TA, seeing the Road Warriors for the first time and more. Here are the highlights: 

On seeing potential in Magnum TA: 

“Absolutely. Yeah, absolutely. It’s kind of like it’s hard to describe. It’s kind of like I tell guys even when I go because a lot of times, guys with independent organizations will have me come in if I happen to be in town and just share some stuff with their guys. And I told them all, I said, You know, mechanically you might be great. You make the right moves. You do the right stuff. I said, But the one thing you can’t give anybody is charisma. I’m sorry, but you either have it or you don’t. And if you have it, then you can, I guess you can make it greater by pouring it on. But you just can’t give anybody charisma. I could see that in him. I could see that he was destined to go some places. And it’s just a shame that he had the accident that he did because he’d have been big. He really would have been big.”

On his first impression of the Road Warriors: 

“A couple of really nice guys, but when they first started, I didn’t have a whole lot of hope for them. I mean, obviously two great, big, unbelievably built guys, but I don’t know, it was kind of like. They eventually got it.”

On whether he thought the look of the Road Warriors was what the future of wrestling would be: 

“I never thought that. Vince McMahon personally, had a new office in Stamford on the first floor. I mean, he has a gym in the office that would be like you could walk, you could walk into a Gold’s Gym and everything that it’s in. Gold’s Gym was in Vince’s gym. That’s how serious Vince was about training. And I remember one of the things he said to me when I first signed with him, I was going to be the Million dollar man. He says I want to see you. I want. I said I want to see you in the gym more. And I said I got you. And I did. And now I never got to be. And I never it’s kind of like even if you ever watched amateur wrestling. There’s a lot of guys in amateur wrestling. They don’t look like bodybuilders. No. And they’re really wrestling. You know, my dad had a pretty good build, but he didn’t look like Joe Atlas. Now, obviously, Vince liked that look, but, it’s kind of like and I did make myself more visible in the gym and I came along. But, it was kind of like I was old school.”

If you use any portion of the quotes from this article, please credit Everybody’s Got a Pod with an h/t to Wrestling Headlines for the transcription.

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