William Regal Recalls Reunion With Tajiri At 2016 Cruiserweight Classic, Getting To Win Tag Team Gold With Tajiri In Japan

Photo Credit: WWE

On the latest edition of his Gentleman Villain podcast, AEW star William Regal spoke about his relationship with ECW/WWE legend Tajiri, how it was when he won tag team gold with him in Japan, and how it was reuniting with him at the 2016 Cruiserweight Classic tournament. Highlights can be found below.

Recalls winning the WWE tag team titles with Tajiri in Japan:

It would be a big thing for TAJIRI to win the — it was a big honor I was trusted with that but, I was happier for him that we got to win the WWE Tag Team Championships in Japan. That was an unbelievable night, an incredible night. I think it was [a big moment for him]. I would imagine it was… I don’t know and I really don’t know. But I would imagine it’s some kind of validation for him that he’s had to leave his homeland and go around the world and he comes back in the biggest company in the world in the biggest stage and becoming the World Tag Team Champion. I would think that would be a big deal.

Talks his reunion with Tajiri at the 2016 Cruiserweight Classic:

That was great, it was great [reuniting with TAJIRI at the WWE Cruiserweight Classic]. I was happy that he got in it and there was a space for him in it and then because that was another story and that was an incredible thing. I don’t know if people realize — such incredible stuff going on. It was so much of it. The Network at the time was all about selling the Network and the Cruiserweight Classic but I was happy [to see] TAJIRI because we had a great time. All the cruiserweights came to the PC. All these people from all over the world, different companies and brought them all together. It was a fantastic time, that cruiserweight thing and to top it all off, I get to see TAJIRI again and so, that was just a spur of the moment, somebody said, ‘Do you want to film something with TAJIRI?’ And no thought whatsoever about it. ‘Yeah. Roll the camera.’ Boom, me go back into my character which is a stereotypical English whatever — villain in movies… Whatever it is and all the silly stuff that I do There was another one that we filmed and it was just, ‘Let’s just film it now.’ ‘Do you wanna do –’ because whoever it was, Dustin I believe, this lad called Dustin was really good and used to film stuff backstage. ‘You wanna do something with TAJIRI?’ ‘Yeah…’ and we just straight away did something stupid… Whatever thought he was and maybe he just told me and we did that and it was a couple of things. It was just nice to see him and yeah, that was it. Me and TAJIRI have a — yeah. It was fun.

(H/T and transcribed by Post Wrestling)

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