TNA iMPACT Results 7/25/24

Photo Credit: TNA

TNA iMPACT starts NOW!

Nick Nemeth kicks off TNA IMPACT by addressing his TNA World Championship win at Slammiversary. He promises to be a fighting champion and defend the title against any challenger.

Campaign Singh interrupts him to introduce Mustafa Ali, who downplays Nemeth’s win, focusing instead on Nemeth’s loss of the TNA X Division Championship to Speedball Mike Bailey.

Ali accuses Earl Hebner and Bailey of screwing him out of the X Division Championship, which both the Montreal crowd and Nemeth agree he deserved. Ali then announces a new campaign to “Make the TNA World Title Great Again.” Nemeth responds by offering to defend the title that night, but Ali declines, scheduling the match for next week. Ali attempts to attack Nemeth, who manages to evade him, Singh, and their security team.

Gia Miller interviews the new TNA World Tag Team Champions, ABC, along with Matt Hardy. They discuss their upcoming match against The System and JDC. Matt acknowledges the numbers disadvantage but reveals that the seven deities gave him a premonition that they will have someone they believe in on their side tonight.

Ryan and Nic Nemeth are talking backstage when Frankie Kazarian confronts them, talking trash. Santino then enters the scene and announces that Kazarian will face Ryan Nemeth next week!

Maclin grabs the mic and expresses his frustration, stating that despite his efforts to change, the Canadian fans had the audacity to sing “na na na na goodbye” after he was eliminated in a recent six-way elimination match. As a U.S. veteran, he tells the Canadian fans they can “kiss his ass.”

Cody Deaner then comes out, saying he’s there to shut Maclin’s mouth on behalf of Canada. The Montreal crowd enthusiastically supports this challenge.

Steve Maclin vs. Cody Deaner

Deaner starts strong, punching Maclin and sending him to the floor, followed by a dive. Deaner goes to the top rope, but Maclin evades him and hits a Psycho Knee, starting a beatdown. As Maclin chokes Deaner on the ropes and hits a backbreaker, Deaner fights back, landing a series of punches. Deaner sprinkles his fist, punches Maclin, and then hits a bulldog. Climbing the top rope, Deaner connects with a crossbody. He calls for the DDT, but Maclin counters with an Angle Slam and a clothesline to the back. Maclin then sets Deaner up, hits the KIA, and pins him.

Steve Maclin def. Deaner 

Sami Callihan addresses the events involving First Class at Slammiversary on DMTV!

Joe Hendry will be LIVE in concert Tuesday as part of NXT’s Great American Bash

Aj Francis w/Rich Swann and Josh Bishop vs. Sami Callihan

The match begins with Sami Callihan immediately knocking Rich Swann off the apron and going after AJ Francis, hitting him in the chest. Francis retreats to the floor, instructing Bishop and Swann to surround Callihan. Using the distraction, Francis takes out Sami.

Swann takes a cheap shot at Sami while the referee’s back is turned, and Bishop throws Sami back into the ring for Francis to continue his assault.

Despite Sami’s attempts to fight back, Francis dominates. Callihan finds an opening, landing a series of chops, but Francis shuts him down again. Francis misses a knee strike and falls to the floor, giving Sami a chance to dive. However, Swann grabs Sami’s foot, allowing Francis to recover and hit the knee strike.

Francis sets up for a chokeslam, but Sami bites his hand and lands a series of chops, followed by a Scoop Slam.

Sami prepares for a clothesline, but Francis counters with a big boot, taunting the Montreal crowd before attempting a Leg Drop, which Sami avoids. Callihan then picks up Francis for the Cactus Driver ’97. However, Swann distracts the referee from the apron, and Josh Bishop blindsides Sami. Taking advantage, Francis chokeslams Callihan, securing the victory.

Aj Francis def. Sami Callihan

A chilling video featuring Rosemary plays.

Eric Young & Jordynne Grace vs Ash By Elegance & Hammerstone

Jordynne Grace and Ash start the match, with Ash slapping Grace, who retaliates with a slap of her own followed by a Spinebuster.

