WWE NXT Results 5/21/24

WWE NXT Results 5/21/24
The WWE Performance Center
Winter Park, Florida

You can follow me on Twitter @TheHootsPodcast

Commentators: (Vic Joseph & Booker T) 

Ring Announcer: Mike Rome

Transcription by Josh Lopez 

First Match: Fallon Henley vs. Thea Hail w/Chase University In A NXT Women’s North American Championship Qualifying Match 

Quick shoving contest after the bell rings. Hail applies a wrist lock. Hail transitions into an arm-bar. Henley with a forearm smash. Hail fights out of the fireman’s carry position. Hail kicks out the legs of Henley. Hail with a Mid-Kick. Hail with a Standing MoonSault for a two count. Henley reverses out of the irish whip from Hail. Henley blocks a boot from Hail. Henley drops Hail with The Dragon Screw Leg Whip. Henley with The House Call for a two count. Henley applies a top wrist lock. Hail with heavy bodyshots. Hail with a Headscissors Takeover. Hail ducks a clothesline from Henley. Hail lunges over Henley. Hail whips Henley across the ring. Hail with two arm-drags. Hail lands The Suicide Dive. Hail transitions into a ground and pound attack on the floor. Hail is throwing haymakers at Henley. Henley kicks Hail in the face. Henley runs away from Hail. Henley grabs a steel chair from under the ring. Ridge Holland snatches the chair away from Henley. The referee has ejected Chase University from the ringside area.

Henley has complete control of the match during the commercial break. Henley with a Twisting Bulldog for a two count. Henley repeatedly whips Hail into the turnbuckles. Hail side steps Henley into the turnbuckles. Henley catches Hail in mid-air. Henley goes for a German Suplex, but Hail counters with a deep arm-drag. Hail ducks a clothesline from Henley. Both ladies are knocked down after a double headbutt. Forearm Exchange. Hail with two diving polish hammers. Hail thrust kicks the midsection of Henley. Hail with a SomerSault NeckBreaker. Hail with The World’s Smallest Slam. Hail follows that with a Rolling Senton Splash. Hail with a Springboard Back Senton Splash for a two count. Hail with a Running Hip Attack. Henley drives Hail face first into the canvas. Hail has Henley perched on the top turnbuckle. Henley blocks The Avalanche Exploder Suplex. Henley kicks Hail in the face. Henley goes for The Tornado Suplex, but Hail counters with The Kimura Lock. Henley drives Hail back first into the ringside barricade. Hail screams at Henley. Henley connects with The Shining Wizard to pickup the victory. After the match, Jazmyn Nyx drops Hail with The Pele Kick. She’s out to get revenge for Hail breaking Jacy Jayne’s nose.

Winner: Fallon Henley via Pinfall 

– The D’Angelo Family runs into Axiom and Nathan Frazer in the backstage area. Frazer congratulates The Don on becoming the new Heritage Cup Champion. When he won that cup, it was one of the best nights of his life. Stacks reminds Axiom that his name has never been on the cup. Has anyone heard from A-Kid? The word on the streets is that Axiom and Frazer are running from The OC. Frazer says that they’re not going to get bullied into giving tag team titles opportunities to main roster superstars. If anything, they’ll give those opportunities to NXT superstars. Rizzo asks Axiom and Frazer if they would duck from Stacks and Crusifino tonight? Axiom and Frazer accept The Family’s challenge.

– Kelly Kincaid had a backstage interview with Gallus. It was quite the dramatic return at the end of NXT last week. Joe Coffey says that it’s seem like the only way to get noticed around here is about making noise at the end of the show. Was anybody talking about Tony D’Angelo, Je’Von Evans or Noam Dar? No, it was all about Gallus. Exactly how it should be, they took out three of NXT’s best superstars. Mark Coffey tells Ivar to enjoy his stay at the hospital. As far as Wes Lee and Josh Briggs are concerned, they can bring the fight, but they’re not smarter than him. Oba Femi will find out just how dangerous Gallus is at NXT Battleground. NXT got real comfortable with Gallus being away, well, now that’s over.

