WWE SmackDown Results 6/28/24

WWE SmackDown Results 6/28/24
Madison Square Garden
New York, New York

You can follow me on Twitter @TheHootsPodcast

Commentators: (Corey Graves & Wade Barrett) 

Ring Announcer: Alicia Taylor

Transcription by Josh Lopez

The Bloodline, Cody Rhodes, Randy Orton, Kevin Owens, Nick Aldis Segment 

Paul Heyman: Solo, not that you answer to me, but may I respectfully ask, where’s Jacob Fatu?

Solo pats Heyman on the chest. The Bloodline heads towards the arena. All hell starts breaking loose as they get into a massive brawl with Cody Rhodes, Randy Orton and Kevin Owens. Rhodes tees off on Sikoa. Orton is throwing haymakers at Tama Tonga. Orton with a Belly to Back Suplex onto the ringside barricade. Owens lands The Swanton Bomb through a production table. Nick Aldis finally comes out with a litany of security guards. Rhodes and company destroy the security guards.

Kevin Owens: Hey, Bloodline, if you thought we were going wait until Money In The Bank, you are even dumber than you look.

Randy Orton: Hey, Kev, check it out. The Bloodline has crawling up my ass over for over two years. They put me on the shelf for 18 freaking months. So, at Money In The Bank, we put The Bloodline down for good.

Cody Rhodes: The Bloodline looks in this ring, and you know what they see? They see three victims. I don’t see three victims. I see one of the most dangerous men on the planet, someone that has headline a WrestleMania, I see my friend, Kevin Owens. And I see a 14-time World Champion, a first ballot hall of famer, a man who is responsible for me standing here, The Legend Killer, Randy Orton. And here’s what else I see. I see a sold-out, world’s most famous arena, Madison Square Garden. You see magic like this, a crowd like this, I should be defending my WWE Championship here tonight against a worthy, credible opponent. Instead, I’m fighting a war with The Bloodline, that respectfully, I thought I already finished at WrestleMania. Solo, look at me, at Money In The Bank, I don’t know why we’re calling it The Bloodline, because I don’t see a boss, I don’t see a Tribal Chief, I don’t see The Head Of The Table. I see a seat filler.

Nick Aldis had the NYPD escort Rhodes, Orton and Owens out of the ring to close this segment.

– Nick Aldis decline to have an interview with Kayla Braxton. We see Cody Rhodes, Randy Orton and Kevin Owens drive out of MSG.

First Match: Jade Cargill vs. Tiffany Stratton vs. Candice LeRae In The Women’s Money In The Bank Qualifying Match 

Cargill with a forearm/back elbow combination. Stratton kicks the left knee of Cargill. Stratton slams Cargill’s face on the canvas. LeRae with a Back Senton Splash. Double Vertical Suplex to Cargill. LeRae and Stratton continue to double team Cargill. Cargill with a double clothesline. Cargill catches LeRae in mid-air. Cargill with The Uranage BackBreaker. Cargill ducks a clothesline from Stratton. Cargill with The Gourdbuster. Cargill SuperKicks Stratton. Cargill sends LeRae crashing into Stratton on the outside. Cargill poses for the crowd. Nia Jax makes her way down to the ringside area. Bianca BelAir stops Jax in her tracks. Stratton puts her knee on the back of Cargill’s neck. LeRae with a low dropkick. LeRae clotheslines Stratton.

LeRae mocks Stratton. LeRae with a Dropkick/Spinning DDT Combination for a two count. LeRae with a Step Up Enzuigiri. Cargill SuperKicks LeRae. Stratton sends Cargill shoulder first into the middle turnbuckle pad. Stratton with The Cartwheel Alabama Slam into the turnbuckles. Stratton with a Back Handspring Elbow Strike. Cargill drops LeRae with The SpineBuster. Stratton with The Shotgun Dropkick for a two count. LeRae with clubbing blows to Stratton’s back. LeRae transitions into a ground and pound attack. Cargill launches LeRae to the corner. Cargill with clubbing shoulder blocks. Cargill with The Stinger Splash. Stratton sends Cargill crashing to the outside. Jax talks smack to Cargill. The referee is to prevent Jax getting into a fight with BelAir. Indi Hartwell drives Cargill face first into the steel ring post. Hartwell runs away from BelAir. LeRae with an inside cradle for a two count. LeRae SuperKicks Stratton. LeRae goes for The Springboard MoonSault, but Stratton gets her knees up in the air. Stratton connects with The PME to pickup the victory.

Winner: Tiffany Stratton via Pinfall 

– Naomi runs into Bayley in the backstage area. They both agree that Tiffany Stratton would become even more annoying if she were to become Ms. Money In The Bank. Bayley says that Naomi will take care of business tonight. They can talk about her cashing in down the road. Blair Davenport joins the conversation. Blair says that it’s cute that Bayley and Naomi are talking about fictional theories. According to Davenport, Naomi will not win tonight, and Bayley should hold her title tightly because her days as champion are numbered.