Grace goes for the Juggernaut Driver, but Ash counters with a Satellite DDT and tags in Hammerstone. Eric Young enters the ring to face Hammerstone, delivering a Neck Breaker. Young gains the upper hand until Hammerstone counters with an overhead belly-to-belly Suplex, followed by a series of strikes and a splash in the corner.

Hammerstone attempts another splash, but Young dodges, giving him time to tag in Grace. She lands a senton on Young before tagging Hammerstone back in, who continues to dominate. Hammerstone picks up Ash and throws him at Young. Both Hammerstone and Young are down, crawling towards their corners to make tags. Young tags in Grace, who unleashes a fury of offense on Ash, hitting a Vader Bomb, but Ash kicks out. Meanwhile, The Personal Concierge keeps glancing over his shoulder, seemingly in fear of Rosemary.

In the ring, Hammerstone delivers a vicious spinebuster to Young. Grace and Hammerstone then face off in the center of the ring. Hammerstone sends Grace to the floor and tries to scoop up Young, but Young counters with a Death Valley Driver. As Young climbs the top rope, Ash knocks him down, allowing Hammerstone to secure the victory by putting Young in a Torture Rack.

Ash By Elegance & Hammerstone def. Eric Young and Jordynne Grace

Alisha Edwards addresses the TNA Faithful in front of a broken System

Josh Alexander enters the ring to address his actions at Slammiversary.

He begins by insulting the Montreal crowd, criticizing the city and its fans. However, instead of providing any explanation for his actions, Alexander abruptly drops the mic and walks away.

Gia Miller interviews Speedball Mike Bailey, celebrating his historic win in becoming a two-time X Division Champion in Montreal. During the interview, The Rascalz enter the frame, congratulating Bailey on his achievement. They then challenge Bailey to a six-man tag team match.


PCO and Steph De Lander are still seen joyfully celebrating their engagement.

Brian Myers, Eddie Edwards  & JDC (The System) vs. Broken Matt Hardy, Chris Bey & Ace Austin (ABC)

Matt Hardy and Myers kick off the match, with Matt immediately wrenching Myers’ arm and tagging in Ace and Bey, who take turns delivering offense on Myers. Matt returns to the ring, taking Myers down with a hip toss. Suddenly, all six men are in the ring, brawling, and The System members get sent to the floor.

After the commercial break, Ace is working on Myers

Myers turns things around with a jawbreaker and tags in Eddie Edwards. Ace regains control and tags in Bey, and together they drop Eddie with a double dropkick. Moose then appears, walking down to the ring.

Eddie has taken control against Bey, tagging in JDC, who goes for a knee drop but misses, allowing Ace to regain momentum. Matt Hardy is tagged in, and JDC begs for mercy, grabbing Hardy’s tights and dumping him to the floor. The System surrounds Matt, but Joe Hendry’s music hits, and Montreal erupts. Hendry comes to the stage, waves his hands in front of Moose, and the crowd follows. He joins the corner of ABC and Matt Hardy.

In the ring, Hardy and Myers face off, with Hardy taking the advantage and tagging in Ace. Eddie Edwards tags himself in and blindsides Ace. The System exchanges tags, putting a hurting on Ace Austin. Ace tags Bey, Alisha distracts him, keeping the momentum in The System’s favor.

Bey manages to hit an enziguri and tags in a fresh Matt Hardy. Hardy lights up JDC, beating him down in the corner. He powerbombs JDC and simultaneously gives Myers a neckbreaker while hitting a DDT.

ABC and Matt Hardy hit their version of Poetry in Motion, followed by Matt delivering a sidekick, which is broken up by The System. ABC dives on The System, leaving Matt and JDC in the ring. Matt goes for the Twist of Fate, but Moose accidentally spears JDC. Hendry clotheslines Moose, and Matt hits the Twist of Fate. Bey finishes it off with a splash on JDC, securing the victory!

ABC & Broken Matt Hardy def. The System & JDC

TNA iMPACT goes off the air.

TNA’s social media has revealed that Joe Hendry will address the audience on TNA iMPACT NEXT WEEK!


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