Second Match: Axiom & Nathan Frazer (c) vs. Channing Lorenzo & Luca Crusifino w/The Family For The WWE NXT Tag Team Championship 

Axiom and Luca Crusifino will start things off. Collar and Elbow Tie Up. Axiom with a waist lock go-behind. Wrist Lock Exchange. Crusifino kicks Axiom in the gut. Crusifino whips Axiom across the ring. Axiom with a Springboard Arm-Drag. Axiom pops back on his feet. Axiom dropkicks Crusifino. Frazer and Lorenzo are tagged in. Lorenzo tells Frazer to slow it down. Test Of Strength. Lorenzo with a wrist lock takedown. Frazer cartwheels around Lorenzo. Lorenzo with a toe kick. Lorenzo with a double leg takedown. Lorenzo stomps on the midsection of Frazer. Lorenzo kicks Frazer in the ribs. Lorenzo goes for an european uppercut in the ropes, but Frazer counters with a shoulder block. Frazer with The Sunset Flip for a two count. Lorenzo scores the elbow knockdown for a two count. Lorenzo applies a side headlock. Frazer tags in Axiom. Frazer whips Lorenzo across the ring. Frazer dropkicks the left knee of Lorenzo. Axiom with a running basement dropkick. Axiom tags in Frazer. Short-Arm Reversal by Axiom. Axiom applies The Octopus Stretch. Frazer starts running the ropes. Frazer with a running dropkick for a two count.

Frazer applies an arm-bar. Lorenzo backs Frazer into the ropes. Lorenzo tags in Crusifino. Frazer slides under Lorenzo’s legs. Frazer decks Crusifino with a back elbow smash. Frazer with a forearm smash. Crusifino launches Frazer over the top rope. Frazer rocks Crusifino with a forearm smash. Lorenzo blasts Frazer off the ring apron with a Running Boot. Lorenzo delivers The Cactus Elbow. The Family has complete control of the match during the commercial break. The Family with a double hammer throw into the turnbuckles for a two count. Lorenzo transitions into a ground and pound attack. Lorenzo tags in Crusifino. Crusifino with heavy bodyshots. Lorenzo sends Frazer back first into Crusifino’s knees. Crusifino hooks the outside leg for a two count. Crusifino pulls back the arms of Frazer. Crusifino stops Frazer in his tracks. Crusifino drives Frazer back first into the turnbuckles.

Frazer with a back elbow smash. Lorenzo blocks a boot from Frazer. Frazer with a Step Up Enzuigiri. Crusifino reverses out of the irish whip from Frazer. Frazer drops Crusifino with The Springboard Reverse DDT. Axiom and Lorenzo are tagged in. Axiom ducks a clothesline from Lorenzo. Axiom with a Running Enzuigiri to Crusifino. Axiom kicks Lorenzo in the face. Axiom unloads a flurry of chops. Axiom with a Diving Clothesline/DDT Combination. Lorenzo blocks The O’Connor Roll. Axiom with The Half & Half Suplex for a two count. Axiom with clubbing mid-kicks. Axiom tags in Frazer. Axiom with a Roundhouse Kick. SuperKick/BrainBuster Combination to Lorenzo for a two count. Crusifino uses the right leg of Axiom as a weapon. Crusifino with The Lung Blower. Lorenzo tags in Crusifino. Double Irish Whip. Double Belly to Back Suplex for a two count. Lorenzo dropkicks Axiom. Crusifino tags in Lorenzo. Frazer with a Flatliner into the middle turnbuckle pad. Lorenzo has Frazer perched on the top turnbuckle. Lorenzo with The SuperPlex. Axiom SuperKicks Crusifino in mid-air. The No Quarter Catch Crew attacks Tony D’Angelo from behind. Frazer connects with The Small Package to pickup the victory. After the match, The Family gets into a pier six brawl with The No Quarter Catch Crew. The OC attacks Axiom and Frazer from behind. The OC plants Frazer with The Magic Killer.

Winner: Still WWE NXT Tag Team Champions, Axiom & Nathan Frazer via Pinfall 

– Lexis King tells Robert Stone that the only way he’s going to get out of this rut is hitching his wagons to him. Stone says that will happen over his dead body. King knows all about walking over dead bodies because he does it every single week. He’s virtually undefeated, something Stone would know nothing about. AVA calls Lexis annoying. He has a match scheduled for tonight, and he’ll find out who his opponent is when he’s standing in the ring. AVA tells Stone that she’ll find the perfect opponent for Lexis.