– Coming out of the commercial break, Michin wants Nick Aldis to give her a rematch with Nia Jax. The Street Profits and B-Fab joins the conversation. They are here to get their hands on The Bloodline tonight. Nick says that’s not going to happen, there’s been enough chaos, and they could potentially push it to next week. Pretty Deadly made their pitch for Pretty Deadly: The Musical. Montez Ford says that they’re wasting everybody’s time making artificial sound noise from the Thunderdome Era and proceeds to challenge Pretty Deadly to a match.

– Paul Heyman tells Solo Sikoa that Cody Rhodes, Randy Orton and Kevin Owens have all been removed from MSG by The NYPD. Heyman still wants to serve as The Wiseman. What are they going to do tonight? And where is Jacob Fatu? Solo knows where Heyman is coming from. Jacob Fatu is not here, he’s too dangerous. Solo says that he’s going to make Heyman his wiseman tonight.

Logan Paul Promo 

Madison Square Garden. The Mecca of sports and entertainment. Where heroes are made, and legends are born. And tonight, Logan Paul gets to perform in this historic arena. And to truly understand what it takes to be a legend, I brought an individual who will understand what it actually means to win at Madison Square Garden. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Indiana Pacers Superstar, Tyrese Haliburton.

Second Match: LA Knight vs. Logan Paul vs. Santos Escobar In The Men’s Money In The Bank Qualifying Match 

Knight with rapid fire haymakers. Knight decks Escobar with a back elbow smash. Knight clotheslines Escobar. Knight with clubbing shoulder blocks. Knight with a running clothesline. Paul kicks Knight in the gut. Knight continues to tee off on Paul. Escobar with a double leg takedown. Escobar and Paul are putting the boots to Knight. Escobar with a straight right hand. Paul uppercuts Knight. Escobar with a Running Hurricanrana. Paul rocks Escobar with a forearm smash. Paul launches Escobar over the top rope. Paul with The GutWrench Suplex for a two count. Knight with heavy bodyshots. Paul drives his knee into the midsection of Knight. Paul whips Knight across the ring. Knight ducks under two clotheslines from Paul. Knight with a Wrecking Ball Dropkick to Escobar. Knight with two shoulder tackles. Knight repeatedly stomps on Paul’s chest. Knight transitions into a ground and pound attack. Knight whips Paul across the ring. Paul kicks Knight in the chest. Paul with The Reverse PowerBomb. Paul with The Slingshot Pescado. Escobar lands The Suicide Dive.

Escobar poses for the crowd. Knight regains control of the match during the commercial break. Knight dribbles Paul’s head on the announce table. Escobar attacks Knight from behind. Escobar rolls Knight back into the ring. Knight with a back elbow smash. Knight puts Escobar on his shoulders. Escobar hammers down on the back of Knight’s neck. Escobar with The Top Rope Hurricanrana for a two count. Paul with The Reverse PowerBomb into Knight for a two count. Paul hooks both legs of Escobar for a two count. Paul is displaying his frustration. Haymaker/Uppercut Exchange. Knight unloads a flurry of left jabs. Paul reverses out of the irish whip from Knight. Knight ducks a clothesline from Paul. Knight with a Side Russian Leg Sweep. Knight drops Escobar with The DDT. Paul with The Standing Frog Splash for a two count.

Knight responds with a Belly to Back Slam. Escobar with a Pump Knee Strike. Knight denies The Phantom Driver. Knight with The Pop Up Powerslam. Knight delivers The Megastar Elbow. Knight repeatedly stomps on Paul’s chest. Knight with a Running Knee Strike. Escobar answers with a Corner Meteora. Escobar hits The Phantom Driver for a two count. Paul punches Escobar. Chop Exchange. Paul rocks Escobar with a forearm smash. Escobar with a Step Up Enzuigiri. Escobar kicks Knight in the face. Knight with The Avalanche Belly to Back Suplex. Paul lands The Swanton Bomb for a two count. Tyrese Haliburton puts on the brass knuckles. Jalen Brunson from the New York Knicks stops Haliburton in his tracks. That leads us to a huge standoff on the outside. Escobar with The Shotgun Meteora. Knight side steps Escobar into the turnbuckles. Knight connects with The BFT. Paul goes for The O’Connor Roll, but Knight rolls him over with a handful of tights to pickup the victory. After the match, Knight is left in the ring alone with Paul and Haliburton. Brunson slides into the ring with a steel chair. Paul and Haliburton decided that discretion is the better part of valor and exit the ring.

Winner: LA Knight via Pinfall 

– Baron Corbin and Apollo Crews were elated that Santos Escobar lost his MITB Qualifier. Apollo jokingly reminds Corbin about his previous experience with MITB. Carmelo Hayes joins the conversation. Hayes is still on the cloud nine after beating Randy Orton last week. Corbin compares Hayes to Carmelo Anthony who used to play for the New York Knicks. Hayes says that he’s a Melo that actually won a championship. Melo plans on making a Melo In The Bank T-Shirt after he captures the briefcase next Saturday. Apollo says that it’s good to be confident, but Melo is absolutely naive, and way in over his head. Everybody should be putting their money on Melo, and you can take that to the bank. Corbin is a betting man, and Melo has absolutely no shot of winning this match.

