Triple H on Talking Wrestlers Out of Dangerous Spots, Injuries and Gore In WarGames, WWE Survivor Series Evolving

(Photo Credit: WWE)

WWE Chief Content Officer Triple H says he’s talked wrestlers out of doing certain dangerous spots, and he doesn’t expect gore to return with WarGames this year.

As noted, it was announced this week that WarGames is coming to WWE’s main roster as there will be a men’s match and a women’s match at the Survivor Series Premium Live Event on Saturday, November 26 at the TD Garden in Boston. Triple H spoke with The Ringer and talked about how injuries are always a consideration when they’re putting together a match of this scale, but usually their top concern is the wrestlers’ desire to make memorable matches.

The injury history of WarGames is the stuff of legend, and Triple H said you’re always holding your breath while in the Gorilla Position during matches like these.

“Look, when you have guys and women performing at the highest of levels, I feel like I spend more time talking them out of stuff than I do [talking them into something],” he said. “I’ve done this for years, and as you’re sitting back there behind that TV monitor, watching this go down, you’re holding your breath the whole show. I feel like there’s always a risk-to-reward ratio. Is it so big that people are gonna walk away from this with that vision implanted in their mind and they’ll never forget it? Because if you are risking your health and your longevity in your profession, over that spot, over that moment, it needs to be worth it. So I’ve talked people out of doing things because sometimes I’m like, ‘Look, be honest; it’s just a spot.’”

Regarding blood and gore potentially returning to the main roster with WarGames, Triple H said fans should not necessarily expect these things to return with the match format because it would be irresponsible.

“The world has changed. The world has evolved. I don’t think it’s necessary,” Triple H said, adding that there is still blood in WWE, but there are medical officials to check on the talent if there’s an inadvertent cut. “If we have talent that gets [cut open], usually you’ll see them roll out and they’ll get looked at to make sure that there’s nothing dangerous. I’m just of the opinion right now, given the state of the world and the pandemic, and at the end of the day, what we do is dangerous enough without intentionally making it more dangerous. Yes, we did [feature bleeding] for a long period of time, but we’ve changed that practice. And it’s irresponsible to go back.”

Triple H talked more about WarGames and said Survivor Series needed to evolve some, and 2022 seemed like the perfect year to pull the trigger. He also commented on ticket sales.

“Survivor Series has been an amazing event for 36 years. And it needs to evolve a little bit and this year seemed like the right time to do it,” he said. “We’re going to go to the TD Garden in Boston on the 26th, and it’s already about as close as you get [to] sold out without us [announcing the WarGames matches]. But you know, this is about serving our fans. I wanna give them everything they can have.”

For those who missed it, you can click here for Triple H’s comments on creative plans for the WarGames matches at Survivor Series, why he keeps going back to WarGames, and more.

Stay tuned to for more.

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