– Coming out of the commercial break, we see Riley Osborne lashing out at Ridge Holland. Riley calls Ridge a liability. Ridge tells Riley to back off because he couldn’t stand there and watch Thea get hit with a steel chair. He stepped in and he had to do something. Riley says that Ridge cost Thea a shot at making history and he’s sick of Ridge’s excuses. Riley cost them Ridge their tag match last week, but he gave him the benefit of the doubt. Riley has no problem judging Ridge because he doesn’t belong here. Andre Chase got in-between both guys and says that he’s not standing for this nonsense. If they want to settle their issues, settle it in the ring.

Third Match: Wes Lee vs. Joe Coffey w/Gallus vs. Josh Briggs In A Triple Threat Match. The Winner Will Battle Oba Femi For The WWE NXT North American Championship At NXT Battleground 

Oba Femi joins the commentary team for this match. Coffey is trying to run away from Briggs and Lee after the bell rings. Briggs repeatedly stomps on Coffey’s back. Briggs and Lee tees off on Coffey. Forearm Exchange. Double Irish Whip. Briggs with a double shoulder tackle. Coffey drops down on the canvas. Lee leapfrogs over Briggs. Briggs with a Counter Hip Toss into Coffey. Lee kicks Briggs in the face. Briggs catches Lee in mid-air. Coffey dropkicks Briggs. Briggs with The Fallaway Slam. Briggs sends Coffey to the corner. Coffey repeatedly kicks Briggs in the face. Coffey drops Briggs with The Tornado DDT for a two count. Coffey goes for a Discus Lariat, but Lee counters with a Hurricanrana. Lee lands The SomerSault Plancha. Coffey buries his elbow into the midsection of Lee. Lee ducks a clothesline from Coffey. Briggs levels Coffey with The Big Boot. Briggs with a Rebound Lariat. Briggs with a Back Body Drop on the floor.

Briggs poses for the crowd. Briggs rolls Coffey back into the ring. Briggs stomps on Lee’s back. Second Forearm Exchange. Briggs goes into the lateral press for a two count. Coffey reverses out of the irish whip from Briggs. Coffey dumps Briggs face first on the top rope. Coffey repeatedly whips Briggs back first into the turnbuckles. Coffey with a Pendulum BackBreaker. Coffey with a Twisting Elbow Drop. Coffey knocks Lee off the ring apron. Coffey kicks Briggs in the ribs. Coffey drives Lee back first into the apron. Briggs with heavy bodyshots. Coffey answers with Muay Thai Knee Strikes. Coffey scores a left jab. Coffey kicks Lee in the face. Coffey repeatedly drives his knee into Lee’s ribs. Coffey with clubbing knee strikes to Briggs. Coffey applies a half straight jacket hold. Lariat Exchange. Coffey headbutts the midsection of Briggs. Briggs responds with a big right hand. Briggs with a Sidewalk Slam. Briggs with a Big Splash. Lee breaks up the cover with The Swanton Bomb.

Lee delivers his combination offense. Lee with a Double Foot Stomp. Coffey shrugs off The Spinning Heel Kick from Lee. Lee leapfrogs over Coffey. Briggs goes for a DDT, but Lee counters with The MoonSault Press for a two count. Lee hooks the outside leg of Coffey for a two count. Lee with The Suicide Dive. Coffey dumps Lee back first on the apron. Coffey rolls Briggs back into the ring. Briggs with another Big Boot. Briggs ascends to the top turnbuckle. Lee with a Step Up Enzuigiri. Briggs decks Coffey with a back elbow smash. Briggs Chokeslams Lee into the turnbuckles. Briggs Chokeslams Coffey. Briggs proceeds to chokeslam Lee into Coffey for a two count. Coffey unloads a flurry of shots. Coffey sends Briggs to the corner. Coffey with Two Running Uppercuts. Coffey with a Flying Crossbody Block for a two count. Lee with a leaping haymaker. Coffey answers with The Pump Kick. Lee with The Rolling Capo Kick. Lee deliver another Suicide Dive. Gallus attacks Briggs behind the referee’s back. Lee dives over Coffey. Lee avoids All’s Best For The Bells. Coffey HeadButts Lee in mid-air. However, both guys falled on top of Briggs which led to the double pinfall.