– Corey Graves & Wade Barrett pays homage to WWE Hall Of Famer Sika of The Wild Samoans who unfortunately passed away this week at the age of 79.

Andrade El Idolo Promo 

Money In The Bank. This is not just any match. It’s where careers are made and dreams are destroyed. For most, it’s a chance for glory. For me, it’s a destiny. Because I don’t fight to win, I fight to destroy. Remember, Andrade is here to take over. And trust me, I am not just taking the briefcase, I am taking everything.

Third Match: Blair Davenport vs. Naomi vs. Indi Hartwell In The Women’s Money In The Bank Qualifying Match 

Naomi starts things off with a double dropkick. Naomi pops back on her feet. Naomi with clubbing blows to Davenport’s back. Naomi kicks Hartwell in the ribs. Hartwell drives her knee into the midsection of Naomi. Double Irish Whip. Naomi with a Double Mule Kick. Davenport and Hartwell send Naomi crashing into the canvas. Davenport rolls Hartwell over for a one count. Double Irish Whip. Naomi kicks Davenport in the face. Hartwell uses Naomi as a weapon. Hartwell PowerBombs Naomi for a two count. Hartwell brings Naomi to the outside. Assisted Double Foot Stomp on the floor. Davenport launches Hartwell over the steel ring steps. Davenport with a Running Double Foot Stomp off the ring stairs. Davenport has complete control of the match during the commercial break. Hartwell applies The Sleeper Hold. Davenport decks Hartwell with a JawBreaker. Naomi kicks Davenport in the chest. Naomi with a Running NeckBreaker/DDT Combination.

Naomi with a Flying Crossbody Block. Naomi follows that with a diving clothesline. Naomi delivers The Disaster Kick. Naomi with The Splitting Leg Drop for a two count. Naomi plays to the crowd. Naomi with three running forearm smashes. Naomi side steps Hartwell into Davenport. Naomi with a flying forearm smash. Hartwell with Two SpineBusters for a two count. Hartwell applies the full nelson lock. Naomi with a Running Bulldog into Davenport. Naomi connects with The Split Legged MoonSault. Davenport SuperKicks Naomi. Davenport with The Falcon Arrow for a two count. Forearm Exchange. Davenport with another SuperKick. Hartwell drops Davenport with The Big Boot. Naomi kicks Hartwell in the chest. Naomi nails Hartwell with The Heat Seeker. Naomi with a Rebound Enzuigiri. Naomi goes for The Split Legged MoonSault, but Davenport ducks out of the way. Davenport prepares for The Kamigoye. Hartwell pulls Davenport out of the ring. Hartwell swings Davenport into the steel ring steps. Hartwell throws Naomi into the ringside barricade. Jade Cargill attacks Hartwell on the outside. Naomi with The Roundhouse Kick. Naomi plants Hartwell with The Full Nelson Bomb to pickup the victory.

Winner: Naomi via Pinfall 

– Next week on SmackDown, Bianca BelAir & Jade Cargill battles Candice LeRae & Indi Hartwell. The Street Profits will collide with Pretty Deadly. Plus, A-Town Down Under will put their WWE Tag Team Titles on the line against DIY.

– DIY got into a brawl backstage with A-Town Down Under.

The Bloodline Acknowledgement Ceremony 

Paul Heyman: Ladies and gentlemen, my name is Paul Heyman. Tonight, from the world’s most famous arena.

– Solo Sikoa extends his handout for the microphone just like Roman Reigns.

Solo Sikoa: Before we get to that, Paul. Let me introduce to you the newest member of The Bloodline, The Samoan Werewolf, My Enforcer, Jacob Fatu. Madison Square Garden. Acknowledge Me. My right-hand man, Tama Tonga, step up. Acknowledge Me.

Tama Tonga: Solo, I acknowledge you.

Solo Sikoa: “Infamous” Tanga Loa, step up. Acknowledge Me.

Tanga Loa: Solo, all love, always. I acknowledge you.

Solo Sikoa: My enforcer, Jacob Fatu, step up. Acknowledge Me.

Jacob Fatu: Solo, I love you. I acknowledge you.

Solo Sikoa: Alright, Paul, this is your one chance to live. Paul, acknowledge me. Wiseman, look at me while I’m talking to you. Acknowledge Me as your tribal chief.

Paul Heyman: Solo, I love you. And I acknowledge that you are not my Tribal Chief.

Solo nails Heyman with The Samoan Spike. Fatu lands The Flying Splash. The Bloodline drags Heyman out of the ring. The Bloodline delivers The Cerberus PowerBomb through the announce table. Jacob Fatu puts the Ula Fala over Solo’s head. The Bloodline stands tall over Heyman as the show goes off the air.

Checkout Episode 419 of The Hoots Podcast

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