Winners: Wes Lee & Joe Coffey via Pinfall 

– Kelly Kincaid had a backstage interview with Natalya and Karmen Petrovic. How are they going to turn around their recent struggles in tonight’s main event? Karmen says that she’s a little bit nervous because tonight is her first main event, but she has the BOAT as her tag team partner. Natalya has the most matches in the history of the business. If it wasn’t for Shayna Baszler, Natalya would’ve won the Underground match. Natalya says that Karmen doesn’t give herself enough credit. They have really bonded over the last couple of months. Tonight, you are going to see a well-oiled winning machine.

– Edris Enofe says that he’s cooked Malik Blade wants Edris to keep the same positive energy that Brinley Reece brings to the squad. Malik says that Edris string of bad luck is the reason they won’t accompany her to the ring. Brinley tells Edris that it’s not about having good or bad luck, it’s about having confidence.

– AVA tells Oba Femi that he will defend the NXT North American Championship against Wes Lee and Joe Coffey in a Triple Threat Match at NXT Battleground.

– Sexyy Red will come to NXT next week.

Fourth Match: Jaida Parker w/OTM vs. Brinley Reece In A NXT Women’s North American Championship Qualifying Match 

Reece ducks a right hand from Parker. Reece with forearm shivers. Reece uppercuts Parker. Reece with a Corner Spear. Reece goes for a Bodyslam, but Parker lands back on her feet. Parker sends Reece across the ring. Reece ducks a clothesline from Parker. Parker drops down on the canvas. Reece with a deep arm-drag. Reece applies an arm-bar. Parker tugs on Reece’s hair. Parker backs Reece into the turnbuckles. The referee calls for a clean break. Reece turns Parker over. Reece rocks Parker with a forearm smash. Reece slams Parker’s head on the top turnbuckle pad. Parker continues to tug on Reece’s hair. Parker drives the back of Reece’s head against the top turnbuckle pad. Reece decks Parker with a back elbow smash. Parker responds with a knee lift in mid-air.

Parker with clubbing shoulder blocks. Parker tees off on Reece. Parker lays Reece flat on the middle rope. Parker slaps Reece in the chest. Parker with a Springboard Leg Drop. Parker kicks Reece in the gut. Parker puts her knee on the back of Reece’s neck. Reece with heavy bodyshots. Reece with a JawBreaker. Parker responds with a double leg takedown. Reece bridges out of a pinning predicament. Reece with The Backslide Cover for a one count. Parker with The Butterfly Suplex for a two count. Parker applies a bodyscissors hold. Rollup Exchange. Parker drives Reece back first into the turnbuckles. Reece with a knee lift. Reece dives over Parker. Reece ducks a clothesline from Parker. Reece with two shoulder tackles. Reece bodyslams Parker. Reece plays to the crowd. Reece with a Handstand Clothesline for a two count. Reece gets distracted by Malik Blade and Edris Enofe. Parker fights out of the fireman’s carry position. Parker drops Reece with The Gourdbuster. Parker connects with The Teardrop Hip Check to pickup the victory.

Winner: Jaida Parker via Pinfall 

– Fallon Henley runs into Jazmyn Nyx in the backstage area. Jazmyn congratulates Fallon on her winning match and advancing to Battleground. Fallon’s new attitude will help her along the way becoming the very first NXT Women’s North American Champion. Who knew you didn’t need friends to be successful. Jazmyn tells Fallon that she waited until the match was over to get her payback on Thea Hail for breaking Jacy Jayne’s nose and walks away.

– Wendy Choo Vignette.

– Next week on NXT, we’ll find out who Roxanne Perez will put her NXT Women’s Championship on the line against at NXT Battleground.

Roxanne Perez Promo 

This NXT Women’s Championship has always been my way. And that’s why nobody is going to take it from me. See, it’s my title against the world, and that’s fine. Because as good as these girls are, I’m simply better. And everyone can say what they want about me. The locker room. The main roster. The WWE Universe, that loves to post their useless opinions about me. If the only knew, it all just lands on my feet, because all I care about is my NXT Women’s Championship. So, you better get used to seeing this sight, because when I look in the mirror, I don’t see a villain, I don’t see a hero, all I see is The Prodigy. Your two-time NXT Women’s Champion.

Fifth Match: Lexis King vs. Dante Chen w/Robert Stone

Collar and Elbow Tie Up. King applies a side headlock. Chen whips King across the ring. King drops Chen with a shoulder tackle for a one count. King transitions into a ground and pound attack. King poses for the crowd. Chen reverses out of the irish whip from King. King decks Chen with a back elbow smash. Chen dropkicks King. Chen whips King across the ring. Chen with a Back Body Drop. King catches Chen in mid-air. King puts Chen on the top turnbuckle. Chen with a straight right hand. King dropkicks Chen in mid-air for a two count. King with two elbow drops. King rams his boot across Chen’s face. Chen with a gut punch. King slaps Chen on the chest. King with a knife edge chop. King kicks Chen in the gut. King slams Chen’s head on the top turnbuckle pad.

King with an overhand chop. King is choking Chen with his boot. King with a short-arm clothesline. King kicks Chen in the back. King with Kawada Kicks. Chen blocks a boot from King. Chen drops King with a short-arm clothesline. Chen with a forearm smash. Chop Exchange. Chen whips King across the ring. Chen clotheslines King. Chen scores the forearm knockdown. Chen with The Stinger Splash. Chen with The Inverted Atomic Drop. Chen follows that with The Pump Kick. Chen blocks The SuperKick. Chen with The Uranage Slam for a two count. Chen pulls King off the bottom rope. King kicks Chen in the face. King delivers The Drive By. King gets distracted by Stone. King avoids The Hadouken. King SuperKicks Chen. King goes for The Coronation, but Chen counters with the inside cradle to pickup the victory.

Winner: Dante Chen via Pinfall 

– Shayna Baszler tells Lola Vice to keep the dancing in the back during tonight’s main event. They’re cage fighters, they need to be all business. Lola says that she can handle her business when the bell rings, but she’s a Latina, and she likes to have fun.

– AVA tells Robert Stone he made a star tonight.

Trick Williams & Meta Four Segment 

Trick Williams: Yo, yo, yo, yo. Hey, I appreciate that, but I got to get serious. Let’s get straight to business. Two weeks ago, Noam Dar calls me out here for a Supernova Session, and he drops me from behind. I took that on the chin. Last week, Noam Dar comes out here, and he gets dropped backstage. Now, we all know that if anyone knows how that feels, Trick Williams knows how that feels. And I wouldn’t wish that on nobody. So, let me say it, one time, and make it crystal clear, so everyone understand what I’m trying to say. Noam Dar, I did not attack you. If Trick Williams wanted to attack you, never, it won’t happen. If Trick Williams wanted to attack you, Noam Dar, you would be unconscious. If Trick Williams wanted to attack you, you wouldn’t have been holding your leg, you would’ve had a size 15 Jordan logo tattooed across the middle of your forehead. I don’t attack from behind.

Jakara Jackson: Trick, Trick, Trick. What you need to do is stop playing.  You might have all of these crusty, dusty, musty people tricked, but you’re not tricking us, because we know it’s you. It might have been Je’Von, it might have been both of you that attacked Noam.

Oro Mensah: Trick, cut it off. If it wasn’t Je’Von then it was you. You’re probably still salty because my guy Noam knocked the hell out of you. Grow up. Be a man. Admit it. Admit that you are a low life, and you don’t deserve to be NXT Champion.

Lash Legend: Wait a minute. Jakara, Oro, please, cut it out. Trick did not attack Noam. He didn’t.

Jakara Jackson: Girl, what makes you think Trick didn’t do it?

Oro Mensah: Lash let’s hear about it.

Lash Legend: Look, I didn’t mean to say it like that. Trick has actually been through this.

Oro Mensah: Lash, are you shaking this man’s dreads? Whose side are you on?

Trick Williams: Oro, I suggest you shut your mouth before I come out there, and I smack those tap-dancing loafers right off your ass.

Joe Coffey: You’re probably wondering why, probably thinking why is the guy who’s just earned an opportunity at a shot for the North American Title, why am I out here talking to the NXT Champion? Well, son, you’re about to find out why.

Gallus viciously attacks Trick Williams and Je’Von Evans to close the segment.

– Next week on NXT, we will have the final NXT Women’s North American Championship Qualifying Matches. Michin battles Tatum Paxley. Kelani Jordan collides with Wren Sinclair. Plus, Gallus takes on Trick Williams & Je’Von Evans.

Sixth Match: Shayna Baszler & Lola Vice vs. Natalya & Karmen Petrovic 

Shayna Baszler and Natalya will start things off. Collar and Elbow Tie Up. Wrist Lock Exchange. Baszler backs Natalya into the ropes. The referee calls for a clean break. Vice kicks Natalya in the back. Baszler with a sharp knee strike for a two count. Baszler and Vice works on the midsection of Natalya. Baszler repeatedly stomps on Natalya’s chest. Vice with clubbing mid-kicks. Baszler tags herself in. Natalya shoves Baszler. Natalya punches Vice. Natalya with a toe kick. Natalya crawls under Baszler’s legs. Natalya uses her feet to create separation. Natalya tags in Petrovic. Petrovic rocks Baszler with a forearm smash. Petrovic scores two forearm knockdowns. Petrovic ducks a clothesline from Baszler. Petrovic repeatedly kicks the left shoulder of Baszler. Petrovic with The Roundhouse Kick. Baszler reverses out of the irish whip from Petrovic. Petrovic with a side kick. Petrovic with a Running Blockbuster for a two count. Petrovic applies a front face lock. Natalya kicks Vice in the gut. Stereo Hammer Throws. Stereo Discus Lariats. Natalya and Petrovic are fired up. Petrovic rolls Baszler back into the ring. Petrovic hooks the outside leg for a two count.

Petrovic applies a front face lock. Baszler blocks The O’Connor Roll. Vice made the blind tag. Vice with an Axe Kick to Petrovic’s back. Vice whips Petrovic across the ring. Vice with two knee lifts. Petrovic rolls Vice over for a two count. Vice punches Petrovic in the ribs. Vice sends Petrovic to the corner. Vice tags in Baszler. Baszler drives her knee into the midsection of Petrovic. Baszler with a gut punch. Baszler punches Petrovic in the back. Baszler stomps on the left elbow of Petrovic. Baszler taunts Natalya. Vice attacks Petrovic behind the referee’s back. Following a snap mare takeover, Baszler kicks Petrovic in the back. Baszler bends the left elbow of Petrovic. Baszler whips Petrovic into the turnbuckles. Petrovic with a Step Up Enzuigiri. Petrovic rolls Baszler over for a two count. Baszler clotheslines Vice for a two count. Baszler applies a top wrist lock. Baszler stops Petrovic in her tracks. Baszler with a leg sweep for a two count. Baszler applies a front face lock. Baszler tag in Vice. Vice kicks Petrovic in the ribs. Vice shakes her hips. Vice punches Petrovic in the back. Baszler and Vice continues to cut the ring in half. Baszler with a Vertical Suplex for a two count. Baszler applies a hammerlock. Baszler hammers down on the left shoulder of Petrovic. Vice tags herself in. Petrovic is displaying her fighting spirit. Petrovic finally tags in Natalya. Natalya with two clotheslines. Natalya is throwing haymakers at Vice. Natalya kicks Vice in the gut. Natalya with a Snap Vertical Suplex. Natalya ducks a clothesline from Baszler. Natalya with a Release German Suplex. Vice reverses out of the irish whip from Natalya. Natalya side steps Vice into the turnbuckles.

Natalya goes for The Slingshot Atomic Drop, but Vice counters with a deep arm-drag. Natalya drops Vice with The Discus Lariat for a two count. Natalya tags in Petrovic. Petrovic with a Flying Crossbody Block for a two count. Natalya tags herself in. Natalya and Petrovic goes for a Double Vertical Suplex, but Baszler counters with a chop block. Vice with an inside cradle for a two count. Natalya with a double leg takedown. Baszler denies The Sharpshooter. Vice hits The Spinning Back Fist for a two count. Baszler dumps Petrovic out of the ring. Natalya pulls Vice down to the mat. Natalya knocks Baszler off the ring apron. Vice with The Spinning Heel Kick. Natalya applies The Sharpshooter. Baszler attacks Nataly from behind. Baszler catches Petrovic in mid-air. Baszler applies The Kirifuda Clutch. Petrovic dumps Baszler out of the ring. Natalya punches Vice in the ribs. Natalya tags in Petrovic. Petrovic connects with The Hart Attack to pickup the victory. After the match, Baszler helps Vice get back on her feet. Vice drops Baszler with The Roundhouse Kick. Vice and Baszler gets into a massive pull apart brawl. AVA informs us that Vice will battle Baszler at NXT Battleground In A NXT Underground Match. Baszler continues to brawl with Vice as the show goes off the air.

Winner: Natalya & Karmen Petrovic via Pinfall 

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